Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 241: 241

Interrogation room.

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Han Bin and Zhao Ming are in charge of the interrogation, and Prince Jia sits on the interrogation chair with her head down.

"Look up." Han Bin said.

Wang Zijia slowly raised his head, looked at Han Bin, and then looked at Zhao Ming: "two police officers, when can you let me out?"

"What's the hurry? I'm in charge of food. I'll stay steady when I come in." Zhao Ming snorted.

"Tomorrow and Monday, I have to go to work. Besides, I have hands and feet, and I don't want to take advantage of the country."

"Oh, you're quite conscious." Zhao Ming said with a smile.

"Ah, I know you look down on me, but star orientation is natural. I was born with this gene. I also want to like women, such as marrying a wife, having a family, having a child, and living in a beautiful family, but I like men..." Wang Zijia's voice choked.

"We understand. We don't mean to look down on you." Han Bin is right.

"No, you don't understand. Take fan Zhenye for example, he also likes men, but he still has a wife. He has tried to change, trying to make himself like women, but No, he can't do it, it will only make two people more painful, and the contradiction between their husband and wife is getting deeper and deeper. " Wang Zijia is sincere and sincere.

"Do you want to tell me that Cai Xiuyan is the one who killed fan Zhenye?" Han Bin asked.

"I don't know. I'm just talking about it." Wang Zijia lowered his head.

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"Prince Jia, have you ever been to the top of unit 1, building 37, Jing'an Hutong?" Han Bin asked.

Wang Zijia trembled and said in a low voice, "No

Han Bin got up, picked up some photos from the table, went to the interrogation chair, and put one of the photos in front of Prince Jia: "we found the murder weapon and blood clothes on the roof of unit 1 of building 37. After examination, the blood on them belonged to the deceased."

"What does that have to do with me?" Wang Zijia turned his head aside.

"We found your fingerprints."

"No way." Wang Zijia glanced at the photo and said firmly, "absolutely impossible."

"Prince Jia, we have found enough evidence to prove that you are the murderer of fan Zhenye." Han Bin said harshly.

"I didn't. this dagger and the blood coat have nothing to do with me." Wang Zijia explained.

"You know better than me how the dagger came from. As for this dress, we have checked your mobile phone. You have bought the same style of clothes and hats on a shopping website."

"So what? The sales volume of this kind of clothes is at least several hundred. I bought it with my own money. I'm willing to. It's also against the law." Wang Zijia snorted.

"Before taking notes, I specifically asked you if you had seen this dress. I remember very clearly that you didn't answer at that time. Why did you lie?" Han Bin asked.

Wang Zijia bit his lip: "maybe I remember wrong."

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"It's less than ten days since the purchase. Do you think the judge will believe you?" Han Bin said coldly.

Wang Zijia was silent.

Han Bin changed the topic: "where are you at 9 p.m. on October 27?"

Wang Zijia lowered his head and said, "I can't remember clearly."

"I guessed you would say that, but all the previous records were recorded. The first time you forged an alibi, the second time you said you were at home, but we sent the police to check. You were not at home at all on the night of October 27." Han Bin took out two more photos and put them in front of Wang Zijia:

"at 4 p.m. on October 27, you left home and drove to tan Gu community; then you changed into a woman's clothes, took a taxi to Jing'an Hutong, killed fan Zhenye at 9 p.m., returned to tan Gu community at 11 p.m., and drove home the next morning."

Wang Zijia's face became more and more ugly: "this is your guess, not the truth."

"This is a picture of you taking the elevator to get out of the garage; this is a picture of your car driving to Tangu community; your whereabouts have been fully understood by our police, and it's useless for you to argue any more." Han Bin said harshly.

Prince Jia glanced at Han Bin, then lowered his head, pondered for a long time: "I'm sorry, I lied, I was not at home that day, I drove to tan Gu community, but that's all. I haven't been to Jing'an Hutong."

"Never been?" Han Bin asked.

"Yes, never." Wang Zijia was determined.

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Han Bin smiles: "don't be too confident. Overconfidence is called conceit."

"I'm telling the truth. I haven't been there. How can I admit it?" Wang Zijia raised his head and looked at Han Bin.

"We were really at the scene and found your fingerprints." Han Bin is right.

Wang Zijia's mouth rose slightly.

"I didn't cheat you. I really found your fingerprints." Han Bin repeated.

"No way!" Wang Zijia is very clear in every word.

"The dagger is clean. After committing a crime, you should have wiped the fingerprints on the dagger, but it doesn't mean you haven't touched anything else." Han Bin said.Prince Jia swallowed: "what is it?"

"You hide the blood coat and dagger on the roof, lock the door with a padlock, and your fingerprints are left on the lock." Han Bin took out another photo and put it on the interrogation chair:

"this shows that you have not only been to Jing'an Hutong, but also locked the blood coat and dagger on the top of the building, and no one else can touch it except you."

Wang Zijia's forehead was covered with sweat and murmured, "I was wronged."

"How do you explain the fingerprint on the lock?"

"I don't know. I was wronged."

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"If you just found your fingerprints, you said you were wronged, maybe the police would believe it, but you lied a lot from the first time you took notes." Han Bin's face is dignified, and his tone is more and more severe:

"you forge an alibi, and your whereabouts match the murderer's on October 27; you have bought clothes for the crime, but you still say you haven't seen them; you keep saying that you haven't been to the scene, but your fingerprints are found in the place where the murder weapon is hidden; these evidences add up enough to convict you."

Wang Zijia slowly closed his eyes, and a tear fell down the corner of his eye.

"Be lenient if you confess, be strict if you resist." Han Bin warned.

Wang Zijia was silent for a moment, and slowly opened his eyes: "I am wronged."

"Even if you don't plead guilty and don't have a confession, as long as the evidence is sufficient, you will be sentenced to be guilty. Not only will you lose the chance of a lighter punishment, but you will also increase the sentence." Han Bin warned.

Prince Jia glanced at Han Bin and shrugged: "for me, there is only the difference between freedom and imprisonment. As for how long I stay, I don't care."

Zhao Ming came over and whispered: "brother bin, he likes men. When he goes to prison, you know..."

Han Bin frowned. It was like throwing a mouse into a rice bowl. Although he could not find food freely, he was still hungry.

If you put yourself in a women's prison, it doesn't seem so hard to accept

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