Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 268: 268

It took Jiang Erkang half an hour to calm down.

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Jiang Erkang's eyes were dull and he was still sobbing in a low voice.

"Jiang Erkang, you can't come back to life after death. Please be patient." Zhao Ming handed several pieces of paper to the other party.

"It's easy to say. That's my wife. The person who wants to live a lifetime is gone." Jiang Erkang choked.

"We can understand your feelings. We're here to find your wife's killer. Only in this way can we give her an account." Han Bin said.

Jiang Erkang held his forehead and lowered his head.

"We want to ask about your wife before she died. Can you answer now?" Han Bin asked.

Jiang Erkang shook his head.

"You don't want to avenge your wife?" Han Bin asked.

"Mu Xinran, must be mu Xinran killed, you police want to check, go to check her." Cried Jiang Erkang.

"Do you have any evidence?"

"What more evidence, I secretly photographed her, my wife also has her surveillance video, muxinran certainly does not want the video to spread, must be muxinran dry." Jiang Erkang is determined.

"Didn't you say that Guo Jiahui had nothing to do with the case? Why does she have muxinran's surveillance video

"I lied. My wife knows about the camera. She has backup files." Jiang Erkang said.

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"Why do you husband and wife secretly take photos of Mu Xinran? Don't tell me the so-called interest. I want to listen to the truth." Han Binzhi asked.

Jiang Erkang hesitated for a long time: "to be honest, it's because of interest."

"Bang!" As soon as Zhao Ming patted the table, he scolded, "your wife is dead. Do you want to carry it for someone behind the scenes?"

"There's no backstage. It's all my idea." Jiang Erkang said every word.

"Jiang Erkang, you have muxinran's video, your wife has muxinran's video, if there is a behind the scenes instigator, he must also have muxinran's video; you have been arrested by the police, and the video has been received by the police; Guo Jiahui has been killed, and the video in her hand is gone, now there is muxinran's video, and only the behind the scenes instigator is left."

Han Bin made an analysis and said: "if I'm the murderer of your wife, my next goal is to instigate people behind the scenes. As long as the police know the identity of the other party, they can deploy and control in advance, waiting for the murderer to take revenge on your wife."

Jiang Erkang remained silent.

"You don't want to avenge your wife?" Zhao Ming snorted.

"I think so."

"Then why don't you say it."

"No one behind the scenes, I am the mastermind of the case, I am." Jiang Erkang's tears ran down his cheek and yelled.

Han Bin stared at Jiang Erkang for a long time and said, "calm down first. When you think clearly, you can tell the guard."

"Officer Han, it's Mu Xinran who killed my wife. What else can I say?" Cried Jiang Erkang.

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"Why do you say Mu Xinran killed him?" Han Bin said.

"Who but her?"

"Evidence, what we need now is evidence, not your wishful thinking and careful thinking." Han Bin said coldly.

"I..." Jiang Erkang cried again.

"Guo Jiahui suffered a lot before she died. Please think about it. Do you want to avenge her? You should be careful and think about whether you can live up to your conscience." With that, Han Bin left the interrogation room.

"Ah Jiang Erkang yelled again, full of sadness and helplessness.

"Brother bin, I feel that Jiang Erkang loves his wife very much. Now his wife is dead, why he still refuses to tell us what is behind the scenes." Zhao Ming did not understand.

"There are two possibilities. First, the person behind the scenes is also very close to Jiang Erkang. Jiang Erkang doesn't want to betray each other; second, for the sake of interests." Han Bin explained.

"Which do you think is more likely?"

"Second, once Jiang Erkang admits that there is someone behind the scenes, their interests will be exposed, and the money he gets from behind the scenes will also be seized by the police, such as the house he just bought."

Han Bin said, and added: "of course, this is just my guess."

Zhao Ming also thinks that Han Bin's guess is very likely: "this boy is too heartless, after all, he still values money more."


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When Han Bin returns to the office, he finds two people sitting inside. One is Zheng Kaixuan, and the other is a man in his early 30s, wearing a leather coat and sunglasses.

"Oh, you're back." Zheng Kaixuan waved: "let me introduce to you. This is captain Ma of the second squadron of the municipal criminal investigation team."

"Good team leader." Han Bin and Zhao Ming say hello.

Ma captain looked at the two people, eyes fell on Han Bin: "you are the second group leader Han Bin."

"Captain Ma, I've heard a lot about you." Han Bin said politely.

"The young man is good and energetic." The horse captain laughed.

"The captain of the horse team came here to know about Jiang Erkang and the progress of the case. Please report it to the captain of the horse team." Zheng Kaixuan said."Good." Han Bin should be a, organized a language, the case and the interrogation of Jiang Erkang, narrated again.

After hearing this, the head of the horse team thought for a while and said, "according to the situation of the case, Mu Xinran had a motive to kill Guo Jiahui."

"yes, we are also investigating secretly, looking for clues to her case." Han Bin said.

"If, according to your guess, there is still behind the scenes behind the scenes, the next target of the murderer is likely to be behind the scenes." The horse team leader analyzed.

"I think so, too, but Jiang Erkang won't tell me who is behind the scenes."


"I think there is likely to be an interest relationship between them."

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After nodding and pondering for a moment, the horse captain said, "Lao Zheng, I want to meet Jiang Erkang. What do you think?"

Zheng Kaixuan was stunned for a moment and squeezed out a smile: "no problem."

"Captain Ma, is there any progress in the investigation of the murder?" Han Bin asked.

"The murderer is driving a registered van to commit the crime. At present, he is still tracking the source and trace of the van. The suspect has a certain sense of anti reconnaissance and is likely to be an experienced criminal." Said Captain ma.

Han Bin asked a few more questions, but the city criminal investigation team did not make much progress. Under the arrangement of Zheng Kaixuan, team leader Ma went to the interrogation room to interrogate Jiang Erkang.

After seeing them leave, Zhao Ming smashed his mouth and said, "Captain Ma's arm is long enough to show that he doesn't trust us."

"We all want to handle the case. If he can really find out the behind the scenes of the case, we can learn from him." Han Bin said.

"Really want to be asked out by him, Zheng team still can't smoke us." Zhao Ming snorted.

Han Bin showed a wry smile. If it was true, he could only recognize it.

"Brother bin, let's go to the observation room to see how the criminal investigation team of this city interrogates. It's better than us." Zhao Ming is eager to try.

Han Bin hesitated for a moment, seemed to be a little moved, and then shook his head: "or watch the video."

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