Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 314: 314

Traffic police monitoring center.

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Li Hui is no stranger here. After handing over the relevant procedures, he entered the monitoring room under the leadership of a police officer.

The two began to check Skynet monitoring near the botanical garden.

According to Chen Xuefei, after he took Zhang Zihan and others to the gate of the botanical garden, he drove away from the botanical garden at about 1:30 and the destination was Jiaodong building.

Li Hui checked. There are two common routes from the botanical garden to Jiaodong building. Two people check one by themselves. They check Skynet monitoring on the road that the car must pass.

However, I didn't find the business car Lu b9528vv after watching for a long time.

Li Hui was a little puzzled. How did he check the surveillance for a long time and find no flying fish company's car?

Is Chen Xuefei taking other routes, but other routes back to Jiaodong building will take a long way, normal people will not choose to go like this.

Li Hui took a detour to check Skynet monitoring. Sure enough, he saw a business car of the same style and color, but before he could be happy, he saw that the license plate was Lu b374e5.

The style, color and appearance time of this car are consistent with the business car of flying fish live broadcasting company, but the license plate of this car is different.

Li huilue thought about it and had an idea. He checked the owner information of Lu b374e5.

After checking, Li Hui couldn't help laughing.

Owner's name: Chen Xuefei

brand: Hyundai

appearance: black car

mobile phone number: 130175xxx

now Li Hui can be sure that this business car belongs to Feiyu company, but it's just replaced with Chen Xuefei's own license plate.

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Li Hui continued to check the monitoring, tracking the track of the car all the way, and found that the car had made a big circle before returning to Jiaodong building.

Zoomed in a high-definition photo of the intersection, you can clearly see that the driver is Chen Xuefei, and the co pilot is sitting on other people.

As for what he did, Skynet did not capture it, so he had to ask himself.


Jiaodong building, flying fish live broadcasting company.

Flying fish live company's headquarters in Beijing, here is just a branch of the company, so only rented an office.

Ran Chengji, the manager of the company's branch, is 30 years old. He is tall and handsome, but he has some pimples on his face. However, his last beauty has solved all the problems.

Occasionally, as a senior member of the company, he would do some marketing, publicity or acting with several anchors, Lian Mai.

Although they are all arranged in advance, some fans just like to watch them.

"Dong Dong." There was a knock outside the office.

"Come in."

A moment later, Ma Chaoran pushed the door and came in with her assistant Fang Ping.

As soon as he entered the door, Ma Chaoran exaggerated and yelled: "good leader!"

Ran Chengji looked up at him and said, "here you are."

"Leader, I know you like to drink milk tea. I bought a cup for you on the way here. It's super delicious!" Ma Chaoran said with a smile.

"I've had trouble with my stomach these two days, so I won't drink milk tea." Ran Chengji said lightly.

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"Leader, my milk tea is hot, and there is my love in it. It can cure all kinds of diseases." Ma Chaoran squeezed his eyes and said coquettishly.

"Aloof, I'll tell you something serious." Ran Chengji waved his hand.

"What's so serious?"

"From today on, you will stop the live broadcast for the time being." Ran Chengji said solemnly.


"The police just informed me that, considering the nature of your work, in order to avoid the case being spread out and causing panic among the masses, and at the same time, affecting the next investigation of the case, all the personnel involved in the case will stop broadcasting." Ran Chengji said helplessly.

"Why?" Ma Chaoran widened his eyes.

"It's also the company's decision. You should cooperate with the police investigation and have a good relationship with the police. Don't think that if you have some fans and become public figures, it's like 250000 or 80000. You're not even a fart." Ran Chengji warned. "Manager ran, I always regard you as the boss. I always think you are a man who can handle affairs. You are so afraid of the police." The horse turned his lips.

"What are you yelling at?" Ran Chengji made a silent gesture.

"What's the matter? I'm not allowed to talk." Ma Chaoran snorted.

"Creak..." Let's hear it.

The door opened, Han Bin walked into the office, said with a smile: "of course, I can take you to a place, as long as you want."

"You, why are you here?" Ma Chaoran looked surprised.

"Officer Han." Ran Chengji said hello in a hurry.

Han Bin nodded and said to Ma Chaoran: "Ma Chaoran, we suspect that your testimony is false. Come with us."

"Well, ran Chengji, you really have the ability to cheat me into the company. Are you worthy of your conscience?" Ma Chaoran cried."I have said for a long time that I want you to cooperate with the police investigation, and you will be happy if the whole branch is to close down for rectification?" Ran Chengji also held his breath.

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"What are you afraid of? They are not the Bureau of industry and commerce. Why should we close down for rectification?" Ma Chaoran said.

"Elder sister, elder sister Ma, you are really my elder sister. Have you ever heard of a department called network security brigade?" Ran Chengji was not angry.

"What brigade." Ma Chaoran has never heard of it.

"If you have time to read more books, don't fight all day long. There are so many worlds for you to fight. It's not too late to understand the world you live in." Han Bin said coldly.

"Yes, what officer Han said is that I want them to read more books. All anchors have to learn from the legal publicity of Qindao and cooperate with the work of the police. It will never happen again." Ran Chengji showed a flattering look.

"Take two people back to the police station all at once. Our police car can't sit down. Can your company send a car to take us Han Bin asked.

"Yes, absolutely." Ran Chengji quickly agreed, went to the door and cried: "Chen Xuefei, you drive Ma Chaoran to the police station. You must cooperate with the police."

"All right, manager ran." Chen Xuefei responded.

Although he is a person involved in the case, he is not the anchor. It has nothing to do with him whether the broadcast is on or off.

The business car is for eight people. Chen Xuefei is in charge of driving, Han Bin is in the co driver's seat, Li Hui is in charge of detaining Ma Chaoran, and Du Qi is in charge of detaining Fang Ping.

Sun Xiaopeng followed him in a police car.

"Your name is Chen Xuefei?" Han Bin looked at the driver.

When Chen Xuefei goes to the police station to take notes, Han Bin goes out at the botanical garden.


"It's a good car." Han Bin said with a smile.

"It's OK. I've been driving since I graduated from high school. If I don't have other skills, I'll earn a lot of money." Chen Xuefei said.

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Along the way, Ma Chaoran and Fang Ping both drooped, and there was no communication between them.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, when there was no traffic jam, I drove to Qindao branch office in a short time.

Ma Chaoran and Fang Ping were successively taken out of the car.

Looking at the two people being taken away by the police, Chen Xuefei showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

After staying in the live broadcasting company for a long time, he looks down on these anchors more and more. If his education is not as high as his, he will yell and talk nonsense. He earns more money in a month than he earns in a year.


I Pooh!

Chen Xuefei breathed a sigh of relief, turned to look at Han Bin and said with a smile, "officer Han, if you have nothing else to do, I'll go first."

"Don't worry. Since you're here, have a cup of tea before you leave." Han Bin said with a smile.

"You're welcome. The company has something else to do. I won't drink this tea." Chen Xuefei sneered.

I'm kidding. He'd rather drink with his own urine than go to the police station for tea.

Having a cup of tea is a small matter, but if you can't get out of it, you'll be very angry.

"Do you think I'm joking?" Han Bin directly pulled out the key of the car.

Li Hui opened the door of the cab and directly handcuffed Chen Xuefei: "let's go. Let's go in and say something."

"You This is... " Chen Xuefei was confused. Didn't he let himself give away?

How can we even catch ourselves.

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