Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 385: 385

Qiao dongkai's mother grabbed her son's arm: "Kaizi, tell the truth to the police. Do you know a man named Xia Binhai?"

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"I don't know Xia Binhai, but..." Qiao dongkai sighed and grabbed his hair hard: "I know the man in the picture."

"His name is brother Cheng."

"Full name?"

"Xia Yancheng." After Qiao dongkai answered, he asked, "what's wrong with him, comrade police? Why do you want him?"

"Don't ask us why we're looking for him. Do you know why we're looking for you?" Han Bin hummed.

"I I... " Qiao dongkai wants to talk but stops.

"Husband, what did you do? Why did the police come to you? Tell me quickly." Seeing that her husband had something to hide from her, Qiao dongkai's wife became nervous.

"I didn't do anything. I just gave one of my cell phone cards to Cheng Ge."

"Why do you want to give your mobile card to Xia Yancheng?" Han Bin asked.

"I met brother Cheng when I was working in Quancheng. He was very generous. Generally, he spent money when we went out to play. At that time, I was young and didn't understand a lot of things. He took care of me." Qiao dongkai untied his apron and fell into the memories of the past:

"a few years ago, brother Cheng was going to open an online store, and he could only register one account with one mobile phone number. Sometimes he had to swipe the bill, so he wanted to register more accounts and use one of my mobile phone cards to register. Our relationship has always been right. He spoke, and I can say no."

Li Hui asked, "you believe what he says?"

"When I was in Quancheng, brother Cheng once borrowed money from me. He said he was short of money and wanted to borrow 5000 from me. He would pay me back in half a month. At that time, I was also a little grumbling about what to do if he didn't return it to me. But at that time, when he was young and couldn't wipe his face, I lent it to him. Later, within a week, he gave me the money back and spent more than 1000 yuan to invite me out to play. "

Qiao dongkai patted his chest and gave him a thumbs up: "I thought at that time, this guy is OK, he can make friends!"

Don't wait for Han Bin and others to talk, Qiao dongkai's wife has something to eat: "spend more than 1000 to go out to play, what do you play?"

"Nothing, just eating, drinking, singing." Qiao dongkai said perfunctorily.

"Who are you cheating on? You have been back from Quancheng for several years. At that time, my monthly salary was only 2000 yuan. You spent more than 1000 yuan to eat and drink. Are you a pig or a fool?" Qiao dongkai's wife stares at beads and says angrily.

"Well, this is not the time for your husband and wife to fight." Han Bin waved his hand and continued to ask: "in addition to the name, how much do you know about Xia Yancheng?"

"I have his mobile phone number and micro signal."

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"Do you know where Xia Yancheng is now?" Han Bin said.

"I don't know."

"I don't know?"

"I swear, I really don't know. I haven't seen him for two or three years. Even if I chat on wechat once in a while, he sometimes sends me a message and gives me a red envelope, saying that he is my brother's new year's red envelope."

"You said he had his cell phone number, which used to be his own?" Han Bin asked.

"Yes, I keep them all, but I haven't passed the speech in the past two years."

"You give him a call and see if he can get through his old mobile phone number."

"This I got through. What do you say? " Qiao dongkai is in a bit of a dilemma.

"It's almost new year's day. Do you want to get together at the end of the year and ask where he is?"

"This..." Qiao dongkai hesitated.

"Don't hesitate, fight now." Han Bin urged.

"Comrade police officer, what's the matter with me?"

"We suspect that he was involved in a homicide." Han Bin won't say the details, but he will also point out the seriousness of the matter.

"What Kill Qiao dongkai swallows

Qiao dongkai's mother and wife are also startled.

"Kaizi, you should cooperate with the police in the investigation. I dare not make a joke about the case involving human life." Qiao dongkai's mother warned.

"Yes, my husband, you can't make mistakes at this time!" Qiao dongkai's wife advised.

Qiao dongkai took a deep breath: "OK, I'll call."

Qiao dongkai takes out his mobile phone, finds Xia Yancheng's other mobile phone number, and presses to dial Jian. A moment later, the mobile phone is connected: "Hello, brother Cheng."

"Who are you looking for?" There's a woman's voice on the phone.

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"I'm looking for brother Cheng." Joe is a little nervous.

"Brother Cheng, have you got the wrong number?" Asked the woman on the phone.

Qiao dongkai took another look at his mobile phone: "yes, it's not Xia Yancheng's mobile phone."

"You have the wrong number. This is not Xia Yancheng's mobile phone."

Han Bin reminds in the side: "ask her, when do mobile phone number."

Qiao dongkai nodded: "when did you do this mobile phone number?"

"It's been two years. You have the wrong number." With that, the woman hung up.Qiao dongkai some helpless: "his number, I haven't called for a long time, didn't expect his original mobile phone changed number."

