Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 308: 308

Qindao, botanical garden.

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The botanical garden has been cordoned off.

The police in the local area are in the outermost layer, and the criminal police team, technical team and forensic medicine are at the scene of investigation.

A big pit was dug next to the rockery, and the woven bag was lifted out. The shape of the bag was like a person's curling up.

Forensic Wu Xia cut open the outermost woven bag, which is also covered with a layer of woven bag, cut open two layers of woven bag, only to reveal a woman's body.

The woman had long hair, her body was stiff, her face was buried in her knees, she was wearing a white down jacket, and her skin began to rot.

A pungent smell came out.

Although it is not the first time out of the scene, but this stock taste, Han Bin is still difficult to get used to.

Qiao Ziming, the assistant of forensic medicine, took a picture nearby.

Wu Xia lifted the body's head, revealing a pale, twisted face, and could still see the outline of some facial features.

Zeng Ping, Han Bin and Zhao Ming went to have a look. Maybe it was because the weather was cold and the decay of the body was not too serious. Han Bin could probably recognize that the dead man was anchor Zhang Zihan.

After identifying the dead, Han Bin and the three stepped aside, leaving Wu Xia more space to deal with the body.

"It's a pity that such a beautiful girl should be like this. How hateful the murderer is." As a bachelor, Zhao Ming feels very uncomfortable.

It's like a starving person who sees a good roast lamb leg thrown into the septic tank. You say it's irritating.

"If you think he's hateful, find evidence and catch him." Han Bin reached out and patted him on the shoulder.

Zeng Ping ignored this stubble and asked Tian Li, "where is the person in charge of the park?"

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Tian Li shouts to the distance, "Mr. Wu, come here."

A moment later, a woman in her forties came over and said, "officer Tian, what can I do for you?"

"Director Wu, this is the head of our criminal police team, Captain Zeng." Tian Li said.

"Hello, Captain Zeng." Wu Yuanchang took the initiative to shake hands with Zeng Ping.

"Hello." Zeng pingke.

"Captain Zeng, how's the case going?" Director Wu guanxindao.

Zeng Ping pointed to the forensic direction: "the body has been dug out."

President Wu took a look over there and quickly turned his head to one side: "Oh, my God, I can't see this. How can these people be so bad? They are so good people. They are so stupid."

"Mr. Wu, did you find anything unusual on December 9?" Zeng Ping asked.

"Well, I'm not sure about that. It was Monday and I just had a rest." Wu Yuanchang said.

"Do you usually rest on Mondays?" Tian Li is curious.

"Generally speaking, there are more people coming to the botanical garden on Saturdays and Sundays, fewer tourists and fewer things on Mondays. I usually rest at this time." Wu explained.

"Mr. Wu, how many employees are there in your botanical garden?" Zeng Ping asked.

"More than 20. It's a large area. It can't be maintained without enough people."

"There are a lot of people." Tian Li Road.

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"Listen, there are a lot of security guards, night watchmen and maintenance workers, but they are not enough." Director Wu has a show.

"Who is in charge of the place where the guard coil is set up?"

"I really didn't say who was clearly responsible, that is, I arranged someone to deal with what happened. However, Lao Li was the one who cleaned this area, so he should know more about it."

"We want to take a note of him."

"No problem." Wu Yuanchang waved to the distance: "Lao Li, come here for a while."

After a while, a man in his fifties came, wearing a gray staff uniform:

"director, are you looking for me?"

"Comrade police, I want to know something from you." Wu Yuanchang said.

Lao Li looked a little nervous and nodded slightly.

"Tian Li, Zhao Ming, take Mr. Li to take notes." Zeng Ping said.


"Mr. Wu, the botanical garden has such a big accident. In order to avoid damage to the scene of the crime, we should not open it to the public for the time being." Zeng Ping said.

"This..." Director Wu looked embarrassed: "Captain Zeng, when will the botanical garden open?"

"Wait for the notice."

Wu Yuanchang's face became a little ugly: "if you have anything to cooperate with, just say it. I hope the police can make the botanical garden open as soon as possible."

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"No problem." Zeng Ping took out a business card from his pocket:

"this is my business card. Director Wu can call me if he has any clue."

After talking with Wu Yuanchang, Zeng Ping turns to find Han Bin, but finds that Han Bin is not around.

"Where's leader Han?" Zeng Ping asked a police officer from a technical team."It seems to be on the side of the first scene." The policeman replied.

"Why did the boy run away quietly?" Zeng Ping complained, thinking that Han Bin might have found other clues, he went to the first scene, where he found the white earphone.

Along the trail of drag back, walk to half of the time, see Han Bin in the cordon, squat down to check the ground.

"Binzi, what are you doing?" Zeng Ping asked.

"There were leaves at both crime scenes, and no clear footprints were found. I wanted to see if I could find some clues along the drag trail. I walked along the drag trail and found an open space not far from the drag trail, where several footprints were left."

"Three days have passed since December 9, and this footprint may have been left by others." Zeng Ping said.

"Collect it. It may be left by other tourists, or it may be left by someone who hears the sound and wants to come to check it. If it is the latter, the other party may have found something." Han Bin said.

The botanical garden is a public place. Zeng Ping didn't have much hope.

Han Bin called a technician and asked him to collect the footprints on the open space.

"Binzi, what do you think of the case as far as the current clues are concerned?" Zeng Ping asked.

"The place where the white wireless headset was found should be the first scene. I think it is very likely that Zhang Zihan was subdued or even killed there. Then, in order to avoid people's eyes and ears, he was dragged to the side of the rockery which is easy to hide, where he dug and buried." Han Bin analysis.

"I think the suspect and the dead are probably acquainted with each other, otherwise, a girl alone in the botanical garden would be on guard," Zeng said

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The botanical garden in winter is different from that in summer. There are not many people except on Saturdays and Sundays.

"Captain Zeng, the preliminary autopsy has been completed." Qiao Ziming, the assistant of forensic medicine, cried.

"Go and have a look." Zeng Ping called and went to the scene behind the rockery.

At this time, the body into the body bag, Wu Xia has taken off the gloves, command a few police to help carry the body.

"Forensic Wu, what's the result of autopsy?" Zeng Ping asked.

Wu Xia explained to Qiao Ziming again, and then came over and said, "the deceased was a woman, about 25 years old. She was strangled from behind and suffocated to death."

"And the time of death?"

"Because the corpse has been buried underground, temperature, humidity, soil quality, climate and other factors will affect the decay rate of the corpse, and the specific time of death is not easy to determine." Wu Xia explained.

"Then you can give us a period of time, and we will confirm the time of death according to the clues and evidence." Han Bin said.

"Between 1:30 and 4:00 on the afternoon of December 9." Wu Xia said.

"Where's the murder weapon?" Han Bin asked.

"I found some cotton fibers on the neck of the deceased. Combined with the characteristics of the wound, the murder weapon is likely to be something like a scarf."

"Anything else?"

"I found some fragments of suspected skin tissue in the cracks of the deceased's fingernails, most likely from the fight with the suspect." Wu Xia said.

smiled at the same time, and a thumb said, "this evidence is awesome!"

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