Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 218: 218

Xizhang town under the jurisdiction of 18 villages, each village has a dedicated police.

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After Zhao Yusheng returned to the police station, he found the police in charge of beixizhang village and summoned the villagers who had been to Qian Jinfeng's home to the police station.

Li Hui, Tian Li, Zhao Ming and sun Xiaopeng were responsible for the recording.

Han Bin borrowed a computer to search the information of shoes on the Internet.

The shoe prints left by the suspect are special, not common. Han Bin wants to determine the style of the shoes through the shoe prints, and then investigate the sales channels of the shoes.

There are many kinds of shoes on the market. After checking for two hours, Han Bin still didn't find the same pattern. Li Hui, Tian Li and others also returned to the office one after another.

"How's the record going? Have you found a new thread? " Han Bin asked.

"Eight villagers were summoned by the police station, but only six of them were present. We have made a record for them, but we have not found any special clues." Li Hui shrugged his shoulders.

"Where are you?" Han Bin looks to Tian Li.

"No matching suspects were found." Tian Li Road.

Han Bin always thinks that he has neglected something, but he can't remember it for a while, just like a layer of window paper across.

"Gulu..." A sound, someone's stomach rang.

You look at me, I look at you, can't help laughing.

"Binzi, or we'll be here today. I'm really hungry and a little flustered." Li Hui suggested.

"Brother bin, I've been hungry for a long time, but I'm not the one with that noise just now." Zhao Ming is energetic but powerless.

Han Bin looked down at his watch: "it's time to get off work."

"Yeah, that's great. Let's go back to the city and have a big meal." Zhao Ming said excitedly.

"What would you like to eat?"

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"As long as it's meat, except beef." Zhao Ming said with a smile.

"It's just a meal without meat. As for it?" Tian Li turned her lips.

"Sister Tian, you said you were hungry just now. You don't have to change your face so quickly." Zhao Mingdao.

Although sun Xiaopeng didn't speak, he also looked forward to it.

Han Bin smile: "the emperor is not bad hungry soldiers, I will not let brothers hungry, I treat at night."

"Ha ha, that's what a team leader looks like." Li Hui squeezed his eyes.

After greeting director Zhao, Han Bin takes people back to Qindao city.

On the way back, I happened to pass a Hui village. There was a sheep pen on the side of the road. There were at least dozens of sheep in it. They were killed and sold now. They were very fresh.

Han Bin directly let people stop at the side of the road, shouting: "boss, half a sheep to sell?"


"I'll pick my own job." Han Bin said.


"How much is the mutton now?" Tian Li also got out of the car and looked into the sheep pen.


"So expensive?"

"Pork is more than 20 jin, mutton is more than 30 yuan?" Asked the boss.

Han Bin picked a lively sheep: "boss, come to this one."

"No problem. I'll kill you now. You can rest assured when you eat. Come back later." The boss opened the fence and went into the sheep pen to catch the sheep.

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"Brother bin, you are a good sheep, but how can we eat it at night?" Zhao Ming licked his lips.

"Roast it."

"Where to cook, is there a place? It can't be in the wild Li Hui asked.

"I'm looking for the land. I'm looking at the sheep slaughtering here. There's a supermarket in front of me. You can buy some vegetables, fungi and seafood and roast them in the evening." Han Bin said.

"Well, brother bin has spoken. What are we waiting for? Let's go, supermarket." When Zhao Ming waved his hand, he heard that he had roast mutton at night, and his whole body was full of energy.


Twenty minutes later, the sheep was taken care of and Li Hui, Zhao Ming and others returned from the supermarket.

Connect with Han Bin, put the mutton into the trunk and continue to return.

This time, Han Bin was driving. When he passed by Beiying village, he drove directly to his home.

This is where the barbecue is tonight.

Passing by his home and not coming back to see his grandfather, Han Bin always feels uncomfortable. He happens to bring his colleagues to recognize the door and get a barbecue in the yard. It's killing two birds with one stone.

Hanbin has already called his grandfather in advance, but the old man is still very happy to see Hanbin coming back. He welcomes him when he hears the news.

"Hello, Grandpa Han."

Knowing that this is Hanbin's hometown, everyone was surprised and said hello to him.

"Well, go in and sit at home." Han tingqian said warmly.

Entering the door, Li Hui and others looked at the environment in the yard, and they all showed admiration.

"Ah, binzi, your three story building is magnificent enough." Li Hui praised it."I really like this courtyard. Tut Tut, it's much more comfortable than living in a building." Zhao Ming went to the grape trellis, tut tut said strange way.

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"Your family is a demolition household. It's a great idea to buy a villa in the city." Li huidao.

"Huige, if this house is in the city, it will cost at least 10 million yuan. You can't afford to sell me." Zhao Ming shows a wry smile. He is a relocated household in Qindao, not from Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

Although the family is rich, they are not rich enough to live in villas.


A tiger spotted civet cat jumps down from the wall and barks at Han Bin.

"Well, there's a cat over there. It's so cute." Tian Li points to the corner.

"Sister Tian, I didn't expect that you also like cats." Zhao Ming's eyes widened, as if he saw something incredible.

"You are looking for a fight." Tian Li waved her fist.

Sun Xiaopeng didn't speak much and didn't have a strong sense of existence, but he was a good worker. He lived up to his good physique and moved all the ingredients into the yard by himself.

Han Bin slapped: "everyone wash their hands, and then prepare food for barbecue."

Five people work together to move the oven, burn charcoal, wash vegetables, wear string, barbecue, busy in full swing.

Han tingqian was drinking tea and looking at it with a smile. He was usually alone. It's rare for him to be lively today.

"Binzi, do you want to wear this mutton?" Li Hui asked.

"Huige, can you stop being petty? This lamb is roasted whole and tastes delicious. It's scorched outside and tender inside, with a golden skin. It's delicious." Zhao Ming said with a look of longing.

"OK, you're so good. You bake it."

"I'll bake it. I dare not say anything else. I'm very experienced in eating it."

"Binzi, can I have a drink in the evening?"

"You can drink it, but you must drink it in moderation. It can't affect your work tomorrow." Han Bin exhorted.

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Barbecue party is very lively, from time to time came bursts of laughter, half a sheep directly grilled on the stove, let alone people, cats are greedy saliva.

The dinner lasted for more than two hours. Half of the roast sheep was eaten clean. The people helped to clean it up again. It was more than nine o'clock in the evening when they left.

Sun Xiaopeng didn't touch a drop of wine, so he drove back to the city.

Han Bin is to stay, here is his home, there is no need to return to the city.

Han Bin makes a pot of tea, cuts a fruit plate, and goes to bed after watching TV and chatting with his grandfather

The next morning.

Sun Xiaopeng and others drive to pick up Han Bin in Beiying village and go directly to Xizhang town police station.

However, on the way to the police station, Han Bin receives a call from Zhao Yusheng.

"Hello, is that group leader Han?" Zhao Yusheng's voice came from the mobile phone.

"I'm Han Bin. What can director Zhao do for me?" Han Bin frowned slightly, and the voice in his mobile phone was a little coquettish and noisy.

"No, the police station is surrounded by villagers." Zhao Yu said angrily.

"What's the matter?"

"This morning, Tian cui'e went to the police station and asked us to let Qian Jinfeng go. Naturally, we didn't agree. After all, we persuaded her to leave. In a few minutes, she brought dozens of villagers to the police station and blocked up in the yard of the police station. Listen and start shouting again." Zhao Yusheng said helplessly.

"Release people, release people..."

Han Bin frowned. Even through his mobile phone, he could hear the shouting

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