Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 286: 286

Seeing LV Jiawei being taken down from the car, Ding Xifeng and Zheng Kaixuan look very ugly.

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Lu Jiawei's appearance makes them very embarrassed. If they were not in the name of guiding the handling of the case, they would have no face to stand here.

Han Bin came over and said, "team Ding, team Zheng."

Ding Xifeng nodded, praised: "so fast to catch people back, well done."

Zheng Kaixuan said, "did LV Jiawei resist when he was arrested?"

"No, he said the case had nothing to do with him." Han Bin said.

"Nothing to do with it?" Ding Xifeng snorted: "then why did he hide in those years? I've been hiding the truth that I'm still alive. "

"According to LV Jiawei, he had a lot of debts, his wife died, and his son was not his own. His life was a mess. It's better to leave here and start over." Han Bin said.

"Do you think the boy's words are credible?"

"I haven't made a detailed record yet, and I'm not sure for the moment." Han Bin said.

"Go ahead and make a note for the boy to find out the identity of the dead as soon as possible."



Yuhua Branch interrogation room.

Lu Jiawei sat in the interrogation chair, looking a little embarrassed.

Han Bin walks into the interrogation room with a cup of tea and Li Hui with a thermos. It seems that they are ready to fight for a long time.

"Good leaders." Lu Jiawei said hello.

Han Bin ignored him, first made a cup of tea, and then began to routinely ask: "name, gender, occupation..."

"Lv Jiawei, male, I am a cook now..."

"Lv Jiawei, have you ever been back to Qindao city in the past ten years?"

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"No, I dare not."

"Have you met Lu Jiaping?" Han Bin asked.


"Where can I see it?"

"She went to the high city to find me."

"In the future, do you want to move back to Qindao city?" Han Bin asked.

"Yes, why not? I was born here and grew up here. This is my home. Although Gaocheng is not far away, I feel uncomfortable in my heart." Lu Jiawei sighed.

"If you want to, you should give a good explanation and strive for leniency." Han Bin said.


"Is the 715 case related to you?" Han Bin asked.

"Nothing to do with it. I was out of town at that time, not in Qindao at all."

"Where were you that night?" Han Bin asked.

"High city."

"The high city is only a few minutes away from the city. How can you prove that you are not the high city to go to after committing a crime?"

"Since I went to Gaocheng, I have been staying at a friend's house, drinking with friends, and he can testify to me." Lu Jiawei said.

"What's your friend's name?"

"Zhang peidun."

"Mobile number, home address?"

"The mobile phone number is 1342154xxx, and his family lives in 1102, building 6, Kangmin Jiayuan community, 108 Tong'an street."

"you remember to listen clearly." Han Bin said.

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"I don't have many friends, especially after the accident, he is the only one who can communicate with me." Lu Jiawei said with emotion.

"I'll ask you again, and you answer honestly, who is the man who died in your house, do you know?" Han Bin said solemnly.

"I don't know. If I knew, I would never let him go." Lu Jiawei snorted.

"If I let you know, what are you going to do with him?" Li Hui asked.

"I must..." Lu Jiawei bit his teeth, but he didn't dare to say what he said.

"Say it."

"Just now I was so angry. I'm a coward. I'm just trying to use my tongue. If I really want to see someone, I don't dare to say anything." Lu Jiawei bowed his head.

"Do you know Liang Zhibo?" Han Bin asked.


"What's the relationship?"

"When I built the factory, he was in charge of the construction team. That is to say, he had dealt with me, but he was not very familiar with me."

"Is there any contradiction between you?"

"It's all business. There's not much contradiction."

"He said

"They are a group of people who are not professional. They don't understand the wiring in the factory. What I bought was thick wire, but they replaced it with thin wire. As a result, the machine burned down as soon as they started, and they couldn't bring it up at all. This boy came to our factory to make trouble. He's not a fussy person." Lu Jiawei said.

"According to you, it is clear that you have suffered a lot. Why did he make trouble in your factory?" Han Bin asked.

"I'm afraid they can't do a good job. At the beginning, I only gave half of the money. Later, when I saw that the work was not good, and the building materials were shoddy, I didn't give the money." Lu Jiawei said."Has Liang Zhibo ever been to your house to make trouble?"

"Yes, but I didn't let him in." Lu Jiawei replied.

"Liang Zhibo, do you know your wife?"

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"Comrade, what do you mean? Is it the grandson of Liang Zhibo who gives me the green hat?" Lu Jiawei guessed.

"Didn't your sister tell you that? The police have been looking for Mr Leung. " Han Bin said.

"I know that, but now why do you say he's dead?" Lu Jiawei said.

"At the beginning, we thought you were the dead, and Liang Zhibo was the most suspect. But the police wanted you for so many years, and there has been no news from the other party. Therefore, Liang Zhibo is probably dead." Li Hui analyzed.

"I don't know about this case. I'm also a victim." Lu Jiawei said quickly.

"At the time of 715, your son was eight years old, and you never doubted that he was not born to you?" Lu Jiawei asked.

"Ah, who is free and willing to put a green hat on his head?" Lu Jiawei shook his head.

"Before your wife died, was there anything unusual?"

"After all these years, I can't remember."

"When was the last time you saw your wife?" Han Bin asked,

"on July 13, when we had a quarrel, I went to my friend's home in Gaocheng City." Lu Jiawei recalled.

"How is your relationship with your wife?"

"It used to be very good, but then the factory stopped working, and I didn't earn any money. She started to throw me a face. She was cold all day, and I had to let me hold her, coax her for one day, coax her for two days, coax her every day. Who can stand it? I just want to go out to meet my friends, drink some wine, and chat with them. I can feel better." Lu Jiawei sighed again.

"When did you return to Qindao?" Han Bin asked.

"I remember that I got up at 9:00 a.m. on July 15, and then called my sister back. I returned to Qindao city around noon."

"Did you have enemies before?" Han Bin asked.

Lu Jiawei thought for a moment: "this I had a lot of debts in those years, which added up to five or six hundred thousand. The factory was out of business and I couldn't pay back the money. Those creditors must have forced me to pay back the money, and some people threatened me that if I didn't pay back the money, I would kill my family. "

"Who is it?"

"Qin Pingshan is also from Qindao. Many people call him brother Shan. I owe him the most money, and he is also the most ruthless."

"Contact information, address?"

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"Oh, I can't remember that for many years."

"Think about it."


"Besides Qin Pingshan, do you have any enemies?"


"Where's Zhang Shufeng?"

Lu Jiawei snorted: "I don't know. If I knew her, I wouldn't be cheated so miserably."


The trial lasted more than three hours, and LV Jiawei did not provide many useful clues.

Han Bin and Li Hui came out of the interrogation room, and Ding Xifeng and Zheng Kaixuan came out of the observation room.

"Team Ding, team Zheng." Han Bin said hello.

"What do you think of LV Jiawei?" Ding Xifeng is open to the mountain.

Han Bin shook his head: "see no obvious loopholes, also have to check whether he has an alibi."

"Ten years after the case, this alibi is not easy to investigate." Zheng Kaixuan said.

"We can't stop the trial of LV Jiawei. We'll find two more people to continue the trial." Ding Xifeng road.

"I'll arrange it right away." Han Bin responded.

"Next, how are you going to check?" Ding Xifeng asked.

Han Bin organized a language: "first, to determine the alibi of LV Jiawei, the second is to determine the identity of the dead, and then, to investigate the suspicion of Qin Pingshan." "Go ahead. If you have any difficulties, you can report to me directly." Ding Xifeng reaches out and pats Han Bin on the shoulder.

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