Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 312: 312

Ducky stepped aside to check the botanical garden's surveillance.

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"Oh, I heard from Zhang Gadan. He said that the police would ask about the time to leave the botanical garden, so I thought about it in advance." Ma Chaoran said with a smile.

Han Bin continued to explore: "are you familiar with Zhang Gadan?"

"I'm not familiar with it. Except for the company's activities, we haven't met each other." Ma Chaoran shook his head.

"Since you are not familiar with it, why do you two discuss it specially?"

"We don't meet each other, but we will contact each other on the Internet, mainly about work." Ma Chaoran said that, as if he was afraid that Han Bin didn't understand it, he continued:

"the industry of anchor is to earn fast money. If you are hot today, you may not be hot tomorrow. We have a low starting point, and we don't have the packaging and resources of stars, that is, we play treasure every day. Take me for example, I have a good voice."

With that, Ma Chaoran cleared his mouth and called for a passage of wheat: "the supremacy of heaven and earth is divided into two poles, the supremacy of two poles is divided into four domains, and the supremacy of four domains connects heaven and earth..."

"Well, come on, what are you singing about?" Han Bin interrupts.

"I don't know what to do. The old fellow loves to hear. Old fellow iron is happy, and there's a reward."

"Don't talk about this mess. Talk about the point."

, "the point is," the same thing is called "Mai Mai". Every day we shout that everyone is tired of listening. Sometimes we need to have wheat. You know, Zhang Gadan and I will even play a little game of wheat, and what the old fellow loves to see, so I will contact you online on the Internet. Ma Chaoran explained.

The more Ma Chaoran explains, the more Han Bin feels that the other party is hiding something.

"Where did you go when you left the park?" Han Bin asked.

"To the mall."

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"Which mall?"

"Blue whale mall."

"What time did you arrive at the mall?"

"More than four."

"When exactly?"

"About four five."

"That's about it. The time when I left the botanical garden before was not very accurate." Han Bin said.

"Comrade police, you can't be so harsh on a lovely girl." Ma Chaoran said playfully.

Du Qi came over and whispered beside Han Bin: "Han Zu, the monitoring shows that she left the botanical garden at 3:16 p.m. on the 9th."

Han Bin nodded, time error is normal, a point is not bad, Han Bin doubt.

After a while, Tian Li and Zhao Ming came back. They took notes for their assistant Fang Ping and found nothing unusual.

After collecting fingerprints and DNA, Han Bin lets Ma Chaoran and Fang Ping leave.


It's more than six in the evening.

Li Hui and sun Xiaopeng came back from the outside.

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As soon as he entered the room, Li Hui took off his coat and complained, "it's really hot in this office."

"Don't burn bags. You've just come back from the outside. You'll get used to it in a moment." Tian Li rolled her eyes.

"How's it going?" Han Bin yawned.

"We got the surveillance video of Sihui home. Guess what?"

"Don't play it off, just say it."

"I checked the monitoring of the front and rear doors. Wu Jianglong didn't go back to Sihui home at all between 3:00 and 4:00 p.m. on December 9. It wasn't until 5:32 p.m. that we found him in the monitoring." Li Hui said.

"When Wu Jianglong took notes, he said that he left the botanical garden at two o'clock and returned to Sihui home at three o'clock. In fact, he returned to Sihui home at five o'clock. Now he can be sure that he lied. Where did he go in the middle of the three hours?" Han Bin analyzes the situation.

"Among these anchors, I think Wu Jianglong is more reliable. I didn't expect that he was also a liar." Tian Li snorted.

"Sister Tian, you should remember that a man should not look at his appearance, let alone listen to what he says. What matters is what he does." Zhao Ming said solemnly.

"Does it include this sentence?" Tian Li asked.

Han Bin waved his hand: "we are discussing the case. Don't pull it."

"If you want me to say that, don't discuss it, just arrest people." Zhao Mingmo's hand rubbing way.

"Tian Li, go and apply for a subpoena."


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Han Bin turned to Li Hui and said, "where is Wu Jianglong now?"

"I don't know." Li Hui shook his head: "however, every night at 7:30, live on time!"


It's seven thirty in the evening.

Sihui home, wujianglong home.

Next time, Wu Jianglong turned on his computer and began to broadcast live.

, "old fellow iron, we have arrived at our live broadcast time. I want to kill you. First of all, I will continue to answer the questions of micro-blog's netizens' message."

"Netizen 'juxiaomei on the roadside' asked, there is a high school boy chasing me. He is very handsome, but we are not in the same class, and I don't know him very well. What should I do, Miss Wu?""Ignorant youth, beautiful." Wu Jianglong sighed with emotion, and his words changed:

"youth is very short, so we should be bold when we like it. Remember the teacher's words, don't look at people with eyes, but with heart and time."

After hearing Wu Jianglong's reply, the fans all called 666, especially some female fans, who responded warmly.

"Netizen 'flying bird' asked: Mr. Wu, I'm about to graduate from University, but I don't want to work. I don't think I'm willing to work. I want to start a business and set up my own company, but I'm afraid of failure and being laughed at. I'm really tangled. I've lost sleep for several days."

Wu Jiang long Lang said: "birdie, the teacher wants to tell you," if you think about it a thousand times, it's better to do it once. It is better to fall magnificently than to linger meaninglessly. "

After hearing Wu Jianglong's answer, fans left messages one after another.


"Mr. Wu is wonderful. I'm going to graduate soon, and I've been bothering about it all the time. Hearing Mr. Wu's answer gives me the courage to start a business."

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"Miss Wu is wonderful. You are my idol."

"Miss Wu, I want to have a monkey with you."

Wujiang dragon mouth angle slightly up, he enjoyed this feeling.

"Click." Suddenly the screen went black and the computer turned off.

The other appliances are off, too.

"Damn, you @ ¥%..." Wu Jianglong yelled and sat up abruptly: "when I get paid this month, I must change my notebook, stinky."

Sihuijiayuan uses electricity card for its electricity. The meters are all in the corridor. Wu Jianglong swears to the door and opens the door to check the meter to see if the card is out of power.

However, as soon as he walked out of the door, he saw a few people coming out of the stairway. The head of the group was a little familiar. It was Han Bin who had taken notes for him.

"Officer Han, why are you here..." Wu Jianglong was surprised.

Li Huiliang out of the handcuffs: "Wu Jianglong, come with us."

"Comrades of the police, don't do that. I'm still live. I can't leave." Wujiang Longqiang has a smile.

"Just in time, we have a few questions to ask you, or you live, we ask at the same time, so without delay, just let the netizens know more about you." Han Bin does not smile.

Wujiang dragon face color change some ugly, quickly changed: "don't, don't, I'll go with you."

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