Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 36: 36

On Sunday, Han Bin finally got what he wanted and woke up naturally.

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After I got up, it was over nine o'clock.

Han Bin ate an apple and lay in bed watching TV and playing with his mobile phone.

Han Bin is also a young man, and also depends on the habit of bed.

This order, breakfast is too lazy to do, until noon to eat together.

I didn't get up until more than 11 o'clock and went to my parents' house for dinner.

After dinner, Han Bin cleaned up the dishes and went to the kitchen to brush them.

Almost finished, Wang Huifang came in: "son, your mobile phone rings."

"Who is it?"

"Li Hui."

Han Bin wiped his hand and pressed the answer button: "hello"

"binzi, what are you busy with? Didn't you read wechat? "

"Washing the dishes."

"There's a case. Go downstairs. I'll drive."

"I see."

Han Bin should be a, with a mobile phone to go out: "Mom, to the case, the remaining two plates, you help me to brush it."

"Son, apron."

"I almost forgot." Han Bin took off his apron and hung it on the wall. He said hello to his father and left home.


I got in the car.

Han Bin checked the wechat group and got to know about the case.

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It's a blackmail case.

The reporter is a white-collar woman named Chen Luyan, who lives in Room 408 of Anyang apartment.

In Qindao City, there are restrictions on purchase. Many people have a little spare money, but without good investment channels, they will buy apartment buildings.

Parking the car outside, they entered the hall of the apartment, Li Hui looked around: "the environment here is not bad."

"Thinking about buying a house again?"

"We can't worry about this. We have to ask more, understand more and ask more." Li huidao.

"In Qindao, most of these commercial apartments have 40 years of property rights, with the advantages of unlimited purchase and loans, and the disadvantages of high down payment, high water and electricity charges, and high sales tax."

"Bingo, you can be professional." Li Hui pretended to be surprised.

"A little bit."

They chatted and went up to the fourth floor.

Room 408 is open. Zeng Ping and Tian Li have arrived.

Han Bin put on the shoe cover and went in.

The area of the apartment is not large. The toilet is on the left side and the open kitchen is on the right side. There is a large bay inside. There are only some simple furniture, such as wardrobe, desk, single sofa, wooden bed and TV on the wall. The decoration is very chic, which is very suitable for young people to live in.

On the bed sat a woman, in her twenties, not tall, slightly fat, with a round face and tears on her face.

"Coming?" Zeng Ping Road.

"Team Zeng, what do you find?"

"We're new here, too, and we're preparing to take notes for the victims."

Because the victim is a female, it is more appropriate for Tian Li to make a record.

Tian Li took the notebook and went over: "Miss Chen, I'll take notes for you."

Chen Luyan nodded.


"Chen Luyan."

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"Are you local?"

"Those from other places, those who study here, will stay after graduation."

"You report that someone has blackmailed you. Can you describe the course of the crime?" Tian Li Road.

"I had a rest today. I got up late. When I got up, I found a letter at the door. When I opened it, it was an envelope with a U-disk in it. I didn't know what it was. I inserted it into the computer to have a look. There was my bath photo and a blackmail letter on it."

"Are you talking about the door, inside or outside?" Zeng Ping asked.

"Inside the door."

"What about envelopes and USB flash drives?"

"Here it is." Chen Luyan opens the drawer and takes out an envelope.

Han Bin with gloves, took over, observed: "this thickness, completely can plug in from the door."

"What about the blackmail?"

"He said that he wanted to borrow some money from me, let me raise money quickly, and give it back to me when he has money; if I don't give it, send the photos to the Internet."

"I was so scared that I called the police."

"What time did you get up?" Tian Li asked.

"It's over eleven o'clock at noon."

"When did you find the blackmail?"

"About eleven forty."

"What time did you come back last night?"

"It's not twelve o'clock."

"Did you see this letter at that time?"

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"I don't remember."

"That is, you can't be sure whether the letter was put yesterday or today?" Tian Li Road.

"Yes.""You said it was a picture of the bath, that is, the location of the candid photo was in the bathroom." Han Bin said.

"Maybe, I don't know."

"Han Bin goes to the toilet to check, Li Hui goes to check the monitoring." Zeng Ping said.


Li Hui went out, but Han Bin stood still.

"What's the matter?"

"Miss Chen, can you tell me the location of the camera? It's easy to find. " Han Bin said.

Chen Luyan nodded, got up to the toilet door, the southeast corner of the ceiling: "it should be taken from this direction."

Han Bin looked, there is a fan in that position.

Han Bin pedals the stool and takes off the exhaust fan, revealing a micro camera inside.

"Yo, it's really hard to find such a small camera." Zeng Ping took a look.

Chen Luyan looks scared. She didn't expect that there would be a camera in her toilet. Her privacy has been photographed.

Han Bin observed a turn, the fan installed, left the toilet.

"Comrade police, why don't you take off the camera?" Chen Luyan looks puzzled.

"I suggest that the camera should not move for the time being." Han Bin said.

"Why?" Chen Luyan doesn't understand.

"It's impossible for a person taking a candid picture to stare at the camera at any time, so it's unlikely that he will know what you report, but you have to take off the camera. Once he checks the monitoring regularly, he will find something abnormal."

"Han Bin is right. Don't move the surveillance for the time being. Try not to let the suspect find out, so that he won't destroy the evidence." Zeng Ping agreed.

"I see." Chen Luyan answered.

"The person taking the candid photo can install the camera in the toilet. It is likely that he is an acquaintance." Tian Li analysis.

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"How many keys do you have at home?"

"There are four keys, one for me, one for my boyfriend, one for the office and one for my family."

"Is the house rented or bought?" Zeng Ping Road.

"Rent it?"

"Does the landlord have a key?"

"No, I rented a house and my boyfriend changed the lock for me."

"Besides your boyfriend, has anyone else come to your toilet?"

"The apartment I rent is not big. I don't even have a living room. I seldom invite people to come. My friends always meet outside."

Zeng Ping thought for a moment: "does your boyfriend know that you were secretly photographed?"

"I don't know."

"How is your relationship?"

"Not bad."

"Have I passed the customs?"

"No Chen Luyan shook her head: "when I was in school, I lived with my ex boyfriend. As a result, after living together, I didn't improve my feelings. Instead, I often quarrel. Now I'm more cautious about this."

"There's no need to answer that." Han Bin said.

"Oh." Chen Luyan should a, just reaction: "you can't be, doubt my boyfriend."

"He has the key to your house. We need to get rid of him." Tian Li explained.

"I see."

"Do you have anything for your boyfriend at home?"

"Why do you ask?"

"I found fingerprints on the camera." Han Bin said.

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