Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 322: 322

"These two people's psychological quality is very strong. After killing people, they even went to the countryside to fight." Zhao Ming joked.

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"Before, they didn't have time to commit crimes, so we didn't have further investigation, but now it's different. Ma Chaoran and Fang Ping have time to commit crimes, so their behavior in the suburbs is extremely suspicious."

Han Bin said, got up and went to the whiteboard, wrote down four words: "they go to the suburbs, may not be really wild, this may be a cover up, just like the video shot by sun Chuanxi and Zhang Gadan, is to cover up the real purpose."

"I agree with the group leader's analysis. When she took notes for Ma Chaoran before, she said that she was connected with Zhang Gadan. Maybe she just imitated Zhang Gadan's method." Tian Li echoed.

"What's the real purpose of the two of them going to the suburbs in the south of the city?" Sun Xiaopeng asked.

Han Bin wrote two more words, murder weapon.

"My day, it's really possible that we didn't find the murder weapon and the mobile phone of the deceased in the botanical garden. It's very likely that we were taken away by the suspect. The woods in the south suburb of the city are really a good place to bury the murder weapon." Li Hui analyzes the situation.

"Let's work separately. I'll lead the team to search for the murder weapon in the southern suburb of the city. Li Hui leads the team to arrest Ma Chaoran and Fang Ping. Is there a problem?"



Blue whale mall.

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"It's eight fifty-six. Why doesn't this broken mall open?" Ma Chaoran complained.

"It's written at the door. It's open at nine o'clock. Wait a minute." Fang Ping looked down at his watch.

"There's nothing good about this broken mall when it's open. It's boring." Ma Chaoran complained.

"But you're not coming yet. I'd rather lie at home." Fang Ping frowned.

"I just want to find a place where there are many people. I feel down-to-earth. I don't like two people staying at home coldly. I always feel that..." The horse bit his lip.

"OK, stop talking. What are you talking about..." Fang Ping looked around warily.

"It's all over. Why are you so nervous?" The horse turned his lips.

"Yes, it's past. I won't mention it." Fang Ping perfunctory two, it seems that do not want to mention this stubble.

"Ping Ping, is there anything you want to buy?"


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"Where shall we go later?"

"How do I know if you're coming to the mall?" Fang Ping asked.

He's a man who doesn't like shopping at all.

"I said, I just like the atmosphere in the shopping mall. The bustle can make me forget my troubles." Ma Chaoran said, a little angry.

"Well, I'll take you to the supermarket. The supermarket has the most people and doesn't have to wait for the store to open." Fang Ping proposed.

"Didn't you say that earlier?"

Fang Ping is speechless, a woman's mind

"Ding Ling Ling..." Ma Chaoran's mobile phone rings. Ma Chaoran takes out his mobile phone and hums: "it's shameless. It's good to call me."

"What's the matter, who's calling?" Fang Ping is alert.

"Who else? Ran Chengji is shameless. What do you call his parents? Ran Chengji is better called Chihuahua." Ma Chaoran scorned the way.

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"Well, you're insulting Chihuahua." Fang Ping is serious.

"Ha ha." Ma Chaoran is very happy.

"Hurry up and see what's the matter with him?" Fang Ping advised.

"I won't take it. I'll take you." Thinking of being cheated into the company last time and then taken away by the police, Ma Chaoran was very angry.

Fang Ping took the phone and pressed the answer button: "Hello, manager ran."

"Who are you?"

"I'm Ma Chaoran's assistant, Fang Ping."

"Oh, Ma Chaoran?"

"Ran Ran went to the bathroom. It's not convenient to call for the time being." Fang Ping said.

"Well, I know, she's still angry with me. I can't help it. You are too young to know the consequences of offending the police. In a word, officer Han, our whole Qindao branch has to close down. I can't help it." Ran Chengji said.

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Ma Chaoran snatched the mobile phone: "manager ran, boss ran, didn't you say there was someone on it? Is there power? I often have dinner with some of your bigwigs, and I always think you are very good. I can't understand why you suddenly counseled me. "

"I have people, but I'm not in the police system, and I can't manage it directly. Besides, officer Han became the head of the criminal police force when he was in his twenties. He can be an ordinary person. I don't think it's easy to get along with him."

Ran Chengji explained, but seemed to feel that he was not strong enough. He added: "the most important thing is that this case is very important. It's not easy for people to take the case and find someone."

"Come on, don't deal with those useless ones. Just ask me what you want." Ma Chaoran interrupts the other party. She used to think that ran Chengji was very good and polite. But after the last incident, she felt that ran Chengji was a paper tiger.One stab and one break.

"The police just called. The suspicion of our company's employees has been ruled out. We can resume the live broadcast." Ran Chengji said.

"Can we resume live?" Ma Chaoran was a little surprised.

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