Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 227: 227

At 8 p.m., there was no new progress in the case, so Han Bin let everyone go home from work.

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Wang Huifang left a meal for him.

Fried octopus, stewed mutton, lettuce, rice is the staple food.

saw the food was good. Han Bin poured 32 Baijiu, while he was eating vegetables and drinking wine.

Han Bin's liquor consumption, 32 Baijiu just good, no impact on the body, and somewhat drunk, and can sleep well at night.

Han Weidong also has some eye candy, and also has poured 32 baijiu. The name of the United States is afraid of his son's loneliness. He must eat with his son.

At present, eight claw fish is a hard dish with wine and vegetables and mutton stew, while lettuce is clean. I have to say that since Wang Huifang retired, the food of the family has improved significantly.

In the past, Wang Huifang was too lazy to make trouble after a busy day at work. How to make a simple meal? That's the same old way. Now it's OK to retire. Her husband and son like to eat again, so they do it in different ways.

"Son, is your group responsible for the murder in Jing'an Hutong?" Han Weidong asked.

"How do you know?"

"Old Wei of anpingli police station told me that this old boy looks familiar at you." Han Weidong laughs.

"Dad, I want to have a large-scale touch row near the intersection of Jing'an South Road and Jianming street. Do you think Director Wei is willing to help us?" Han Bin asked.

"How big is the scope and how many people do you want?" Han Weidong asked.

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Han Bin thought for a moment: "dozens of buildings, at least need more than ten people to check."

"You have been in the police station, you should also know that the police station is not idle, but considering the seriousness of the case, there are still some crowded people, but what you say is too small, it's better to find your deputy director to coordinate, I think Lao Wei should help, after all, this murder happened in his jurisdiction." Han Weidong analysis.

"All right, then I have the bottom of my mind." Han Bin picked up the cup and touched it with his father.

"When we've all gone home, let's not talk about the case Wang Huifang snorted.

"Leader, let's talk about what you want." Han Weidong laughs.

"I don't want to talk to you." Wang Huifang murmured and asked Han Bin, "son, how are you talking with Miss Tan?"

"I've been busy recently. I haven't contacted you very much." Han Bin thought for a while and thought it was better to tell the truth.

"Why, not to your liking?"

"That's not true. I feel good about her. It's just that the conversation is not warm. If you ask her and she answers, she doesn't take the initiative to talk at all." Han Bin took a bite of octopus and chewed it.

"Is it because other girls are shy? I'm sorry." Han Weidong said.

"Dad, this is what age, now if girls like will show, not as implicit as you think."

"What do you think she means?" Wang Huifang frowned.

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"I don't know."

Han Bin shrugged his shoulders and analyzed: "however, in my guess, he should not hate me, nor how much he likes me."

"Son, that means that you still have the opportunity, more contact, more understanding, there will always be feelings." Wang Huifang encouraged.

"If I'm not busy every day, I can still spend some time chasing her, but I'm so busy that I don't have time and mind to go around her every day. I feel a little tired getting along with her." Han Bin said.

"In my opinion, if you can't, it's easy to get together. Anyway, I haven't seen you twice. It's very important for the police to find a good wife. She doesn't understand you, doesn't support you in your work, you can't handle the case in a down-to-earth way, and it's not a good life." Han Weidong said.

"It's up to you." Wang Huifang said.

"I'm just talking about my experience." Han Weidong smiles, chews a bone of sheep and drinks a sip of wine happily

"Dad, touch one." Han Bin holds up his glass. He thinks his father's words are reasonable.


The next day.

The two groups came earlier than usual.

Zhao Ming and sun Xiaopeng haven't had breakfast yet. They have breakfast and have a meeting at the same time.

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Han Bin doesn't mind. He makes two small bags of coffee. He always feels that one bag of coffee is not enough to drink. Although the refreshing effect is not great, drinking something sweet can make his brain excited.

As for whether it's an illusion, Han Bin doesn't want to go into it.

Han Bin took a sip of coffee and said, "let's talk about the progress of the investigation and summarize the clues."

"I went to the traffic police monitoring center yesterday. The Mercedes Benz left the city and lost its trace near the southern suburbs. It will take more time to find the location of the Mercedes Benz." Tian Li said helplessly.

"Zhao Ming, where are you?"

Zhao Ming swallowed the bread in his mouth and drank the milk. Then he said, "after I got the procedure for the Mercedes Benz, I contacted the manufacturer of the Mercedes Benz. Only this morning did they reply. The GPS of the Mercedes Benz has failed. I can't lock the location of the Mercedes Benz. It's very likely that it has been demolished.""It seems that the man who stole the car still has a way." Han Bin frowned.

"Is it really for robbing cars and killing people?" Zhao Ming asked.

"It's not very likely. If it's really for the purpose of robbing a car, the person died the night before yesterday, but the car only drove away yesterday morning. This is not in line with the law of cooperation cases. I still think homicide is the main thing, and car theft should be the second." Han Bin analysis.

"I checked all the monitoring of Jing'an Nanli and Jianming street during the time of the crime, and found no suspicious people. The other two streets have not been checked yet." Li Hui shrugged his shoulders.

Han Bin nodded, is ready to say about yesterday's check communication records, but outside there was a knock.

"Dong Dong."

"Come in."

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"Creak..." As soon as the door rang, Reuven came in with a document.

"Glasses, how did you know we were having a meeting here?" Li Hui said with a smile.

Lu Wen pinched his fingers and said with a smile, "it's calculated."

"Then, who is the suspect who killed fan Zhenye?" Li Hui squeezed his eyes.

Lu Wen pinched his finger and muttered for a while. He said solemnly, "according to my calculation, the suspect who killed fan Zhenye is likely to be Huang."

Han Bin immediately understood each other's meaning, guessed: "the dander in the nail seam of the deceased and Huang Wei's DNA comparison succeeded?"

Lu Wen pulled a chair to sit down, handed the document to Han Bin: "half."

"What do you mean?" Zhao Ming did not understand.

"Dander's DNA and Huang Wei's DNA are not exactly identical, but their Y chromosome typing is exactly the same." Lu Wen said.

"What does that mean?" Sun Xiaopeng scratched his head.

"The inheritance of Y chromosome follows the rule of paternal inheritance. If two people have the same Y chromosome type, it means that two people come from the same paternal family." Lu Wen explained.

"It seems that Huang Wei didn't tell us the truth yesterday." Han Bin hummed.

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