Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 327: 327

two o'clock in the afternoon.

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The award ceremony officially began.

Chen Dongliang, director of Yuhua Branch Bureau, Feng Baoguo, deputy director of Yuhua Branch Bureau, Ding Xifeng, deputy director of Yuhua Branch Bureau, and several deputy directors of Yuhua Branch Bureau attended the ceremony.

Chen Dongliang and Feng Baoguo gave way, and finally he came to the stage to speak.

Chen Dongliang is not only the director of the Bureau, but also the deputy director of Yuhua District.

Director Chen stepped onto the platform and began to speak.


it's a special pleasure and honor for me to meet you today. Director Feng of the Municipal Bureau came here to inspect, which highly affirmed the work of our Branch Bureau. In response to the call of the municipal Party committee and the Municipal Bureau, we carried out the investigation of old cases some time ago, and a large number of positive, down-to-earth and diligent police officers emerged in our work, who went deep into the common people In the middle of the investigation, we listened to the people's suggestions and worked hard to solve some old and difficult cases. We have achieved great success in our work. The second group of the third criminal investigation team is one of the best

Chen Dongliang's speech lasted only six or seven minutes.

Compared with other leaders, this is not a long time.

Finally, let's invite Zeng Ping and Han Bin to come on stage to receive the award.

Zeng Ping was awarded the collective second class merit on behalf of the two groups.

Han Bin was awarded the second class merit.

With the experience of receiving the award last time, Han Bin took it easy this time.

Of course, compared with the previous one, Han Bin is also more popular. He has not been in the branch for a long time, and has become the leader of the criminal police team. However, his solid achievements in solving criminal cases and winning the third and second class meritorious service have also convinced everyone.

This time, the Municipal Bureau propaganda section also came, but Han Bin did not see Tan Jingya's figure.

That's good. It's not easy for us to meet.

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This time, in addition to Han Bin and group 2, there were also members of group 1 of the second criminal investigation team, who won a collective third class merit.

However, against the backdrop of Han Bin and others, third class Gong basically has no sense of existence.

I'm not afraid of not knowing the goods, but I'm afraid of comparing the goods.


Seven o'clock in the evening.

Old at barbecue.

Han Bin won the personal second-class merit, must be slaughtered.

They put together two tables to eat barbecue.

Li Hui stood up and said solemnly, "ladies and gentlemen, it's a great honor to have captain Zeng of our third criminal investigation team for this dinner party. Now let's ask captain Zeng to say a few words. Let's say good or bad."

"Get rid of me, don't make fun of me." Zeng Ping said with a smile: "Han Bin, you are the protagonist today. Please say something."

"I didn't intend to say it originally, but since team Zeng has spoken, I'll say something." Han Bin smiles and glances at the crowd. Just when they think he is going to deliver his acceptance speech, Han Bin says simply:

"I hope you can eat, drink and play well today. I'll pay for it."

"Good!" The crowd immediately cheered.

has no more awesome speech than the three words "I pay".

People eat and chat.

Most of the things we talked about were cases.

Just as the crowd was about to end, Li Hui wiped his mouth and said with a smile, "binzi, I want to have a rest on Sunday, OK?"

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"It's only Thursday. You're in a hurry." Han Bin said with a smile.

"I'm not afraid I can't turn it on."

"Don't worry, Huige. You have a girlfriend now. We can understand and cooperate with you." Zhao Ming Yin Yang strange airway.

"We've been working hard these days. One person is on duty on Saturday and one person is on duty on Sunday. Everyone else can have a rest." Han Bin said, and added: "the premise is that there is no sudden case."

After listening to Han Bin's words, several team members are naturally very happy.

"On Saturday, did the Bureau want to go together?" Zhao Ming asked.

Zhao Ming added a group of police officers, all of whom are from Qindao City Public Security Bureau, and they will be organized every once in a while.

