Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 387: 387

It's more than five in the evening.

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Han Bin and others returned to the Yuhua Branch and called the people together for a meeting.

This trip to laiping is not ideal.

Han Bin pointed to Li Hui on one side: "first of all, let's go to laiping city to investigate the situation."


Li Huiqing cleared his throat, went to the whiteboard and wrote down two names, Qiao dongkai and Ma saidong.

"When we go to laiping this time, we mainly visit and investigate these two people. First, let's talk about Qiao dongkai's situation. He has opened a small noodle shop in laiping, and we know another identity of Xia Binhai from him."

Li Hui wrote another name, Xia Yancheng.

"According to Qiao dongkai, Xia Haibin's real identity is Xia Yancheng, but Xiaopeng has checked in the system, which is also a false identity."

Zhao Ming rubbed his frozen face: "who is this summer beach, and what role does it play in the snowman case?"

"Lin Yuejiao identified that the murderer was not Xia Binhai." Tian Li Road.

"Then I'm even more puzzled. What does Xia Binhai do? Why use false identity all the time? Has he ever committed a crime? " Zhao Ming asked.

"After I got the news from the group leader, I got Lin Yuejiao's consent and went to Jiaojiao beauty salon again. Xia Binhai had an office there, but the office had been handed over to other people. I didn't find Xia Binhai's articles and fingerprints." Tian Li said.

"Where does he live?"

"Lin Yuejiao has been there. She's got a new tenant. It's hard to find any clues."

Li Hui shrugged his shoulders: "then we find Xia Binhai's method, now only face recognition."

"However, Xia Binhai did not leave a particularly clear picture." Tian Li said helplessly.

"For the investigation of Xia Binhai, let's put it down for the time being. At present, the most important thing for us is to investigate the murderer of the snowman case. I will report the situation of Xia Binhai to team Zeng, and let him decide whether to continue to pursue. " Han Bin set the tone.

"Duqi, how's Xue Lipeng doing?"

"I checked all the female contacts on the correspondence list. They are basically work phone numbers, and I didn't find any suspects of Qing Ren."

"Female contact." Li Hui scratched his head and said thoughtfully, "didn't you check the man?"

Du Qi was stunned: "do you think Xue Lipeng's lover is a man?"

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"Lin Yuejiao is very beautiful and feminine. Xue Lipeng doesn't want such a good wife. Maybe he's starting to like men. " Li Hui has a big brain hole.

"Huige, this idea is very interesting. If he is really a man, he will kill his daughter in revenge for Xue Lipeng after being abandoned by Xue Lipeng." Zhao Ming analyzes the situation.

Tian Li some speechless: "you are dog blood, you watch too many TV dramas."

"If Xue Lipeng is really in love with a man, the other person's orientation should also be male. How can she be a female victim?" Sun Xiaopeng raised doubts.

"What's wrong with this? In fact, most of the same surname love, strictly speaking, should be double surname love. As long as you can find that thorn Ji point, there's nothing wrong with it." Li Hui said seriously.

Han Bin rubbed his eyes: "young man, you have a wide range of knowledge recently."

"Ha ha..." The crowd began to laugh.

"Ah, leader Han, I'm discussing the case seriously, OK?" Li Hui has some dissatisfaction.

Han Bin ignored him and looked at Tian Li: "how is Xue Lipeng now?"

"Before you came back, Lin Yuejiao had just made a phone call with me. Xue Lipeng was sober."

Zhao Ming shrugged: "let's just ask him what we have to say here."

"The doctor said that Xue Lipeng's condition is unstable. It is not recommended that the police contact him immediately. Otherwise, once Xue Lipeng is stimulated again, he is likely to get sick again. Once he has secondary cerebral congestion, the situation will be more serious." Tian Li explained.

Han Bin thought for a moment: "in this way, you can communicate with Lin Yuejiao more. When Xue Lipeng is better, I'll go to the hospital myself."

"I see."

After the meeting, Han Bin went to Zeng Ping's office.

Zeng Ping handed him a cigarette: "what's the matter with the investigation?"

Han Bin will be the case, a simple report.

Zeng Ping flicked his ashes: "this case is really hard to handle."

"Xia Binhai, do you want to continue the investigation?"

Zeng Ping hesitated for a moment: "since Xia Binhai has nothing to do with the snowman case, we should let him go first. Recently, there are not enough people, so we can only put our limited resources on more urgent cases."

"You mean the fraud?"

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Zeng Ping stood up, went to the window and looked out: "after the fraud, the Municipal Bureau held an emergency meeting. Then, our sub bureau also held a meeting, loose outside and tight inside. A group led by Zhao Ying has been sent to the grass-roots units for rotation training. "Before and after the Chinese new year, the sub Bureau rarely sent criminal police to the grass-roots units for rotation training.

To say the least, it is impossible to send a whole group of people even if they are sent. Obviously, this statement is for outsiders, and the real purpose should be to assist the police station in investigating the suspects in the fraud case.

