Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 305: 305

The next morning.

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After breakfast, Han Bin meets Li Hui in the garage.

The light in the car is a little dim.

When he got out of the garage, Han Bin found that Li Hui's face was not good-looking and his eyes were black.

"Well, what's the matter?" Han Bin said with a smile.

Li Hui did not speak.

"Dumped?" Han Bin joked.

"Let you down, Muyou."

"What are you doing when you're not dumped?" Han Bin said with a smile.

Li Hui glanced at Han Bin without answering.

Han Bin did not ask, looked down at the phone.

After a while, Li Hui coughed: "binzi, I want to ask you something."

"He said

"Well, yesterday, I just wanted to discuss with her. Oh, how to say..." Li Hui hesitated for a long time, scratching his head with his right hand, but he was speechless.

"You want to live with her." Han Bin guessed.

"I wipe it!" Li Hui was surprised: "how do you know that?"

Han Bin did not answer, full of emotion singing: "miss ah! Our youth... "

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"Come on, come on, stop singing. Tell me, how did you do it?" Li Hui interrupted Han Bin's out of tune singing.

"There's no need to say how I did it back then, but I can tell you how I feel now." Han Bin said.

"You said Li huidao.

"Let it be." Han Bin said.

"Wool, that doesn't mean you didn't say it." Li Hui rolled his eyes.

"After a few years, if you think back on what I said today, you will think it's a wise saying. Some things are too urgent. If you calm down, it will come naturally." Han Bin said.

"But I'm not sure." Li huidao.

"There is gain, there is loss." Han Bin said.

"It makes sense for you to say that." Li Hui muttered.

"It must be."

"Can you do that?" Li Hui asked.

Han Bin Leng for a while, shook his head: "I don't know."

Li Hui sighed. He knew that Han Bin should not be perfunctory.

Most of the time, you know what to do and the best way to do it, but you can't do it.

They went to the police station, had a meal in the canteen, and then went to the office.

Before I came in, I heard a loud noise.

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"Police comrades, my daughter is so good that she can't travel without telling her family. Something must have happened to her. I beg you, please, you must find my daughter!"

Entering the office, Han Bin sees a middle-aged man holding Zhao Ming's arm in both hands.

Next to him sat a woman, with her head down and tears in her eyes.

"Bingo, here you are

Han Bin can clearly see that Zhao Ming is relieved.

"Who are these two?" Han Bin asked.

"These are Zhang Zihan's parents." After Zhao Ming finished, he pointed to Han Bin and said, "Mr. Zhang, this is leader Han of our second group. He is responsible for the theft of your daughter's house."

The middle-aged man quickly came over, grabbed Han Bin's hand, and cried: "leader Han, please, you must find my daughter."

"Mr. Zhang, don't get excited. Let's sit down and talk." Han Bin comforted.

"I'm not Zhang, I'm Zhou, Zhou Bofeng." Said the middle-aged man.

"That Zihan..."

Seems to hear the implication of Han Bin, Zhou Bofeng pointed to the woman beside: "our family Zihan with mother's surname, with my wife a surname."

"Yes, my name is Zhang Hongju, Zihan and my surname." The middle-aged woman cried.

After experiencing the 715 case, Han Bin thought it was better to make it clear and asked, "are you a stepfather?"

"No, I'm Zihan's own father, and she's my own daughter."

As Zhou Baifeng said, he could not help complaining to the woman beside him: "I have said for a long time that children have to follow their father's surname. You just don't listen. How many jokes have been made for this matter from small to large."

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"The children are all lost. What's the use of saying that now." Zhang Hongju cried.

"Calm down first and don't cry. Only in this way can we make things clear. We can also file a case for investigation." Han Bin is right.

"Yes, please ask. We will cooperate well. Please file a case and find my daughter as soon as possible." Zhou said.

Han Bin see two people like this, how also don't seem to be calm, command a way: "Zhao Ming, pour two glasses of water."

"Good." Zhao Ming answered. He was eager to leave.

"Huizi, go and pour me a drink." Han Bin said.

"Well." Li Hui yawned and went to make two cups of black tea. He handed one of them to Han Bin.

Zhang Zihan's parents, probably in a hurry, didn't drink much water. After they got the water cup, they drank a few mouthfuls."Thank you. Thank you, leader Han." Zhou Baifeng put down his cup and said thank you.

Seeing that the other party calmed down, Han Bin asked: "Mr. Zhou and Ms. Zhang, when was the last time you contacted Zhang Zihan?"

"I remember, it seems that she called once at noon on December 7th." Zhou said.

"What did she say? Is there any abnormality in her mood?" Han Bin asked.

"She said that her family was short, just like usual. She also said that she made a lot of money this month and wanted to remit 2000 yuan to us. I didn't want her to remit money and let her keep it for herself. She didn't listen and said it was her filial piety..." Zhou Baifeng said, and could not help crying.

"So, Zhang Zihan has a good relationship with you. I'll tell you everything?"

"Yes, my daughter and I get along very well, just like friends." Zhang Hongju nodded.

"Did Zhang Zihan mention a man named Fang Ke?"


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"Did she ever say that she was going to the botanical garden to promote environmental protection?"

"I didn't listen to her." Zhou Bofeng shook his head.

"Did she say she was going to travel?"

"She goes to travel every year, but she usually tells us in advance and sometimes asks us to go together, but she hasn't said that during this period of time." Zhang Hongju recalled.

Han Bin took a sip of tea and continued to ask, "did she mention anything about her work, or what difficulties she encountered? I can't think of it."

"No, my daughter is very obedient and competent, and her work is excellent. As soon as she graduated, she went to work in a foreign enterprise, which is one of the few in our county. There are a few like her." After Zhang Hongju finished, she added:

"she works well, earns a lot of money and looks beautiful. She can't think of anything, she can't

Han Bin frowned slightly: "do you say Zhang Zihan works in a foreign company?"

"Yes, she is very good at English and has strong ability. Less than two years after graduation, she has been in charge." Zhang Hongju said.

"Which foreign company does she work for?" Han Bin asked.

"What's your name..." Zhang Hongju scratched her head: "ah, I can't remember it for a while."

Zhou Baifeng recalled for a moment and said, "it's an English name. It's different from Chinese. It seems to be translated as anopi international global company."

"What does this company do?" Han Bin asked.

"Software." Zhou Baifeng road.

Han Bin touches her chin. Zhang Zihan is an anchor in a live broadcast company, but her parents think she works in a foreign company.

Zhang Zihan didn't tell the truth, or are there other reasons?

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