Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 223: 223

"Chief, we got the video." Cried sun Xiaopeng.

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Han Bin went over and sat in the co pilot's seat to check, while Li Hui sat in the back row to check.

This is a video of parking. It's already dark at seven o'clock in the evening. Modern cars should have turned on their lights. The line of sight in front of them is clear. There are two black cars in front of the parking space.

One is a black Volkswagen, and the other is a black Mercedes Benz. Hyundai is parked on the right side of the Mercedes Benz.

"Stop." Han Bin shouts. Sun Xiaopeng pauses the video and just captures the license plate number of the Mercedes Benz.

"Remember the license plate number and check the owner's identity."

"Yes." Sun Xiaopeng answered and wrote it down in his notebook.

"Officer, I can go now." Zhou Yaxing asked.

"Give my colleague a copy of the memory card of the dash cam, and then make a note to go." Han Bin said.

"Thank you." Zhou Yaxing was relieved.

"We should thank you." Han Bin said with a smile.

Hear Han Bin's words, Zhou Yaxing also laughed, in the heart thoroughly steadfast down.

For an ordinary people, many people have never been to the police station, let alone dealing with the criminal police. They are involved in the murder case. They must be worried. Han Bin's friendly attitude gives him a lot of comfort.

After getting out of the car, Han Bin arranges sun Xiaopeng to return to the police station to investigate the information of the Mercedes Benz owner. He and Li Hui stay and continue to visit.

After a while, Wu Xia sent a photo of the dead. Han Bin and Li Hui took the photo and asked the people around them.

There are still a lot of onlookers around. Li Hui asked with his mobile phone:

"ladies and gentlemen, who has seen the man in this picture?"

"Is this the man who died? I'm not old enough Said an old lady.

"The man's clothes are dirty. He can't be a beggar."

"There are all kinds of things these days. Even beggars are killed. After that, I dare not walk at night."

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"It's all fate. It's time. It's no use hiding at home." A few onlookers commented.

"Brothers and sisters, this person may have begged in the subway station before. Do you know him? He often carries a white porcelain jar that has lost its paint Han Bin shouts.

"Well, this officer, I'd like to have an impression. I met this man at the subway entrance." A woman in her thirties said.

"When?" Han Bin asked.

"It's been two or three days, kneeling at the entrance of the subway with a white porcelain jar. His leg seems to have something wrong. I think he gave him a yuan." Said the woman.

"I think I've seen him for about half a month. I've also seen him at the subway entrance. I gave him ten yuan when I had no change." Said a young woman in her early twenties.

Two people in a row said they had seen the dead near the subway entrance, which also proved Han Bin's conjecture.

Han Bin calls Li Hui and goes directly to the anpingli subway. There are many vendors near the subway entrance, including fruit vendors, snacks vendors and jewelry vendors

There is a large flow of people here, and there are dozens of vendors inside and outside.

Han Bin asked with the photos of the dead, and found that most of the vendors here knew the dead, even for several years, so they could be sure that the dead was a professional beggar.


Back at the police station, it's noon.

Han Bin and others went to the canteen to have a meal. While eating in the office, they gathered the facts of the case.

Han Bin took a sip of tea and moistened his throat: "let me first tell you about the visit between Li Hui and me. The deceased is indeed a beggar, and should be a professional beggar. He often disguises himself as having trouble with his legs to win sympathy."

"I can't believe he's really a beggar now. He can run like a horse." Li Hui sighed, and then thought about his QQ car, which can only be regarded as a means of transportation.

Han Bin pointed to sun Xiaopeng: "did you find the owner's identity?"

"I got it." Sun Xiaopeng got up and put a document under the projector.

Car owner: Fan Zhenye

age: 33 years old

Nationality: Han

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gender: male

native place: Xiaping village, Qindao

mobile number: 1332246xxxx

"I called the mobile number of the deceased and it has been turned off." Sun Xiaopeng shrugged his shoulders.

"Find a way to contact the family of the deceased." Han Bin said.

"Yes." Sun Xiaopeng responded.

Han Bin took two mouthfuls of rice and continued to ask, "Tian Li, how is your investigation over there?"

