Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 298: 298

Qindao, Qiming road.

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An old lady led a little boy to the intersection.

The little boy looked like he was only five or six years old. He took the old lady by the hand and said, "grandma, I'm going to the toy store. I'm going to buy a pig man's toy."

"Didn't you just buy Ultraman the other day? What do you want, pig man

"No, no, I want pig man." Cried the little boy.

"No, grandma has no money." The old lady said that she would pull the child across the road.

"If you have money, you can buy it for me. I want pig man." The child left the old lady and sat down on the ground.

"Noisy, get up quickly, the ground is cool. When your parents come back, let them buy it for you." Coaxed the old lady.

"Every time you say that, you know you're lying to me. I don't know. I want it now." Cried the child.

"Well behaved noisy, hurry up, for a while cold sick, but also injection." The old lady pulled the child up.

The child pushed her away, running and shouting: "bad grandma, I don't like you anymore."

The child runs very fast. The old lady is too old to catch up.

"Noisy, don't run, don't fall." Cried the old lady.

The more the old lady yelled, the faster the child ran. He picked up a stone from the ground and hit the old lady.

"If you don't buy me toys, I won't go home with you."

The child ran very fast. After a while, he pulled the old lady away. He was tired and stopped by a black Volkswagen.

Then, the child picked up the stone and smashed it out again, but he didn't throw it accurately and hit the black Volkswagen on the side.

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A moment later, a man in his twenties came out of the cab, stood beside the cab and yelled, "what are you doing, kid? Are you smashing my car?"

The child made a grimace: "deserve it."

"Ah, you child, if you dare to smash it again, I'll hit you." The man threatened.

Children are afraid of him.

The more the man yelled, the more angry the child was. He picked up another stone and smashed it on the car body. He smashed it several times and scratched several marks on the car paint.

"Son of a bitch, you want to die." The man strode over, snatched the stone from the child's hand and threw it aside.

"Wuwu..." The little boy burst into tears.

"What are you doing? Why are you beating my grandson?" The old lady rushed over to protect the child and pointed at the young man.

"Old lady, you're here just in time. Look at my car. What's your grandson like?" Said the man.

"Why do you say my grandson did it? Do you have any evidence?" Asked the old lady.

"He just hit it with a stone. I saw it with my own eyes." Young man's way.

"You did. Why didn't I? Do you have a witness? Do you have a video? " The old lady snorted.

"Yo, you're right. There's no video and no witness here." The young man sneered:

"believe it or not, I'll kill your grandson."

"You dare!" The old lady pulled the child aside with an alert look on her face.

"Stop talking nonsense and lose money." Young man's way.

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The old lady said, "I have no money."

"You have no money. Call his parents and ask them to deliver it." Said the young man.

"Children don't understand. You are so fussy." The old lady said sarcastically.

"Children are not sensible, and you adults are not sensible. Your children row my car, and you should not lose money." Cried the young man.

"How can I compensate you if I have no money?"

"You have a point." The young man was also angry and pointed to the old lady's nose.

"Don't scare me. I have a heart attack. I really want to lie on the ground. It's not sure who will pay for it?" Cried the old lady with wide eyes.

"You are an old rascal." The young man laughed back in anger.

"Bah, you're a rogue. Your whole family is a rogue." The old lady is not willing to suffer. Seeing that there are many onlookers around her, she has become more confident.

"Ka..." At this time, the door of the co driver's cab opened, and a 30-year-old man got out of the car. The man was wearing a black windbreaker and gold glasses.

"Xiao Gang, have something to say." The man said.

"Brother Liao, the old lady depends on the old and sells the old without reason."

"I heard it. I'll take care of it." Brother Liao said lightly.

The old lady choked her neck and said, "Oh, there's another man. These two old men want to work together and bully our grandparents and grandchildren."

"Auntie, don't say that. I didn't mean that." Brother Liao said with a smile.

"What do you mean, I have no money anyway." Said the old lady.

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Brother Liao didn't speak. He squatted down and asked the little boy, "little brother, what's your name?"

"I don't want to tell you." Cried the little boy, crying."Uncle, do a magic trick for you." As he spoke, Liao spread out his hands. There was nothing in his hands. Then he put his hands together. When he opened them again, there was a lollipop on his right hand.

The little boy's eyes widened as if he were curious.

Brother Liao tore open the package of the lollipop: "little brother, this is for you."

The little boy swallowed, took the lollipop and ate it in his mouth.

"Delicious?" Brother Liao reached out and touched the little boy's head. His face was full of love.

"Sweet, delicious." The little boy said happily.

Seeing brother Liao like this, the old lady was a little puzzled and asked, "what do you want to do?"

"It's better to solve the problem than to settle it. It's not a big deal. I'm just afraid of scaring the children." Liao gedao.

"We don't have to pay for this car." Asked the old lady.

"No more." Brother Liao doesn't think so.

"Noisy, let's go." The old lady is leaving with her grandson.

"Wait a minute." Cried brother Liao.

"Why, didn't you say we didn't have to pay for it? You don't mean what you say. " The old lady frowned for fear that the other party would go back.

"I'm not a sensible man. I almost scared the child. I'll make amends for him." Brother Liao said and took out a hundred yuan from his pocket:

"little brother, you don't have to be afraid about rowing. The hundred yuan is given to you by your uncle. You can buy anything you want. It's our apology."

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"It's true, of course."

"Can I buy toys then?" The little boy looked excited.

Liao Ge planted 100 yuan into the hands of the child: "you can buy anything you want."

"Great, I have money to buy toys." Cried the child excitedly.

Afraid of brother Liao's repentance, the old lady quickly took the child away.

The child is very happy: "grandma, I have money now, I can buy pig man."

"Naonao, give the money to grandma. Grandma will keep it for you."

"No, no, I'm going to take it myself. I'm going to buy toys." Cried the child.


After seeing them leave, Xiao Gang was puzzled and said, "brother Liao, I didn't want to make trouble. It's this old lady who is unreasonable. It's clearly his grandson who rowed my car..."

Brother Liao waved his hand and interrupted: "I know it's not your fault. The car repair fee is mine."

Xiao Gang wondered, "Why are you so nice to a child?"

Brother Liao smiles: "doing good will make people happy, won't it?"

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