Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 291: 291

Yuhua Branch Office, group 2.

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After returning to the branch, Zhao Ming sent Qin Pingshan's fingerprints to the technical team, while the shoe prints were left in Han Bin.

Before long, Li Hui and sun Xiaopeng also came back. The two of them went to investigate Wang Jinbao's clues.

Han Bin ate a piece of gum: "what's the situation over there with Wang Jinbao?"

"We found Wang Jinbao's wife and daughter. According to Wang Jinbao's wife, in 2009, he and Wang Jinbao were divorcing, but they didn't go through the formalities. They ran away with other women." Li Hui said.

"What woman?"

"Wang Jinbao's wife doesn't know. The time when Wang Jinbao left Qindao was around July. After that, he occasionally sent a text message. The next year, they didn't even have a text message, so they reported missing." Li huidao.

"Any other clues?"

"According to Wang Jinbao's wife, when Wang Jinbao left, he took away all the money in the family, at least several hundred thousand. Later, it made their mother and daughter's life very difficult."

"Hundreds of thousands? Will this money be a motive for murder? " Han Bin said.

"We have collected the DNA of Wang Jinbao's daughter. We only need to identify whether the deceased is Wang Jinbao." Li huidao.

After learning about the situation, Han Bin went to Zheng Kaixuan's office again.

"Team Zheng."

"The investigation is back?"

"Yes, I want to report my work to you."

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Zheng Kaixuan looked at his watch and said, "do you have any plans for the evening?"


"Team Ding will pay attention to this case. Let's have dinner together in the evening. You can report your work to him in person." Zheng Kaixuan said.

"Yes." Han Bin should say, such a good opportunity, he naturally will not give up.


In the evening, Han Bin, Ding Xifeng and Zheng Kaixuan had dinner together.

It doesn't matter what you eat, it's who you eat with.

At the dinner table, the three did not drink. Han Bin introduced the progress of the case to Ding Xifeng.

Ding Xifeng has also been paying attention to the case. After listening to Han Bin's report, he suggested: "although it is very possible that Wang Jinbao is the dead, we still need to speak with evidence."

Obviously, Ding Xifeng had a shadow when he mistook the identity of the dead.

At the table, Ding Xifeng gave some advice. Han Bin listened carefully. Ding Xifeng is not only a leader, but also an experienced criminal policeman. He has investigated many major cases and has more experience than Han Bin.

Because of this, the 715 case made him even more upset.


The next morning.

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After Han Bin came to the office, he began to compare Qin Pingshan's footprints.

Han Bin compares the footprints collected in LV Jiawei's yard with those of Qin Pingshan, but the footprints do not match.

Before long, there was news from the technical team that Qin Pingshan's fingerprint did not match the blood fingerprint.

Cao erhu is a real person. He is also a native of Qindao. Before the 715 case, he served three prison sentences. He has a criminal record, and his fingerprints and blood fingerprints do not match.

However, it is worth noting that since the 715 case, Cao erhu has never committed any more crimes.

Maybe he has changed his ways, maybe he has other reasons.

Han Bin called the crowd together and rearranged the task.

Li Hui and sun Xiaopeng are responsible for investigating Cao erhu's whereabouts. Since the other party is suspected, it is necessary to take notes.

Han Bin and Zhao Ming brought LV Jiawei to trial.

Tian Li is in charge of inquiring about the missing persons before and after the 715 case in the public security system.

According to Han Bin's conjecture, the murderer in the 715 case should not be alone

Twenty minutes later.

Sitting on the interrogation chair, LV Jiawei twisted his body, showing a flattering look: "officer Han, I have said all that I should say. What else do you want to ask?"

"I remember you said that Liang Zhibo went to your factory to make trouble."

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"Was there anyone else besides him at that time?" Han Bin asked.

"Yes, most of them work with him. They can't work one by one. They are more active when they ask for money." Lu Jiawei snorted.

"Is there a man named Cao erhu among those who ask for debts?"

"I knew Liang Zhibo. He took the lead. I really don't know his other names."

"Is there a bald man with a scar on his face?" Han Bin asked.

"A bald head with a scar on his face." Holding his hands, LV Jiawei tried to recall.

A moment later, Lu Jiawei brightened his eyes and said, "I remember that there was such a man. He was very fierce at that time. Apart from Liang Zhibo, he had a big voice. Once, he was not pulled by Liang Zhibo and almost wanted to fight with me.""Do you have any other impression of this man?"

"This man has a big voice. He swears a lot as soon as he speaks. He sounds like a local. I can't remember anything else." Lu Jiawei said.

Cao erhu has a criminal record. Zhao Ming takes a picture of each other and puts it in front of LV Jiawei: "look, is it this man?"

Lu Jiawei looked down for a long time: "I can't remember exactly what it looks like, but the bald head and scar should not be wrong."

"If you think about it, do you have any other impression of Cao erhu?"


Han Bin asked a few more, can not ask more clues, and then left the interrogation room.

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After returning to the office, Han Bin checked Cao erhu's files again. According to LV Jiawei's confession, the suspicion of Cao erhu further rose.

Cao erhu's family is located in Qindao city and Linan village. His parents are dead, and only one elder brother is there.

Li Hui and sun Xiaopeng are also checking Cao erhu. However, they went to the communication company to check Cao erhu's communication records and mobile phone positioning.

Han Bin thinks that it is necessary to go to Cao erhu's house.

Then, Han Bin called Zhao Ming and Tian Li together to Li Nan village.

Li Nan village is about an hour's drive from Qindao city.

Han Bin three people first went to the nearby police station, called on a familiar with Li Nan village police, directly drove to Li Nan village committee.

The village director, a man in his fifties, invited Han Bin and others to his room to introduce Cao erhu.

The village director's surname is Lin Qingguo. His daughter-in-law is still close to Cao erhu's family, but they are far away from each other.

In his words, Cao erhu has been a gangster since he was a child. It's common for people to fight. He doesn't have a good relationship with his neighbors. He can be counted as a local ruffian.

In order to separate the family and the house, he chased his brother half of the village with a sickle. The relationship between the two brothers stinked, and no one dared to offend him in the village.

Later, Cao erhu went to the city, but there was still a house in the village. At first, he went back to the village on New Year's day, but he didn't come back in nearly ten years.

Han Bin looks thoughtful. He hasn't been home for ten years. It's obviously a problem.

Judging from his experience, Cao erhu must have backed up the case, and judging from the time he left, it is likely to be the 715 case!

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