"Today's mobile phones all need real name system. He refuses to disclose his real identity, so the mobile phone number will not be used. Now I know why he wants to use your mobile card." Li Hui snorted.

"Well So what now? " Qiao dongkai was also a little scared.

"Where is Xia Yancheng's hometown, do you know?"

"Yes, he told me." Qiao dongkai recalled: "Shimen city."


"He is five years older than me. It seems that he was born in 1984. His birthday is June 8th."

"Do you remember all your birthdays?" Li Hui had some accidents. Except for his father's, mother's and girlfriend's birthday, no one else could remember clearly.

"When I was in Quancheng, he invited me out to play every birthday, so I remember it clearly." Qiao dongkai road.

Han Bin pointed to Li Hui: "you call Xiaopeng and ask him to check Xia Yancheng's identity information."


It's already past eleven o'clock, and there are guests coming.

"Comrade police, what do you think of the business in the shop?" Qiao dongkai's mother wants to stop talking.

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"Leave us alone and do your business as usual." Han Bin waved his hand.

"Thank you, thank you."

Hearing this, all three members of the family were relieved.

"Binzi, do you believe what Qiao dongkai said?" Li Hui whispered.

"Wait, look at the news from Xiaopeng." Han Bin said, and pointed to the side of Zhao Ming: "you two go to the shop around."

Li Hui and Zhao Ming get up and walk around the store to see if there are other exits to prevent Qiao dongkai from escaping.

"Group leader Han, what kind of case are you investigating?" Xiao Sun, a policeman, has a wonderful way.

The other side is to help their own investigation, Han Bin is not easy to hide, asked: "have you heard of the snowman case?"

"My God." Xiao Sun swallowed his saliva: "it's just a woman. She has no clothes and is hidden in a snowman."

"Do you really know the case?"

"This case was very sensational in laiping city at that time, and a large number of police forces were dispatched to investigate it, but it seems that it was not solved in the end." Sun recalled.

"We're here to investigate this case." Han Bin said.

"This case is not easy to investigate. It's said that people from the criminal investigation team of the Municipal Bureau came to us last year to guide the investigation, but we haven't caught the murderer yet." Sun reminded.

Han Bin nodded and did not answer.

"Ding Ling Ling..." Half an hour later, Han Bin's mobile phone rang. He took out his mobile phone and saw that sun Xiaopeng's name was displayed on the screen.


"Team leader, Xia Binhai, that is Xia Yancheng, I have checked, there is no such person." Sun Xiaopeng said.

Han Bin frowned: "what do you mean?"

"According to the information provided by Huige, I searched Xia Yancheng in the public security system. There was a person named Xia Yancheng, but his age, native place and photos didn't match. I suspected it was false identity information." Sun Xiaopeng explained.

"I see." Han Bin should be a, and then hang up the phone.

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"Bingo, what's the matter?"

"Xia Yancheng's identity information is false."

"What, also false?" Zhao Ming looks surprised.

Li Hui looked in the direction of the kitchen: "my God, it's not Qiao dongkai who cheated us."

"Either Qiao dongkai cheated us, or Qiao dongkai didn't know each other's real identity." Han Bin analysis.

"Binzi, I suggest controlling Qiao dongkai first." Li Hui licked his lips.

"There are so many customers in the shop. You catch him in front of so many people. Will he open the shop in the future?" Han Bin is also in a bit of a dilemma.

If Qiao dongkai is a suspect, Han Bin won't be polite and will arrest people directly.

But this case is different. Qiao dongkai is only involved. There is no evidence to prove that the other party participated in the case. Han Bin doesn't want to go too far.

Han Bin thought for a while, pointed to Li Hui and Zhao Ming: "you two go to the kitchen and call Qiao dongkai out."

Han Bin has seen it. This noodle shop is relatively simple. It's all ready-made. Just need to cook noodles. Although they are a little busy and serve slowly, they can still operate as usual.

A moment later, although Qiao dongkai was reluctant, he followed Li Hui and Zhao Ming out of the back kitchen. They left the noodle shop and went to the SUV of Han Bin and others.

"Police comrades, what are you looking for me for? Has brother Cheng found it?"

"Qiao dongkai, you can give your mobile phone card to others for use. But if you dare to cheat the police, you will definitely be detained." Han Bin warned.

"Comrade police, how can I cheat you? I won't." Qiao dongkai's face was full of promise."Don't open your mouth. Just now I took a picture of Xia Yancheng and asked if you knew him. Why did you lie?" Han Bin directly exposed the other side.

Qiao dongkai lowered his head: "I I just don't want to betray my brother. "

Han Bin harshly asked: "so, for the sake of the so-called brother, you cheat the police again and hide his true identity!"

"I didn't, I really didn't cheat the police. What I said just now is true. His name is Xia Yancheng. Really, I saw his ID card. When he lent me money, I saw it." Qiao dongkai is in a hurry.

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