Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 337: 337

Words are divided into two parts, one for each.

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Gufeng company, chairman's office.

Xiao Shan is 50 years old this year, but she looks much younger than her peers. She looks only 40 years old.

Xiao Shan had a shoulder length perm and was sitting at her desk, looking down at the papers.

"Ding Ling Ling..." A burst of mobile phone ringing, Xiao Shan looked at the phone, pressed the answer button: "hello."

"Xiao Dong, just now two policemen came to Tianchen." Nanny Wang's voice came from her mobile phone.

"What do they want from Tianchen?"

"I asked, they wouldn't say." Said nanny Wang.

"What about Tianchen?"

"He hasn't been home." Nanny Wang replied.

"I see. I'll deal with it." Xiao Shan finished and hung up her cell phone.

Xiao Shan took off her glasses and patted her forehead. She is a strong woman and a workaholic. If there is anything that can make her put down her work temporarily, it is probably related to her son.

This time is no exception.

Xiao Shan takes out her mobile phone and dials her son's number, but the phone doesn't connect, indicating that she is not in the service area for the time being.

Xiao Shan's forehead is wrinkled into a mountain character. Xiao Tianchen seldom turns off the power. What's the matter?

What's the matter with the police looking for Tianchen?

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Xiao Shan was a little upset and had no heart to work.

Xiao Shan asks the driver and assistant to find Xiao Tianchen.

As for herself, she made several more calls to Xiao Tianchen, but still indicated that she was not in the service area.

Just when Xiao Shan couldn't sit still, her mobile phone suddenly rang: "Ding Ling Ling..."

When Xiao Shan saw that it was his son's mobile phone number, she was relieved and pressed the answer button: "Tianchen, where are you? Why can't I get through the mobile phone all the time, but my mother is in a hurry."

"Ha ha, Xiao Dong, don't recognize your son. If I had a mother like you, I would wake up laughing when I sleep." A man's voice came from the other side.

"Who are you? How can you have Tianchen's mobile phone? " Xiao ShanMeng stood up.

"I'm a friend of Xiao Tianchen. Xiao Tianchen is with me now."

"Let Tianchen answer the phone."

"It's not convenient for Xiao Tianchen to answer the phone now. You can tell me what's the matter."

"I can tell you, let Tianchen answer the phone at once, or I'll call the police!" Xiao Shan was a little annoyed. No one dared to speak to her in this tone for many years.

"If you dare to call the police, you will never see Xiao Tianchen again in your life." The man said in a cold voice.

"What the hell are you doing?" Xiao Shan gritted her teeth.

"Xiao Tianchen owes me money. He can't afford it. I can only ask you for it."

"I'll pay you back how much Tianchen owes you."

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"One hundred million."

"One hundred million! You are too greedy Xiao Shan has guessed that the other party should be the kidnapper, and Xiao Tianchen may have been kidnapped.

"You have tens of billions of dollars, not less than one hundred million. Besides, if you have such a son, no matter how much money you have, there will be no heir." The man said with a smile.

"100 million is not a small amount. Even I need time to raise money. If you really need money, I can give you 10 million in cash, and I can give it to you tomorrow." Xiao Shan said.

"Elder sister, what are you kidding about? You want to kill me when it's 10 million. In the last few years, Zhang Xiaoqiang asked for 1 billion yuan. Now, more than 20 years have passed, do I want you to pay more than 1 billion yuan? Not much The man snorted.

"I can't compare with Superman Lee in my wealth." Xiao Shandao.

"It's your business. In a word, Xiao Tianchen will come back to you safely after receiving the money, but if he can't receive the money, hehe."

"Don't mess around. If you want money, I'll give it to you. Don't hurt my son." Xiao Shan warned.

"When are you going to make a billion?"

Xiao Shan was silent for a moment: "a week."

"Are you kidding me? In a week's time, I've already been put in prison. "

"A hundred million is not a small amount. I'll go to get so much money for a while and a half."

"Your Gufeng company has a market value of several billion at least. You say you can't get one billion. Who are you cheating on?" The man snorted.

"Gufeng company's market value is indeed several billion, but it's all stocks, not cash. The cash I can take out now is only more than 10 million."

"I don't care. I'll get 100 million tomorrow, or I'll bear the consequences."

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"One day is too short for me to make a hundred million." Xiao Shan said.

"It's your business. I don't care whether you sell a house or a company. I only know money!"

"Don't force me. Even if you want to sell a house or a company, it will take time.""Your business is so big and you are so smart and capable. You must have more ideas than me. Of course, you'd better not move your ideas. If I know you call the police, your son will be very miserable." With that, the man hung up his cell phone.

Xiao Shan sits down on the chair, remembering that she hasn't talked to her son yet. She quickly dials Xiao Tianchen's mobile phone again, only to find that the mobile phone is no longer in the service area.

"What evil did I do? How can I be kidnapped when the sky is good?" Although Xiao Shan is a strong woman, she is also weak.

After a moment's silence, Xiao Shan regained her spirits. She took out her mobile phone and dialed the driver's number: "Hello, driver Chen."

"Xiao Dong, it's me. Do you want to use the car?"

"No car. I want you to do something."

"What's the matter?"

"Go hang up our house and I'll sell it."

"Why do you think of selling your house?" The driver was a little surprised.

"Don't ask so many questions, go ahead."

"How much are you going to sell?"

"Five percent down according to the market price." Xiao Shan said.

"Well, I see." The driver answered.

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After Xiao Shan hung up her cell phone, she called her assistant again.

"Xiao Dong, I haven't found Tianchen yet." Said the assistant.

"I know, when you come back, I have something for you to do."

"You said

"I'm going to sell the company!"

The assistant was a little surprised: "what happened to Xiao Dong? Why do you sell stocks all of a sudden? "

"It's not convenient in the mobile phone. Let's wait until you come back." Xiao Shan has no energy.

"Yes." The assistant answered. He had been with Xiao Shan for many years. It was the first time that he heard her tone so depressed. He was worried.

"Dong Dong." Just then, the door of the office rang.

At this time, Xiao Shan was impatient and said, "come in."

"Creak..." The Secretary pushed the door and came in: "Xiao Dong, outside..."

Xiao Shan directly interrupted the Secretary's words: "I'm not feeling well. I won't attend today's meeting. I'll cancel the appointment first. Let's go out."

Secretary Leng for a while, some for it: "Xiao Dong, outside came two police, said is want to find you to understand the situation."

"Police!" Xiao Shan shivered. What she was afraid of!

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