Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 259: 259

The trial lasted more than an hour.

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At eight o'clock in the evening, Han Bin two talent out of the interrogation room.

Li Hui curled his mouth: "the boy's mouth is quite hard."

"Go and see how Zhao Ming and Xiaopeng are doing. As long as they find out that he has been to the monitoring of the key matching shop and Lao Zhang's testimony, it's useless for Li hanxuan to be blunt." Han Bin said.

Two people back to the office, is checking monitoring Zhao Ming and sun Xiaopeng coincidentally raised his head.

"Bingo, how's the trial going?" Zhao Ming asked.

"That kid won't recruit. What's up with the surveillance?" Han Bin asked.

"After several days of monitoring, I don't know the exact time. It's not easy to check. I haven't found Li hanxuan yet." Zhao Ming stretched himself.

Han Bin looked at his watch, and it was already more than seven o'clock in the evening: "well, everyone has been busy all day. Let's stop here today."


When Han Bin got home, it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

As soon as I came in, I saw my parents sitting on the sofa in the living room eating melon seeds and watching TV, while the sound of cooking came from the kitchen.

Han Bin looked at the shoes at the door: "uncle is cooking."

"He's happy today. He has to show his hand." Wang Huifang said.

After washing, Han Bin returned to the living room: "what's the matter with uncle?"

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"Let him tell you for himself." Wang Huifang said.

Han Bin did not ask, vaguely guessed some.

After a while, Wang Qingsheng's voice came out from the restaurant: "dinner, dinner."

Han Bin and his wife walk into the dining room. There are plenty of dishes on the dining table. Wang Qingsheng comes out of the kitchen with an iron plate and puts the plate in the middle of the dining table: "today's main course is coming. Steamed lobster with minced garlic. Try my new dish."

"Oh, this lobster is not small. Uncle, are you rich?" Han Bin said with a smile.

"What is this? Today is Bolong. Later, my uncle made a lot of money and invited you to eat Aolong." Wang Qingsheng said with a smile.

Han Weidong wrinkled his nose: "Xiang, the lobster tastes good. I have to have a drink."

"That's right. I don't know how to do it." Wang Qingsheng patted his chest.

Four people sitting around the table, eating lobster and drinking wine, looking at all is a kind of enjoyment.

"Uncle, did you take that painting?" Han Bin guessed.

"It's not just a collection. I've sold it today." Wang Qingsheng said.

"No wonder."

"I sent you a red envelope, didn't you see it?" Wang Qingsheng asked.

"I'm busy today. I don't have time." Han Bin shrugged his shoulders.

"You've been very helpful to receive this painting this time. It's a little bit of my uncle's intention to send you a red envelope." Wang Qingsheng said.

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"Uncle, how much did you send me?" Han Bin said with a smile.

"You can't see it yourself?"

Han Bin took out his mobile phone, opened the direct payment insurance, and was stunned: "one zero, two zeros, three zeros, four zeros!"

"Uncle, how can you send me such a big red envelope?" Han Bin surprised way.

"Here you are. I've made a lot of money this time. It's not bad for you." Wang Qingsheng said boldly.

"I just went to see a painting and did nothing else. That's too much." Han Bin said.

"In the field of antiques, let alone a trip to see a painting." Wang Qingsheng put down the lobster shell and sighed:

"sometimes one more look and one more sentence can play a key role. If you didn't see the source of the two inscriptions, I might not have dared to accept the painting."

"If your uncle gives it to you, you can take it. If he has any business he can't see, you can help more. There's no need for the whole family to be so clear." Wang Huifang said.

Hear mother all say so, Han Bin also didn't affectate, took mobile phone, continue to eat lobster.

"Uncle, if you have several such lists every month, I will not be a policeman. I can follow you." Han Bin said with a smile.

"You want to be beautiful, not to mention a few orders a month. It's good to meet one or two reliable customers." Wang Qingsheng shakes his head. If there are so many reliable customers, he will not make a fortune.

Han Bin smiles, occasionally help uncle a small favor, earn some extra money, or very good.

After eating lobster and drinking a little wine, Han Bin has a good sleep.

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The next day up, energetic to the Yuhua Branch.

More than seven in the morning, two groups of people rushed to the canteen to eat, naturally sat on a table.

In addition to the members of group two, Zheng Kaixuan was also present.

Last night, in addition to the technical team, only Tian Li was at muxinran's home alone.

Zheng Kaixuan took a sip of eight treasures porridge and asked, "binzi, have you contacted Tian Li?"

"Contact, the suspect still did not call, there is no movement." Han Bin frowned."After dinner, you continue to investigate. I'll take the technical team to change shifts with Tian Li." Zheng Kaixuan said.

Han Bin nodded, thoughtfully said: "blackmail is the seventh call, today has been the tenth, but did not receive the news of blackmail, I always feel something wrong."

"Yes, I'm also thinking about it. Generally speaking, extortion cases won't last long, and extortioners won't be so patient." Zheng Kaixuan said subconsciously.

"Will the suspect already know about the police, so there is no next step." Zhao Ming guessed.

"There is a possibility." Han Bin said.

"If I say it's not possible, it's probably that we have made a record for Li hanxuan, and now we have him arrested. Can his accomplices know?" Li Hui snorted.

"Come on, don't guess. After dinner, hurry to investigate." Zheng Kaixuan said.


After dinner, Zheng Kaixuan went to Mu Xinran's home.

Hanbin four people is to stay in the office to check monitoring, want to let Li hanxuan admit, must come up with more evidence.

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With the addition of Han Bin, the speed of watching surveillance video is much faster. He can support the other three people by himself.

However, Han Bin did not find Li hanxuan in the surveillance video.

Hanbin even some doubt, is not monitoring dead angle let Li hanxuan drill a hole.

"Binzi, I found something here." Li Hui called.

"What's the matter?"

"Come and see for yourself." Li Hui's face is a little strange.

Sitting next to Li Hui, Zhao Ming directly put his head together, looked at the screen and said, "there is no Li hanxuan."

"There is no Li hanxuan, but I found another suspect in the surveillance." Li Hui reached for the screen.

Han Bin took a look, also can't help but slightly frown: "Li Xia!"

"Damn, it's really Li Xia. How could she be near the key shop? Is it an accident? " Zhao Ming was surprised.

Han Bin shook his head: "there are so many accidents."

"The store with the key is very close to Li hanxuan's Hotel, but it's far away from Li Xia's hotel. If she is a suspect, why go so far to get the key?" Sun Xiaopeng was puzzled.

"Could it be that old man Zhang with the key lied and deliberately planted it on Li hanxuan?"

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