Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 303: 303

"Binzi, what do you think?" Zeng Ping asked.

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"I think this master bedroom is more like the suspect's main target." Han Bin said his guess.

"Well, I feel the same way." Zeng Ping nodded.

"You mean the thief didn't come to steal me, but Zhang Zihan?" Tian Ruini was surprised.

"Did Zhang Zihan get in touch?" Zeng Ping asked.

"We haven't heard from the company yet."

"Hurry up."

"Good." Tian Ruini answered and went back to the next bedroom to make a phone call.

"Tian Li, you take Xiaopeng to the property company to check the monitoring of the elevator and the first floor hall to see if there are any suspects." Han Bin said.

"Yes." Tian Li answered and left with sun Xiaopeng.

"Li Hui, do you know the anchor named Zhang Zihan?" Han Bin asked.

"Yes, I saw her picture just now. Her anchor's name is xiaoaihan. She is a famous anchor and has more fans than tianruini." Li Hui said.

"Search and see when the last time she showed it live?" Han Bin asked.

Li Hui turned on his mobile phone, started the live broadcast software, and after searching for it, he said, "it seems that the last live broadcast was at two o'clock in the morning the day before yesterday."

At this time, Tian Ruini came out: "I just called, and the company said that they couldn't get in touch with Zhang Zihan, and they couldn't get in touch with Zhang Zihan's father."

"When was the last time you saw her?" Han Bin asked.

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"More than one o'clock in the afternoon the day before yesterday."

"Where is it?"

"Qindao botanical garden, our company organized an environmental protection activity. We went to the botanical garden to clean up garbage, advocate garbage classification, green life, and promote positive energy." Tian Ruini said.

"Who was there at that time?"

"There are eight people, one driver, five anchors and two anchors with assistants."

"Are you driving together?" Han Bin asked.


"Did you come back together?" Han Bin asked.

"That's not true. The car took us there and left. Then we moved freely, sorted the garbage and returned according to our own schedule."

"That is to say, after the driver put you down, you will act separately, and you will never see Zhang Zihan again."


Tian Ruini answered and asked: "you don't doubt that Zhang Zihan has an accident."

"You know her better, don't you think?"

"I don't think so. She made a circle of friends yesterday morning, saying that she went out to travel. This morning, she made a circle of friends again, saying that the weather in the south is beautiful, innocent and blue, and that she had a good time."

"Did she take anything with her before she went to the south?" Han Bin asked.

"I don't know that either."

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Han Bin stretched out his hand and said, "open the circle of friends and let me have a look."

Tian Ruini opens wechat, finds out Zhang Zihan's circle of friends and hands it to Han Bin.

Han Bin took a look, this morning's circle of friends, sent a landscape photo, blue sky, white clouds, and green trees, looking like the background of the south.

"Zhao Ming, search this photo on the Internet." Han Bin said.


"Tian Ruini, go to Zhang Zihan's room and see if she has taken the shoes, clothes and backpacks she usually likes to wear." Han Bin said.

"I see." Zhang Zihan went to the master bedroom.

"Not only winter clothes, but also summer clothes." Han Bin reminds a way.

At this time, Lu Wen of the technical team came over: "team Zeng, the site investigation has been completed."

"What do you find?"

"Collected some fingerprints, ready to take them back for comparison."

"Has the door lock been prized?"

"No Lu Wenying said.

Han Bin nods. Before taking notes for Tian Ruini, Han Bin asks if the door lock has been pried. Tian Ruini answers No.

However, because Tian Ruini blinked at that time.

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Han Bin is also worried that the other party is lying. Now it seems that it may be a habitual action. As like as two peas,

, "brother bingo, I searched the Internet, and there was a picture of the same landscape. The uploaded picture should be downloaded from the Internet." Zhao Ming said.

"This shows that Zhang Zihan is likely to have an accident." Zeng Ping said solemnly.

"I'm not sure. In order to show off their lives, girls nowadays often steal pictures and send them to their friends. I think it's better to check again so as not to make a big oolong." Zhao Ming shrugged his shoulders.

"Zhao Ming is right. Today's girls are very headstrong. Happy is a face, and unhappy is another thing. Maybe if something is wrong, they will pull you black and turn you off to make you worry. She is very happy there." Li Hui snorted.Han Bin laughed: "OK, you have been feeling a lot recently."


At this time, Tian Ruini came out: "Captain Zeng and officer Han, I just checked. Zhang Zihan's usual clothes are all here. Besides the pair of shoes he wore in the park, the rest are also there."

"What do you think of her from what you know about her?" Han Bin asked.

"I think it's very likely that something happened to her." Tian Ruini said boldly.

"Just by clothes and shoes, you can be sure that she has an accident. In case he meets a rich boyfriend and goes to the south to buy a new one." Li Hui asked.

"She may buy new clothes and shoes, but she can't buy cosmetics for a while and a half. She uses foreign brands, and it's hard to buy all kinds of cosmetics and lipsticks. Where she goes and takes them, she can't eat, but she can't do without makeup!" Tian Ruini said firmly.

"The day before yesterday, who went to Qindao botanical garden with Zhang Zihan? Please give me your name." Han Bin said.

"The driver's surname is Chen. I don't know what his name is. We all call him driver Chen."

"There is a male anchor named Zhang Gadan, who also has an assistant, a sun. I don't know his name." Tian Ruini said.

"Wait, is Zhang Gadan's real name or the anchor's name?" Han Bin asked.

"I'm not sure. Anyway, everyone calls him Zhang Gadan, and his anchor's name is Zhang Gadan."

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"Who else?"

"And Wu Jianglong, who is also a male anchor."

"There is also a female anchor named Ma Chaoran, who has a male assistant surnamed Fang." Tian recalled.

"Do you have their contact information?"

"Wechat has been added."

"Tell Li Hui the phone number of the person in charge of your company." After Han Bin finished, he told Li Hui, "do you want to inform these people and ask them if they know where Zhang Zihan is? If they don't know, they will be summoned to the branch to take notes. "

"Zhao Ming, you contact Zhang Zihan's family and mobilize them to look for Zhang Zihan."


"Team Zeng, what else do you want to arrange?" Han Bin asked.

"Not for the time being. Let's split up." Zeng Ping waved his hand. After everyone was busy, he said to Han Bin:

"do you think it's kidnapping?"

Han Bin hesitated: "I hope so."

If it's a kidnapping, there's a possibility of rescue.

But judging from the current situation, Zhang Zihan is more likely to encounter unexpected events.

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