Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 39: 39

The next morning.

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Because of the case, Han Bin and Li Hui came earlier and ate in the canteen of the Branch Bureau.

As he peeled the eggs, Li Hui asked, "binzi, you say Yu Hefeng looks like a dog. How can he do such a dirty thing?"

"The world is big, everyone has it."

"What do you think of him when his wife and daughter know?" Li Hui said curiously.

"You can ask him yourself at the trial." Han Bin is too lazy to pay attention to him, so he knows to say something.

Li Hui didn't know what he thought of. He giggled twice, bit half an egg in one bite, and then ate it.

After dinner, they went to the office of group 2. When there was a case, Zeng Ping would hold an morning meeting as usual to adjust the direction of investigation and arrange the task for the targeted line.

To the office, Han Bin made a pot of water, made a cup of green tea, sat in a chair and closed his eyes.

He depends on his brain to eat. Only when he has nothing to do, can he keep his best mental state when handling a case.

Tian Li, Zhao Ming, Zeng Ping and others also came to the office one after another.

Zeng Ping yawned and poured a cup of tea.

"Team Zeng, didn't team Zheng say that they wanted to increase the number of people in our group? Why haven't you heard from me yet? " Han Bin blows the tea on the water cup.

"There are only five people in our group. The general cases are OK. When we encounter a big case, we certainly don't have enough people." Li Hui echoed.

"I've been watching this all the time, and team Zheng is also thinking about it. This person is better to be short than to be extravagant. He has to find the right person."

"Team Zeng, what kind of people do you think are suitable for our group?" Tian Li Road.

"A complete team should perform its own duties and have a clear division of labor. Our team has not been established long ago. Although there are few people, it fully conforms to this framework."

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At this time, Lu Wen entered the office: "team Zeng, the test report came out."

"Lu Wen, why do you have two panda eyes?" Zhao Ming said with a smile.

Lu Wen took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes: "it's not for the case of your group. I worked overtime to finish the test."

"I've worked hard on my glasses. I'll treat you to dinner some other day and make up for it." Zeng Ping pulled a chair and let him sit down.

"I'm glad to have you." Lu Wen took out a stack of documents and handed them to Zeng Ping.

"It's hard to see, you just pick up the main one and say," he said Zeng Ping waved his hand.

"No video of the victim was found on the phone." Lu Wendao.

"Could it be deleted?"

Lu Wen shook his head: "I've tried to recover."

"Do you have any clues about the envelope and USB flash drive?" Zeng Ping Road.

"No fingerprints, no DNA, it's clean."

"Is there any way to check from the source of the envelope and USB flash drive?" Tian Li asked.

"That's your job." Reuven shrugged, got up and left the office.

"There are many manufacturers of envelopes and USB flash drives with large output. It's very difficult to find the source." Zeng Ping looked at envelopes and USB flash drives, both of which are common types.

"If you want me to say that Yu Hefeng was interrogated, he secretly took the video, and he is also the most suspected blackmailer." Zhao Mingdao.

"I agree with Zhao Ming." Tian Li Road.

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"Or will Han Bin and I be in charge of the trial this time?" Li Hui proposed.

Zeng Ping turned his head and looked at Han Bin: "what do you think?"

Han Bin frowns and ponders. The case of secret photographing is solved, but the case of extortion is deadlocked.

"Ding Ling Ling..." A mobile phone ring broke the silence.

Tian Li took out her mobile phone and said, "Chen Luyan's mobile phone."

"Take it."

Tian Li answered the phone, her face became more and more ugly.

After hanging up, Zhao Ming couldn't help asking, "what's the matter? Is there a new thread? "

Tian Li sighed: "I'm afraid Han Bin guessed right."

"What do you mean?" Li huidao.

"Chen Luyan received another blackmail letter."


In half an hour.

The second group of the third criminal investigation team and the technical team arrived at Anyang apartment again.

Han Bin and others rushed to the fourth floor, and the door of Room 408 was open.

The party put on their shoe covers and went into the room.

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There are two people in the room. Chen Luyan is sitting on the bed and looks a little ugly.

There is also a man sitting on the sofa next to him.

"Captain Zeng, you are here." Chen Luyan gets up and seems to see the backbone.

"When we got the call, we came right away."

"This is my boyfriend Xiang Shaoming." Chen Luyan said.

Zeng Ping observed that the young man was tall and thin, and he was still in good spirits.

"Where's the blackmail?"

"On the table, I remember you said not to touch. I picked it up with chopsticks."

once walked over as like as two peas, and checked the envelope. It was exactly the same as the last envelope. After opening it, it contained a U dish.Han Bin also took a look: "when did you find the envelope?"

"I didn't live in my apartment last night. This morning Shao Ming was with me, trying to get some laundry. As soon as I opened the door of the room, I found an envelope at the door."

"It seems that it's the same way as yesterday. It's all from the crack in the door." Li huidao.

"Captain Zeng, haven't you arrested the landlord? Why are there blackmail letters? " Chen Luyan asked.

"Cough..." Zeng Ping coughed softly, a little embarrassed.

"According to the evidence we have so far, it's not one person, it's two cases." Han Bin said.

"That means Luyan's photos may be sent to the Internet?" Xiang Shaoming looks worried.

"Our police will solve the case as soon as possible and catch the suspect."

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In order to relieve the embarrassment, Zeng Ping directly arranged the task:

"Tian Li, plug the U disk into the computer and see what's in it."


"Li Hui, go to the monitoring room to check if there are any suspicious people."


Although it is unlikely to photograph the suspect, what should be done is still to be done.

"Han Bin, go to the door and see if you have any clues."


Han Bin wearing shoes, went to the door, a careful observation, above the shop is floor tiles, if the sole is not dirty, almost will not leave obvious shoe prints.

Han Bin turned around and found no obvious trace.

"Team Zeng, the content of the USB flash disk is the same as yesterday, it's still those bath photos and a blackmail letter." Tian Li Road.

"Give me the blackmail."

"At seven o'clock this evening, prepare 50000 yuan and put it in the third trash can in the north and east of people's Square. I borrowed the money from you, and I will return it to you when I have it. If I can't receive the money tonight, or call the police to arrest me, I will send your photos to the Internet."

After hearing the extortion letter, Chen Luyan collapsed: "50000, where can I get so much money all at once."

"Luyan, don't worry. Let's work together." Xiang Shaoming reaches out and pats his girlfriend on the shoulder.

"Miss Chen, the blackmail letter again shows that the suspect doesn't know that the police have intervened. As long as we set up charges in advance, we can definitely catch the suspect tonight." Zeng Ping comforted.

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