"We have taken the monitoring around the scene. There is no monitoring in Jing'an Hutong, but there is monitoring on the auxiliary road. We can find the figure of the dead through monitoring." Tian Li takes out her tablet and connects it to the projector"At about 9 o'clock last night, the dead passed through the community and entered the auxiliary road, then entered the Hutong, and then did not appear again."

"In other words, the dead may have died around 9 o'clock, and the suspect may have left the scene at more than 9 o'clock. Is there any trace of the suspect found?" Han Bin asked.

"We've just got the monitoring. We've been watching it for less than an hour. We just checked the monitoring of the auxiliary road near the subway. There are still several forks in Jing'an Hutong. We haven't had time to check more monitoring." Tian Li shrugged her shoulders.

Han Bin nodded: "any other discoveries?"

Lily Tien moved as like as two peas. He said, "at six fifty this morning, a black Mercedes Benz was leaving Jingan Hutong, and the license plate number was exactly the same as the dead."

"Did you find out where the car was?" Han Bin asked.

"After driving on the auxiliary road, we lost track. If we want to find the track of the car, we have to go to the traffic police monitoring center to track it." Tian Li Road.

"Then you have a hard time. Go to the traffic police monitoring center this afternoon."

"I see."

"Creak..." At this moment, the door of the office opened. Zheng Kaixuan came in and said with a smile, "Yo, we all have dinner."

"Team Zheng." They said.

"Keep eating. Don't get up." Zheng Kaixuan waved his hand, pulled a chair and sat down: "how's the progress of the check?"

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"We've identified the dead." Han Bin said.

"Inform the family of the deceased to identify the body as soon as possible."


"The police station has contacted the person who called the police, and has informed him to take notes this afternoon." Zheng Kaixuan said.

"I'll arrange it." Han Bin responded.

"The leaders of the sub Bureau attach great importance to this case. We have been working hard these two days to win this case as soon as possible. The impact of street murders is so bad that it will not only cause the panic of the public, but also challenge our sub Bureau." Zheng Kaixuan's face is heavy.

"Team Zheng can rest assured that we will try our best to investigate the case." Han Bin promised.


"Dong Dong..." At about two o'clock in the afternoon, there was a knock outside the office.

At this time, Han Bin is checking the video surveillance on the computer and says, "come in."

"Creak..." A glottis rang. A man in his twenties, wearing glasses, stood at the door and asked, "excuse me, is this group 2 of the third criminal investigation team?"

"Yes." Han Bin looked at each other and asked, "who are you?"

"My name is Huang Wei. I found a dead body in Jing'an Lane this morning. I'm the reporter."

"Come in, please." Han Bin got up and led the other side to sit across the table.

Li Hui also stopped watching the surveillance video, came over and turned on the law enforcement recorder.

"We'll make a note for you." Han Bin said.

"Good." Huang Wei nodded, wringing his hands together, looking a little nervous.

Han Bin asked a routine, led to the main topic: "this morning after the report, where did you go?"

"I was a little scared at that time, so I didn't dare to stay at the scene." Huang Wei said.

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"What was the state of the deceased when you saw him?"

Huang Wei took a deep breath: "he is lying there. I see so much blood around him. I think he may have died."

"Have you ever been near him?" Han Bin asked.

Huang Wei hesitated for a moment and recalled, "No."

"What's your industry?"


"Didn't you go to work today?" Han Bin asked.

"I'm scared. I can't concentrate at all. My mind is full of It's really my first time to see... " Huang Wei took off his glasses and rubbed his face.

"Don't be nervous. I understand. You'll forget after a while." Han Bin comforted.

Huang Wei put on his glasses and nodded.

"When did you leave the scene?"

Huang Wei thought for a moment: "I can't remember clearly."

"You always know the exact time when you call the police."

"Eight forty."

"How long did you stay at the scene?" Han Bin asked.

"Even if I dare to stay, I will leave. I'm too afraid to stay there."

"There are three cars parked more than ten meters away from the corpse. Have you noticed?" Han Bin tried.

Huang Wei Lue hesitated and shook his head: "a little impression."

Han Bin observed the right expression and asked, "one of them is a Mercedes Benz. Do you see it?"

"I didn't look at it carefully. I was so scared at that time."

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