Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 32: 32

"Maybe I remember wrong." Liu Zhixin sophistry.

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"Liu Zhixin, you think we are three-year-old children. Your confession just now has been videotaped. You can't tolerate sophistry." Li Hui scolded.

"I was wronged."

Han Bin sneered: "how can you be wronged?"

"Even if there is my dander in sun Qifeng's fingernails, it only means that he has caught me, but it doesn't mean that I am the murderer."

Han Bin changed the topic: "Liu Zhixin, have you been to the constant line recently?"


Han Bin leaned on the table: "do you want to know how we caught you?"


"Shoe print."

"Shoe print?" Liu Zhixin was a little puzzled. He wanted to feel his head habitually, but he couldn't reach it.

"The footprints you left at the scene of abandoning the car are different from those of sun Qifeng."

"How can you be sure it's my shoe print?" Liu Zhixin asked.

"Different people's posture, walking posture and wear marks of shoes are unique, just like people's fingerprints."

"With the shoe print, you'll find me." Liu Zhixin muttered to himself.

"At the scene of the corpse throwing, your shoes are everywhere. You can't get rid of them." Han Bin is right.

"Ha ha, it's a shoe print..." Liu Zhixin gave a strange laugh.

"Liu Zhixin, lenient if he confesses, strict if he resists." Li huidao.

"Hehe, Kuan? "Strict?" Liu Zhixin shook his head: "is it meaningful to me?"

"Think about your wife. If you don't tell her, she will carry it all the time. Her guilt will be heavier." Han Bin said.

Liu Zhixin held his forehead in his hand and remained silent for a long time.

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Just when Li Hui was impatient and wanted to urge him.

Liu Zhixin spoke.

"I did it."

"Make it clear."

Liu Zhixin twisted his hands together: "I killed Xing Jianbin and sun Qifeng, and I took the money."

"Why kill Xing Jianbin?"

"He should die."

"What do you have against him?"

"Sun Qifeng followed him to engage in MLM. He borrowed all the money from me. As a result, he lost it all at once. Up to now, he hasn't paid it off, let alone promised interest." Liu Zhixin said.

"Doesn't sun Qifeng have a van? Why don't you use a van to pay for the debt? " Li huidao.

"The broken bread is worth a lot of money." Liu Zhixin has some disdain.

"Why kill sun Qifeng?"

"The crime needs transportation, but after the case is finished, the transportation is easy to be found. I don't want to find it on me."

"You are cruel enough." Li Hui snorted.

Liu Zhixin smiles and asks, "Comrade police, is my noodles delicious?"

"Why do you think of asking this question?"

"Several of you have eaten in the noodle shop. It seems that you haven't paid yet." Liu Zhixin said.

"We won't depend on money. Our team has given your wife the money for dinner."

"Thank you." Liu Zhixin said.

Li Hui knocked on the table: "it's time. I still miss your little money."

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"It's hard money to open a noodle shop. Especially in summer, the kitchen is like a stove. I've been cheated out of my hard-earned money. What's the difference with taking my life." Liu Zhixin was a little excited, patting his seat and shouting:

"those who engage in mass marketing are the hungry wolves who kill people without blood!"

"Where's the money?"

Liu Zhixin leaned back on the chair: "I don't know."

"Now it's time to say where the stolen money is?"

"Ask my wife." Liu Zhixin finished and closed his eyes.

No matter what Han Bin and Li Hui say, they will not speak any more.

Out of the interrogation room, Li Hui couldn't help asking, "what does this guy mean? It's all abandoned, but he won't tell where the stolen money is hidden?"

Han Bin sighed: "he is creating conditions for his wife to perform meritorious service."

"This..." Li Hui opened his mouth and didn't know how to say it.


Liu Zhixin was abandoned, and his wife was no longer hard shouldered.

In order to be able to reduce the crime, gave the location of the stolen money.

Buried in a forest in a nearby park.

Two hundred thousand dollars, three hundred thousand people's I dollars all recovered, the case completely solved!

The third and second criminal investigation teams were awarded by the leaders.


"Congratulations, police officer 577533, successfully solved the first homicide."

"Footprint identification, skill proficiency + 3; micro expression analysis, skill proficiency + 3."

"Reward merit is worth 10 points."

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Han Bin smiles, and it's worth the effort.This time, the case is the most complicated and arduous, but the reward is also very rich.

This case alone is enough to pay the installment bill of micro expression analysis skills, even more than enough.

During this period of time, Han Bin can relax without thinking about the installment bill all day.


After the case, it's already nine o'clock in the evening.

In order to reward group two, Zheng Kaixuan invited everyone to dinner.

There was a heated discussion about what to eat.

Li Hui suggested barbecue.

Tian Li suggested eating fried vegetables.

Zhao Ming suggested hot pot.

Zeng Ping abstained.

Han Bin hasn't eaten hot pot for a long time. He thinks about it a little.

Finally, Zhao Ming's proposal won by more than half.

Not far from the branch, there is a nine door hot pot shop.

Six people asked for a private room, mandarin duck pot bottom, mutton, beef, hairy tripe, fish slide, lettuce, cabbage, Flammulina velutipes, fungus and so on.

The whole table was ordered.

When we had dinner together, we wanted to drink some wine, but Zheng Kaixuan, Zeng Ping and Li Hui all drove and gave up.

When the water in the hot pot boils, Han Bin directly takes the mutton and puts half of it on the bottom of the two pots.

"Binzi, you are too bold and unconstrained. You put a plate of meat in it." Li Hui hit it. Hit it.

"You have such a big mouth. If you hold half of a chopstick, will others eat it?" Han Bin hummed.

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"Han Bin is right. The mutton has to be eaten in large mouthfuls." Zheng Kaixuan said, reached out his hand and said, "when the meat is cooked, move the chopsticks."

People on the scene, appetite is not small, a person holding a chopstick, a plate of meat down.

"The mutton of this family is delicious." Zheng Kaixuan praised.

"It's said that it's Neimeng's sheep." Zhao Ming's grinning teeth.

Zeng Ping laughed: "this mutton is hand cut and chewy."

"The spicy bottom of the pot is too spicy. Is the boss from Shancheng?" Tian Li took a quick sip of yogurt.

"That's enough." Han Bin pointed to the hot pot and said with a smile, "it's a pleasure to eat hot pot in an air-conditioned room in summer."


"Hello, this is 110 police service center."

"Hello, I want to call the police." There was a woman's voice on the phone.

"What can I do for you?" The police officer asked.

"My son was killed." The woman cried.

"Ma'am, you mean your son was killed?" Confirmed by police officer.

"Yes, send criminal police to catch the murderer and avenge my son." The woman cried loudly.

"When did you find out that your son was killed?"

"Just now."

"Where are you?"

"Xiangcheng international, my son's body is in the green belt of the community, Wuwu..." The woman cried again.

"Lady, don't worry. I'll call the police now and send the police to deal with it." The operator didn't get a response.

The woman who reported the case seemed too sad to speak.

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