Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 273: 273

Yuhua Branch canteen.

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Han Bin and Zheng Kaixuan are sitting at the same table.

Two people asked for three dishes, each with a bowl of soup.

While eating, talking about the case.

"Team Zheng, is there any progress from the municipal criminal investigation team?"

Zheng Kaixuan took a sip of wax gourd ball soup and said with a smile, "I thought you didn't ask."

"We haven't found any progress here. I have no confidence." Han Bin said with a smile.

"That's not what you said." Zheng Kaixuan said.

"All the people in the entertainment circle are very slippery. They don't have a word of sincerity. Take Ma pengkun as an example. I feel that he has something to hide, but I don't know much about the entertainment circle. I don't know what's wrong for a while." Han Bin said.

"Don't worry, keep your mind steady and take your time." Zheng Kaixuan comforted and said, "in the morning, I went to the city criminal investigation team for a turn. They have found out the identity of the owner of the registered car, but they haven't found the owner's current address."

"Who is the owner?"

"The owner of the car is LV Shujun, a native of Qindao. He has a previous record of burglary and provocation. He may have been involved in the kidnapping and killing of Guo Jiahui." Zheng Kaixuan said.

"It's worthy of being a municipal criminal investigation team, and its efficiency is quite high." Han Bin praised.

"This LV Shujun is also a recidivist. He has a certain sense of anti reconnaissance. He may have absconded after committing a crime. It is not easy to catch him." Zheng Kaixuan said.

"Any other people involved?" Han Bin asked.

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"When I came back, the city criminal investigation team was investigating separately, and it is estimated that there will be news soon." Zheng Kaixuan also took the opportunity to beat Han Bin: "you boy also hold tight, don't be careless."

"It's up to you to say that."

After dinner, they went back to the office of group two and met Li Hui and Tian Li.

"Have you got them back?" Han Bin asked.

"It's back. It's in detention."

"Well done, you go to dinner first. I'll take someone to interrogate Mu Xinran." Han Bin said.

"Binzi, I'll go too." Li Hui is eager to try.

"Aren't you hungry?"

Li Hui rubbed his hands: "work is important, don't worry about eating."

Han Bin smiles, where don't know his that careful thinking, looked at a watch way: "give you half an hour of meal time, half an hour later, Mu Xinran."

"Good." Li Hui answered and rushed to dinner.

Han Bin took the opportunity to lie on the table and rest in the morning.

This is also his habit. If he takes a half-hour lunch break after dinner, he will be more energetic in the afternoon.


In half an hour.

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In the interrogation room.

Mu Xinran came to the interrogation room for the second time, but he took notes last time, and his treatment was excellent.

This time it was different. It was interrogated as a suspect.

Li Hui turns on the law enforcement recorder.

Han Bin opened the door and said, "Mu Xinran, do you know why I asked you to come?"

"Misunderstanding, there should be misunderstanding."

"Seven of the ten suspects I arrested said they were misunderstandings. Could you change your words?" Han Bin hummed.

"Officer Han, I really misunderstood. I was very nervous and scared after being photographed. I can't remember what the blackmailer told me at that time. I didn't mean to lie sincerely." Mu Xinran called.

"That's a good excuse." Han Bin said.

"It's not an excuse. It's true. I was too nervous at that time. Maybe I remember it wrong." Mu Xinran sighed and looked at Li Hui: "after officer Li asked me to listen to the mobile phone recording again, I completely recalled that I had made a mistake. The suspect didn't extort money from me."

"I didn't report the false police sincerely. I was really too nervous to remember correctly." Mu Xinran has a pathetic appearance, which is easy to convince people.

"Ma pengkun didn't say that. Do you want him to testify against you?" Han Bin asked.

"He What did he say? " Muxinran hands intertwined.

"It doesn't matter what he said. What I want to hear is the truth. If you don't cooperate with the police investigation, but choose to continue to lie, you will only make yourself more and more guilty." Han Bin warned.

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Mu Xinran bit his lips, tears fell from his cheek, choked: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lie, I can't help it, I'm too helpless, I have no one to believe, so I use this method to ask the police for help."

"If you are photographed secretly, the police will accept it. There is no need to lie to the police." Li huidao.

Mu Xinran showed a wry smile: "how to accept it? The police station is responsible for the case, not the criminal police team. My wallet was stolen when I was in college, and I haven't found it yet."

"Thank you for looking up to us. I don't know the ability of our criminal police team. Are you satisfied?" Han Bin said."Satisfied, if you can get behind the scenes, people will be more satisfied." Mu Xinran sighed.

"We'll try our best."

"It's no use trying your best. In the face of huge interests, the people who secretly take pictures will be dead. You can't ask the people behind the scenes." Mu Xinran shook his head.

"So what are you going to do?" Han Bin asked.

Mu Xinran shrugged his shoulders: "it's up to fate."

Han Bin stared at Mu Xinran for a while: "Jiang Erkang's wife Guo Jiahui was killed, do you know?"

Mu Xinran asked: "does this have anything to do with me?"

"Don't you wonder how and why she died?" Li Hui interjected.

"I'm only concerned about when I can let it out."

Han Bin stares at each other's expression, but he also can't see that the other party really doesn't matter, or has already known the answer in advance.

"I've talked to Ma pengkun. He thinks that the person behind the camera is probably your colleague." Han Bin gets up and puts a piece of information in front of Mu Xinran: "this is the list of suspicious objects. What do you think?"

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Mu Xinran picked up the list and took a look. The corner of the mouth on the right side rose slightly.

It's a typical sign of contempt.

Finally caught a valuable micro expression, Han Bin thought a lot at this moment.

Why does Mu Xinran show a look of contempt? Does she already know the identity of the person behind the scenes, and this list has no name of the other party.

Still, she felt that Ma pengkun had something to hide and didn't tell her the truth.


With this doubt, after Mu Xin's trial, Han Bin tried Ma pengkun again.

"Officer Han, when can I close my case?" Ma pengkun tried.

Han Bin did not pay attention to him, but the list, shot in the trial above: "in addition to the list of people, there are no other suspects."

Ma pengkun thought for a moment: "No."

Han Bin stares at the other side, can't see what problem, simply cheat him.

"Bang!" Han Bin slapped the table and scolded: "you dare to lie. If you don't want to cooperate with the police, I can only summon the artists of your company."

"No, no, I said..." Ma pengkun was a little flustered and bit his teeth: "and Zhen Yuwei!"

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