For the police, maintaining local stability is the most important thing.

It's almost new year's day. With a large flow of people and festive anger, no one wants to have an accident.

In particular, cases related to fraud can easily cause people's panic. Once they happen again, it is estimated that the whole new year will be in turmoil.

Zeng Ping twirled out the cigarette end: "these two days, I have a lot of things to do. You have more snacks for Snowman case."

"I know."

After chatting for a while, Zeng Ping's mobile phone rings, and Han Bin leaves first.


After work, it's dark outside.

Han Bin goes home in Li Hui's car. From time to time, he can see policemen patrolling in police uniforms.

Li Hui sighed: "it's not going to be a good year."

"Let's deal with the snowman case first. The fraud case has nothing to do with us for the time being." Han Bin said.

"Binzi, I want to ask you something."

"Go ahead."

"I want to go to my girlfriend's house this Spring Festival."

"Where are you two?"

"We are in a good place, and we have a good chat."

"Are you on home base?"

"What do you mean?" Li Hui didn't respond for a moment.

"You know what that means?"

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Li Hui didn't understand what he meant, but when he heard Han Bin's hint, he immediately thought in that way: "haha, it's right."

"Does it have anything to do with my going to her house?"

Han Bin turned up the heating: "it doesn't matter, I'm just curious."

Li Hui

"Have you ever thought of marrying her? If you don't want to marry her, don't mention going to her house. It's not pleasant to save money. " Han Bin said.

"Surely, the great man once said that love that does not aim at marriage is playing hooligans."

"It has been said by others that great people care about national affairs. It's impossible to say that." Han Bin is a little speechless, and some people believe him.

"I'm not saying that you don't want to get married, but that the relationship between you two has not reached the point of marriage."

Li Hui was silent for a long time: "I can't say that. I just don't want to lose my manners."

"Is your girlfriend an independent person? If she is an independent person, you can directly ask her whether you want to go or not. It's easier to please her than to please her family. "

"On the contrary, if your girlfriend has no idea and you are sure that you can make a good impression on her family, go."

Li Hui thought deeply: "what you said is reasonable."

"That's necessary. I'm a senior in this respect." Han Bin said with a smile.

"You talk about it all the time. Why are you single again?" Li Hui asked.

Han Bin choked, choked for a long time, said four words: "the doctor does not cure himself."

Back home, it was already more than 7 p.m., only Wang Huifang and Han tingqian were at home.

Three people finish their meal and tidy up.

Han Bin sat in a massage chair and chatted with his grandfather for a while, but Han Weidong came back in a dusty way.

Han Bin doesn't have to ask much to know that the grass-roots police station should have been busy with the fraud case.

Han Weidong, the director of the police station, usually lives a leisurely life. His leisurely life is a good thing, which proves that Qindao is calm and the people live and work in peace and contentment.

Once han Weidong is busy, something must have happened to Qindao.

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Besides, it's not a trivial matter.

Han Bin didn't ask much. Guang'an police station is located in the downtown street. Han Weidong belongs to the low rank and high rank. He is much higher than him. He should know some high-level news. He won't tell him easily because of Han Bin's curiosity.


The next morning.

As soon as Han Bin comes to the office, he calls Tian Li over.

"How is Xue Lipeng?"

"I contacted Lin Yuejiao. She went home last night to change her clothes. She hasn't gone to the hospital yet. The details are not clear."

"Let's go to the hospital later. If Xue Lipeng's condition is good, we will take notes for him. If his situation is not optimistic, install a camera in his room to see who goes to see a doctor, maybe you can find his lover. " Han Bin suggested.

Zhao Ming slapped: "brother bin, that's a good idea. The suspect hates Xue Lipeng so much that he may go to the hospital to see him in person. At that time, we can still wait for him."

"It's none of your business. You check the surveillance in the office. In view of Xue Lipeng's special circumstances, it is inappropriate for me to go with Tian Li and Lu Wen

Zhao Ming's face immediately drooped. He didn't want to Check the monitoring.Twenty minutes later, Tian Li drove and Lu Wen sat in the co pilot's seat.

Han Bin sat alone in the back in a daze, to be exact, he was thinking about the case.

Somehow, Han Bin had insomnia last night. He combed the two cases again.

He felt that he still had some inexperience in handling serial homicide cases.

In the process of thinking, Han Bin comes up with another idea, that is to let Ma saidong check Xue Mengjiao's video surveillance to see if he can recognize the identity of the murderer.

Of course, this method is simple to say, but there are still some taboos.

Han Bin hopes to go to the hospital this time with the consent of Lin Yuejiao's husband and wife, at least one of them.

Second, Ma saidong has not yet come out of the case of his wife's murder. Watching the video of Xue Mengjiao's murder, he will definitely associate with his wife's experience.

Can he take it?

Han Bin is not sure.

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