Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 27: 27

The suspected vehicle stayed for a long time near Gaoyang village on the constant line.

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It's about a few kilometers between the two monitors. The suspected vehicle walked for 40 minutes. There must be something wrong.

Han Bin three people driving, passing two monitoring, also only took six minutes.

The east side of the road is farmland, and the west side is a forest.

Han Bin guessed that if you want to bury the body, the other party should be buried in the forest on the west side, so it is not easy to be found.

Han Bin three people drive back, playing double flash, the speed is very slow, just to observe, from the side of the woods, there is no exception.

Think of before the location of the van parking, Han Bin reminded: "pay attention to observe the roadside land, there is no new left tire imprint."

Han Bin slowed down to observe carefully.

When driving to the middle of the two monitors, they found an oblique tire mark. They got off the car to check it.

"The tire prints are almost the same, aren't they from the van?" Li Hui felt his chin and muttered.

Han Bin carefully observed: "look at the angle of the tire print, the car should also be reverse parking, the same as the abandoned van."

"Why don't we look around?" Zhao Ming points to the woods.

"Forty minutes is enough to kill and bury the body, but it's also very nervous. I think the location of the body may leave clues." Han Bin said.

Li Hui took out the shoe covers from his pocket and put them on: "well, let's start."

Han Bin now observed around for some time, did not leave obvious footprints, can only take the tire mark as the center, toward all around the search.

Three people toward three directions search, Han Bin looking very carefully, for fear of missing any details.

After looking for a while, Han Bin did not find any clues.

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Instead, Li Hui waved in the distance: "binzi, there's a clue here."

Han Bin hurried past. It was a relatively open and soft mud. Beside the place occupied by Li Hui, there was a trace of dragging.

"Could it be that sun Qifeng was dragged over by his accomplices after he was killed?" Li Hui guessed.

Han Bin nodded, there is this possibility, if it is upside down drag, sun Qifeng accomplice's footprints, will be covered by drag traces.

Two people along the trail of drag, continue to move forward, walked about ten meters, the trail of drag disappeared.

But there are a lot of shoe prints around.

These footprints are scattered, not straight.

Han Bin found out two clearer footprints, observed them, and said happily, "yes, these are the footprints of sun Qifeng's accomplices."

"Binzi, look at this land. It seems to be a new soil layer."

The new soil layer is 60-70 cm wide and more than one meter long.

Han Bin shouts to the distance: "Zhao Ming."

"Bingo, what do you find there?" Zhao Ming responded.

"go to the car and get a shovel."

"All right." Zhao Ming answered, and ran back into the car, shovel two shovels.

Li Hui takes one and prepares to dig with Zhao Ming.

Han Bin reached out and shovel Li Hui's spade. "You rest, I'll dig."

Li Hui didn't refuse. He searched the mountain all morning and was really tired.

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The soil is soft and easy to dig.

dug about twenty centimeters, Han Bin felt that the shovel could not be inserted, and not as hard as stone.

Scraping away the mud, a hand appeared in the pit.

Li Hui stepped back: "it's really a corpse."

After scraping off the mud on his head, he showed a pale face. It was a man. He looked a little scary.

Zhao Ming squatted down, holding a branch, scraping the surface of the soil: "it's sun Qifeng!"

"Just like in the picture." Han Bin put the shovel aside and clapped his hands.

"Binzi, report to team Zeng." Li Hui suggested.

Han Bin nodded, took out his mobile phone and made a call to Zeng Ping.

When sun Qifeng died, the clue was broken, and it was meaningless to search the mountain forest again.



Twenty minutes later, Zheng Kaixuan, Zeng Ping and others arrived at the burial site in a police car.

After they saw the body, their faces were a little ugly.

Originally, all the clues pointed to sun Qifeng. Only by finding the living sun Qifeng can we understand the case clearly. Now that sun Qifeng is dead, the case is deadlocked.

"Well done, binzi." Zheng Kaixuan reaches out and pats Han Bin on the shoulder.

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Han Bin found the body in time, saving a lot of police resources.

Forensic and technical team members were also present, and the bodies were dug out of the pit.

Forensic Wu Xia examined the body: "the approximate time of death of the deceased should be between 12 o'clock and 3 o'clock last night."

"And the fatal wound?"Wu Xia pointed to the neck of the dead: "strangulation is the same way as killing Xing Jianbin."

"Anything else?"

"There's dander in the fingernails of the deceased, probably from struggling."

"That is to say, the dander may belong to the suspect?" Zheng Kaixuan said.

"You need to find out for yourself." Wu Xiadao.

"Can DNA be extracted?" Zeng Ping Road.

Wu Xia stood up and said, "try your best."


Back at the sub Bureau, it was more than five o'clock in the afternoon.

In the office of group two.

Everyone sat around, up to Zheng Kaixuan, down to the team members, one by one with panda eyes.

From the crime to now, none of the people present went back to sleep.

Zheng Kaixuan glanced at the crowd: "now we all know the situation. Sun Qifeng is dead. We have to determine the direction of investigation."

"If forensic Wu can extract the suspect's DNA from the cracks of his fingernails, the case will be easy to handle." Tian Li Road.

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"Don't put all your hopes on DNA investigation. If the suspect doesn't have a criminal record before, even if he has extracted DNA, he can't match it." Zheng Kaixuan said.

"Team Zheng said that people around Sun Qifeng should be re investigated." Zeng Ping suggested.

"Zhao Ming, go to the communication company and check sun Qifeng's mobile phone number to see who he contacted frequently before he died." Zheng Kaixuan said.

"Tian Li, you are in charge of investigating the MLM personnel to see who is the latest, who is closer to sun Qifeng, who is suspected of committing a crime."

"Li Hui, you are responsible for investigating the relatives and friends around Sun Qifeng."

"Han Bin, sun Qifeng's parents are coming to know each other. Please receive them."

"Yes." All agreed.

After arranging the task, Zheng Kaixuan yawned: "do you have any other clues to add?"

"Team Zheng, according to my estimation, the suspect should be male, about 180 in height, about 35 years old, and relatively strong." Han Bin said.

Zheng Kaixuan was a little surprised: "how do you know such details?"

"I didn't mention to you that Han Bin is proficient in footprint identification." Zeng Ping Road.

Zheng Kaixuan nodded, seemed to be a little dubious: "in this way, as a supplementary clue, in the investigation, you can refer to it."

Zhao Ming yawned and looked at his watch: "team Zheng, this meeting of the communication company, it's estimated that he's off work."

Zheng Kaixuan laughed: "then I'll arrange the task uniformly. All the members of the second group will go back to have a good sleep after work."

"Yes." They all said happily.

After working continuously for more than 30 hours, I can't bear to be an iron man.

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