"Forget it, I don't want to spend that money." Li Hui waved his hand. If he had spare money, he might as well buy a dress for his girlfriend.

Zhao Ming looked to Tian Li and said, "sister Tian, what about you?"

Tian Li put down her tea cup and rolled her eyes: "it's not easy to have a day off. I'd rather sleep at home."

Zhao Ming shook his head and said, "comrades, we are still young. Can we have some vitality?"

Han Bin learned to shoot, but he didn't have the chance to shoot. He just took the opportunity to practice and asked, "what are the requirements for playing this? Can new people play? "

Zhao Ming patted his chest: "I must be able to. I'll take you to eat chicken with me at that time."


Saturday morning.

Qindao suburb.

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As conditions get better and better, people's lives become more and more colorful.Real CS, many people just heard, not many people have played.

Qindao also has two real life cs clubs. Zhao Ming and Han Bin come to this one, which is called Future Soldier CS field club.

The CS Club covers a large area, with a total of eight venues, each with a different layout.

Han Bin and others meet at about 9 a.m., in addition to Han Bin and Zhao Ming, there are four people, all police.

One is a policeman in a police station.

One is Chen Qian from the economic investigation team of the Municipal Bureau.

One is Pang Qilong, a traffic policeman.

There's also a policewoman named Maxi.

Han Bin doesn't know these people, but Zhao Ming knows two of them. The other two also chat in the group.

After getting familiar with each other, they were ready to fight.

At this time, seven people came to the opposite, the leader was a middle-aged man, and waved to Han Bin and others: "friend, do you want to fight together?"

Han Bin is a play, not familiar with, there is no mouth.

Zhao Ming discussed with Chen Qian and others. If they play by themselves, it's three to three; if they finish with the opposite people, it's six to seven. It's more interesting when there are more people.

Chen Qian, who is the oldest of several people and a member of the Municipal Bureau, has become the spokesman of this temporary team.

Chen Qian walked over and said to the leading middle-aged man, "OK, let's play a game together."

"Brother, there are seven of us, five men and two women; there is one more than you. If you think it's not suitable, we can get rid of one." The middle-aged man opposite said.

"There's no need. We just want to be happy. There are so many people." Chen Qian waved his hand.

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Are you kidding? I'm all policemen here. I'm not better at shooting than you. Which one is worse than you?

"Well, brother is a happy man." The middle-aged man arched his hand.

Then, two groups of people entered the gun room together and began to choose guns.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, they also briefly introduced each other.

The man opposite the leader is Sha Haiming, the boss of a company. All the people who play CS with him are employees of their company.

In addition to Sha Haiming, there is a woman in her twenties, Yao Xingyun, who is tall and beautiful, with a ponytail tied in the back, looking neat.

Zhao Ming, Han Bin and other male players couldn't help but look more.

Zhao Ming squeezed his eyes: "brother bin, we are right this time. We can not only play CS, but also meet beautiful women."

Han Bin smiles: "it's really good to meet a beautiful woman. I'm afraid it's a famous flower."

"It's not easy. I'll find out later." Zhao Ming smiles.

Han Bin did not answer, chose a simulation 64 pistol, only seven bullets in the clip, and then loaded several spare clips to tie to the body.

, "brother, don't just choose pistols, rifles are awesome. Here are M4a1, AK47 and M16. They are more commonly used. They have faster firing speed, higher firing accuracy, larger cartridge capacity, more power than pistols." Zhao Ming said.

Han Bin hesitated for a moment, declined: "forget it, I'm still more used to pistols."

Han Bin is not only here to play this time, but mainly wants to try his own shooting skills. Although the rifle has more advantages and is more powerful, Han Bin's shooting skill is just the shooting skill of pistol, so he can't use the rifle at all.

As a domestic police officer, it is impossible to come into contact with M4A1, AK47 and M16 rifles in actual combat.

Compared with playing cool, Han Bin pays more attention to actual combat.

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