Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 213: 213

After seeing the crowd dispersed, Han Bin couldn't help asking, "Dai Ju, what's your name?"

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Dai Minghan's answer is not what he asked: "have people been arrested?"

"Got it back."

"The poisoned beef has been seized?"

"It's all sealed up." Han Bin responded.

"Good! You did a good job

Dai Minghan showed a satisfied look: "within six hours, a major food poisoning case was cracked. You Zheng team really saw the right person."

"That's what I should do." Han Bin said.

Dai Minghan nodded and continued: "this case has been reported to the Municipal Bureau, which has aroused great concern from the leaders of the Municipal Bureau. Deputy director Feng Baoguo and Chen Bureau (Chen Dongliang) have rushed to the hospital to express their sympathy to the victims of poisoning."

"Team Zheng said that the number of poisoned people has increased to 32?" Han Bin asked.

"Yes, fortunately, you caught the suspect selling poisonous beef in time. Otherwise, in order to prevent more poisonous beef from entering the market, the government may take emergency measures, which will make a big fuss and even alarm the Municipal Committee. You are showing your face this time." Dai Minghan said with a smile.

Han Bin scratched his head. When he handled the case, he didn't think so much. He was just worried about more common people poisoning and wanted to seal up the source of poisoned beef as soon as possible.

"Come on, go to my office and tell me what's going on." Dai Minghan patted Han Bin on the shoulder.

The superior department is very concerned about this case. If the leader calls and asks, Dai Minghan can't figure it out himself, then he will have a lot of fun.

Han Bin will be the story, the original narrative again.

Dai Minghan listened carefully and concluded: "yes, you are decisive, clear-minded and dare to take responsibility. You are a man who can handle affairs."

"Dai Ju, Qian Jinfeng of beixizhang village is suspected of selling poisonous beef. Should he be arrested immediately?" Han Bin asked.

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Dai Minghan was silent for a while, then he said: "beixizhang village is not under the jurisdiction of our branch. According to Qian Guangyue's confession, Qian Jinfeng's cow was poisoned. He should also report to the local police station. These two cases overlap. I'll contact the local police station first to let them control the people."

"Gulu..." Han Bin's stomach rang.

Dai Minghan also heard it and said with a smile, "haven't you eaten yet?"

Han Bin some embarrassed, said: "this case is more urgent, did not attend to at noon."

"Go ahead and get something to eat. I'll call you if I have something to do." Dai Minghan said.


Criminal investigation team 3, group 2 office.

As soon as Han Bin came to the door, he smelled a smell of instant noodles.

It's delicious.

Han Bin walks into the office and finds Tian Li, Zhao Ming and sun Xiaopeng sitting there eating instant noodles.

Han Bin couldn't help swallowing: "fragrant enough, do you have mine?"

"Bingo, we thought Dai Ju had invited you to a big dinner." Zhao Ming said with a smile.

"Even if Dai Ju invites us to have a big meal, it's also inviting our whole group. You are willing to eat instant noodles." Han Bin snorted and picked a chicken stewed mushroom flavored instant noodles from the table.

"Hey hey, brother bin, you're really wrong. Now for me, no big meal is more practical than instant noodles." Zhao Ming squeezed his eyes.

"Would you like a braised beef?" Tian Li joked.

"I'm afraid of the smell of braised beef. Just like Master Kang's beef, I don't take any poison when I eat ten bags." Zhao Ming snorted.

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"Ha ha..." The crowd began to laugh.


After eating instant noodles, he began to be busy again.

Although the case has been found out, the files, procedures, documents, transcripts, seals, and test reports can't be less. They are busy until more than 7 p.m.

When I got home, it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

After washing, Han Bin opened a bottle of beer, a dish of Haimi, a dish of peanuts, a dish of dried fish, and a cucumber. He lay on the sofa, drinking wine, watching TV, and relaxing.

Today is a busy day, and Han Bin is also under great pressure. First of all, it's the first time that he has handled the case independently as the leader of the second group. Second, as Dai Minghan said, this case is related to the safety of too many people. One minute later, there may be one more victim.

Han Bin must solve the case as soon as possible, faster and fastest.

