Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 317: 317

"Who is the suspect?" Zhao Ming said excitedly.

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"The suspect you provided is sun Chuanxi." Lu Wendao.

"Damn, it's the boy." Li Hui waved his fist and looked excited.

He felt that his original act of collecting sun Chuanxi's DNA was too wise.

"Pa pa..." Han Bin slapped: "pack up the equipment, ready to catch people, Tian Li to apply for a warrant."



Shenghua community, Zhang Gadan's home.

Zhang Gadan, holding a mobile phone, is chatting in a group: "old fellow iron, those smelly bars do not let us live in the flying fish, you say that annoying people are not annoying."

"I can't help it. It's not us alone. All the anchors related to the case are not allowed to broadcast. The manager of our company usually drags the same way as 258800. Now he's a counsellor. He's more intimate than his father when he meets the cop named Han."

"thank you for your support. Old fellow can not be called urine suffocating. Since the platform is not allowed to be broadcast live, we will broadcast live in the group, as before, first to see red packets."

"Yes, let's go."

"You say brother Chuanxi, he's washing incense. He'll come out soon."

Zhang Gadan nodded: "well, he often goes to the gym."

"Bang Bang..." There was a knock on the door outside.

old fellow, there's a knock on the door outside, and I say hi brother is still washing Xiang Xiang. I'll open the door. With that, Zhang Gadan went out of the bedroom to the door.

"Who is it?" Zhang Gadan asked.

"Downstairs, your toilet is leaking." There was a sound outside.

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Sun Chuanxi is washing jujubes in the toilet. Zhang Gadan doesn't know if there is any leakage in his house. This is the house he rented. He has no idea.

What kind of broken house? When I make a lot of money live, I must change to a villa.

"Dong Dong..." It's still knocking outside.

Zhang Gadan was a little impatient: "don't knock, don't knock, I'll open the door now."

As soon as Zhang Gadan opened the door, Zhao Ming rushed in. Although he was small, he was the most courageous. He held Zhang Gadan down directly.

"Where is sun Chuanxi?"

"I don't know." Zhang Gadan called.

Zhao Ming grabbed his hair and lifted him up: "say it again."

Zhang GA grinned in pain and pointed to the direction of the bathroom: "he is taking a bath, taking a bath."

When taking a bath, the sound of the water was loud, and the toilet was soundproof. Sun Chuanxi vaguely heard the movement outside, but he didn't hear it very clearly. He asked, "Gadan, who's here? Why is it so noisy?"

Sun Xiaopeng went over and directly unscrewed the door of the toilet.

"Ah, who are you? How can you open someone's toilet door? I don't know they are washing dates." Sun Chuanxi shouts and wraps himself in a bathrobe.

Sun Xiaopeng was big and strong. He pulled him out: "Sun Chuanxi, you are arrested."

"I am wronged. Why do you arrest me?" Sun Chuanxi struggles.

"We have found new clues in the case of Zhang Zihan's murder. Please go back to the Branch Bureau to assist in the investigation." Han Bin is right.

"Zhang Zihan's death has nothing to do with us. You have wronged good people."

Han Bin ignored two people to shout directly, waved a hand: "search a room."

"Why, why do you search my house?" Zhang Gadan said angrily.

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Han Bin showed a search warrant: "with this."

The second group and the technical team began to search separately.

Han Bin also in the room around, did not find any suspicious items, but he found a problem.

This is a two bedroom, the second bedroom is a live room, the master bedroom with two pillows, a pair of bedding.

It's kind of interesting.

Han Bin pointed to sun Chuanxi and said, "do you both live here?"

Sun Chuanxi turned his head aside.

"Pa!" Ducky gave him a brain scoop directly: "ask you words, deaf."

Sun Chuanxi shrunk his neck and shivered: "live, we both live here."

Durge shook his head. Some of them are bitches.

After a while, after the search, no suspicious items were found, but two mobile phones and two computers were recovered by the technical team.

Han Bin waved his hand: "close the team."


In an hour.

In the interrogation room.

Sun Chuanxi was a little embarrassed and instinctively covered his left back with his right hand.

"Creak..." There was a glottis.

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Han Bin came in with a cup of coffee.

Li Hui is carrying a teacup and a thermos.

Han Bin is not worried, glanced at the opposite sun Chuanxi, took the cup, smelled the aroma and tasted the coffee.Sun Chuanxi couldn't wait any longer. He asked, "officer Han, why did you arrest me?"

"Why do you say that?"

"I don't know."

"Do you know why you're off the air?" Han Bin asked.

"According to manager ran, it's because of the nature of the work. I'm afraid that the case will be revealed during the live broadcast, which will affect the investigation of the case." Sun Chuanxi said.

"It's just one side."

Han Bin laughed: "more importantly, you are not willing to cooperate with the police investigation, or even interfere with the investigation for various reasons. You don't take the police seriously, and the police don't need to give you any convenience."

Sun Chuanxi takes a look at Han Bin and quickly lowers his head.

"If we arrest you, there is evidence to prove that you are related to this case. If you cooperate with the investigation, we will give you a certain leniency within the permission of the policy; if you lie, you can't get any commutation policy." Han Bin warned.

After a long silence, sun Chuanxi slowly raised his head: "we met Zhang Zihan after entering the botanical garden. She quarreled with us and scratched the back of my hand."

"When did the conflict occur?"

"More than one fifty, less than two."

"Why conflict?"

"She looked down on me and Gadan, and also slandered us. When I got angry, I quarreled with her. Although she was beautiful, she was unforgiving. What she said was very ugly, so I moved my hand." Sun Chuanxi recalled.

"So you killed her."

"I didn't, I didn't kill her." Sun Chuanxi cried.

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"I was very angry. I grabbed her collar. Before I taught her a lesson, she scratched me and left me cursing."

"Why there is a conflict, make it clear."

"Gadan and I really love each other. We are both young people. The scenery in the botanical garden is very beautiful. We are sentimental people, so we hugged each other." Sun Chuanxi bowed his head and did not dare to look at Han Bin and said in a low voice: "Zhang Zihan saw it and said that we were sick to death. I will never forget her expression at that time. I am very angry. He can look down on me, but he can't look down on Gadan."

"So you killed her on impulse."

"I didn't kill her, really."

"You two spent three hours in the park. If you didn't kill her, what would you do?" Han Bin said coldly.

Sun Chuanxi bit his lip: "clean up the garbage."

"When I didn't watch the live broadcast and didn't know your urine, if you really cleaned up the garbage for three hours, you would definitely open the live broadcast and never miss such a good opportunity for publicity." Li Hui said firmly.

"Don't push me."

"It's not that we want to force you, but the current situation is very bad for you. We found your skin debris in the fingernails of the deceased, which is enough to prove that you had a conflict with her. If we can't prove what you did in the botanical garden for three hours, then you are the first suspect." Han Bin is sincere and sincere.

Sun Chuanxi grabbed his hair with both hands, hesitated for a long time and said: "there is a video in my mobile phone, you can see it after watching it."

"What video? Say

Sun Chuanxi covered his face with both hands: "it's the video of GA Dan and me playing Ye."


Li Hui spat out a mouthful of water and coughed several times. Then he gasped and said, "Damn, what's your hobby?"

"It's an appointment!"

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