While watching TV, Han Bin sent several wechat messages to tan Jingya. However, they had a lukewarm conversation. After saying a few words, they said good night to each other, and there was no spark.

Life, where there is so much sailing Feng Shui.

If you want to meet someone who likes each other, is suitable in all aspects, and can meet at the right time, the probability is very low

Of course, it's also related to a person's vision and mate selection conditions.

Taking Han Bin's family background, appearance and work as an example, if you go on a blind date with a woman of average appearance, figure and temperament, the other party will definitely go after Han Bin.

Han Bin is also a person who would rather lack than abuse. He can't find someone worse than his ex girlfriend. Why do you break up? Slap yourself in the face?Han Bin feels good about Tan Jingya, but he can't figure out what the other side thinks. The other side never takes the initiative and doesn't refuse.

Let's talk first. We can't change it if we can't.

When Han Bin went to college, his friends in the next dormitory had a saying: "it's infatuation to be used as a spare tire by one woman; it's stupid to be used as a spare tire by two women; it's stupid to be used as a spare tire by ten women; they're your spare tire."

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Of course, just listen to this sentence. It can't be taken seriously.

Falling in love needs energy and feelings need to be maintained. Unless you don't take work as one thing and hang around all day, who else has the energy and mind to be a spare wheel for others.

Han Bin doesn't have this hobby.

I don't like to wear hats.

In his opinion, if you like a woman, you should catch up with her. If you can't catch up with her, you should let go. There's no need to be bored.

There will be better ones ahead.


The next morning.

The weather turned cold, and the canteen was a little shady and empty, so I simply took a meal and went to the office to eat.

Han Bin asked for a pancake and a leek box. When he returned to the office, he scalded a bag of milk and made a cup of coffee.

Li Hui ordered a rougamo, a fried dough stick, a tea egg and a bowl of soybean milk.

Seeing that Han Bin is both milk and coffee, Li Hui curled his lips: "you are too particular about it."

Han Bin said with a smile: "life always needs a sense of ceremony."

"I know that I can eat enough of these empty things." Li Hui snorted.

Tian Li smiles and looks up and down at Li Hui.

Li Hui was a little hairy when she looked at him. He also looked down and felt good about himself

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Tian Li sighed: "I finally know why you don't have a girlfriend."

Li Hui "..."

"Huige, I tell you, men must understand romance, so that women will like it." Zhao Ming squeezed his eyes.

"You're a bachelor too. Fifty steps make a hundred." Li Hui rolled his eyes. He didn't know where he felt superior.

"I used to be in school, and that was also a man of the moment. I tell you, the girls who like me are all in a long line, a good-looking line, a good-looking line, a good-looking line, and a good-learning line. If you look around, that guy is a sea of people, loud gongs and drums, and quite spectacular." Zhao Ming raised his head at a 45 degree angle and looked up at the ceiling.

"Well, what are you doing? You're out of your mind." Zheng Kaixuan walks into the office and gives Zhao Ming a brain spoon.

"Ha ha..." The crowd burst into laughter.

Zhao Ming made a big red face and scratched his head with embarrassment.

"Come on, let me tell you something." Zheng Kaixuan said: "yesterday's case was very beautiful and highly praised by the leaders of the Municipal Bureau, Chen Bureau and Dai Bureau. Chen Bureau has already spoken. This month's star of the police force is our group."

"Really? Chen Ju praised us all! " Tian Li was surprised.

"Darling, this month's bonus is available." Li Hui said happily.

"What else did Chen Ju say? Did he mention me?" Zhao Ming is curious.

"Chen Bureau said that the honor belongs to everyone in our two groups. Let's make persistent efforts and handle every case well. He is optimistic about you and will continue to pay attention to you." Zheng Kaixuan said.

"Tut Tut, that sounds comfortable." Zhao Ming patted his chest.

Zheng Kaixuan glanced at all the people, his eyes fell on Han Bin, and said: "in addition, from today on, Han Bin officially became the acting group leader of the second group, fully responsible for the work arrangement of the second group, and everyone will support his work more in the future, so as to make our group's performance to a higher level."

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