Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 391: 391

After receiving the phone call, Han Bin returns to the interrogation room again.

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"Did you hide other crimes from the police?"

"Did you find the poison in the red wine?" Zhu Jianhui asked.

Han Bin said tentatively, "do you want to poison LV Xinxue?"


Han Bin frowned: "no, it's not in line with your crime style. Why don't you kill LV Xinxue like the first two dead?"

"You think I don't want to? I hope she can be as white as a snowman, but I can't

Li Hui asked: "what does it mean that we can't do it?"

"I have countless chances to kill her. I can't sleep at night. She's lying next to me. I've tried But, I can't do it, I can kill her substitute, but I can't do it to her, I don't want to see her look of pain, I I really love her

"You are..." Generally speaking, Li Hui does not know what to say.

"So you want to poison her." Han Bin said.

"Yes, she likes wine and wine. Every time I pour wine for her, I add some medicine to it."

"You've poisoned her already!" Hanbin some surprised, thought Zhu Jianhui was just poisoned, LV Xinxue just escaped.

Zhu Jianhui said with a smile: "yes, I don't want her to give up, and I don't want her to be too painful. That is to let her die slowly by my side and in my arms."

Han Bin snorted, "you really love her."

Zhu Jianhui restrained his smile and said: "yes, there is no other person in the world who will love her as much as I do."

"What poison did you give her?"


"What do you have?"

"Rodenticide and nitrite."

"You're tough."

Han Bin snorted and pointed to Zhao Ming: "send a message to Tian Li and let LV Xinxue go to the hospital for an examination. She may have been chronically poisoned."

When Han Bin thinks of taking notes for LV Xinxue, he just talks a few words. The other party sweats, looks tired, and even almost faints. Han Bin only thinks that she is scared. Now he thinks that it is possible that there is something wrong with her body.

"Zhu Jianhui, you keep saying that you love your wife. Why don't you divorce her directly? In this way, everyone is free. You have to hurt each other in this extreme way." Li Hui really can't understand.

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"Because I love her so much that I can't find anything better than her. I can't live without her. I'd rather she died than be with other men

Li Hui shook his head: "this is not love, just possession."

"That's what love is."

Zhu Jianhui looked at Li Hui across the street. He had a good chat today. He said all the words he had kept in his heart for two years: "here's a piece of advice. Do you want to hear it or not?"

"You said Li Hui is very curious about what the other party can say.

Zhu Jianhui said word by word: "wife, you must find what you like. But never look for the one you like best. Tired, very tired

"It's also a kind of luck to be with the people you like most." Li huidao.

"Maybe." Zhu Jianhui looks complicated.

"Have you ever reflected on why LV Xinxue betrayed you?" Li Hui asked.

"I think about it every day. I can only say that I'm useless and can't give her the life she wants. She's all I have, but obviously I'm not all she has."


Han Bin coughed gently, which prevented them from continuing to talk more and more deeply on the topic of love, so as to avoid Li Hui being taken askew:

"why do you put the dead body in the snowman, and sit on the ground with your hands on your back?"

Zhu Jianhui showed a solemn look: "kneeling, is to hope that they can repent, repent, snow represents purity, hope that they can bath snow rebirth, pure and flawless."

"Have you ever thought that the real fault is your wife, Gu Yuwen and Xue Mengjiao are innocent?" Zhao Ming asked.

"Gu Yuwen is my wife's substitute. She looks so much like my wife. My wife has betrayed me, but Ma saidong and Gu Yuwen love each other. I admit that I am jealous of them. When I see them showing their love in front of me, my heart is like being stabbed by a needle. To blame, I blame her for having an ostentatious husband. "

"What about Xue Mengjiao? She's only nineteen years old? How can you bear to let her suffer like that? " Zhao Ming thinks it's a pity.

"I followed Xue Mengjiao for a period of time. To tell you the truth, I was a little soft hearted at that time. I wanted to let Xue Mengjiao go and retaliate Xue Lipeng in other ways. But once, when I followed Xue Mengjiao, I found that he was with a man in odizhen." Zhu Jianhui showed a sneer:

"seeing such a scene, I think of her father, Xue Lipeng and my wife in the car Like father, like daughter. Since she is good at it, I will help her! "

Han Bin took a sip of tea and said tentatively, "talk about Xia Binhai.""What?"

"Xia Binhai."

"Who is Xia Binhai?" Zhu Jianhui asked.

"He also has a name called Xia Yancheng."

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Zhu Jianhui shrugged: "I don't know this person."


"Do I have to lie to you?" Zhu Jianhui said.

"Is there anything else to account for?" Han Bin just held the attitude of trying, and as expected, he failed.

"No, I've finished what I want to say." Zhu Jianhui answered and asked: "Comrade police, I am so active in cooperating with you to investigate a case, can I not be sentenced to death?"

"Aren't you afraid of death?" Li Hui snorted.

"I'm not afraid of death. I just hope my wife will die first. If I send her away, I will feel at ease." Zhu Jianhui sighed: "I'm really worried about leaving her alone in this complicated society."

"Then you'll die. We've caught you. No one will kill your wife." Li huidao.

"You don't have to worry about that. You haven't answered me. Will you be sentenced to death?"

"You'd better ask the judge about that." Han Bin put down a word, got up and left the interrogation room.


Qindao people's hospital.

Xue Lipeng is lying on the hospital bed, his eyes are still dull.

As soon as he closed his eyes, he would think of the scene when his daughter was killed.

It's more painful than killing him.

He would rather die than have his daughter suffer that kind of torture.


God, why are you doing this?

Xue Lipeng is atheist.

But he still couldn't help questioning God again and again these two days.

How he wished it was a dream and that he would wake up quickly.


The door was pushed open. Xue Lipeng was startled and shivered.

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He is very weak both physically and mentally, and can't stand the storm.

Lin Yuejiao walked into the ward with a cold face, which made the warm ward feel a little chilly.

"Yuejiao, what are you doing?"

"I've come to inform you that I want to report you." Lin Yuejiao said coldly.

"Why are you mad? I'm like this. What's the point of reporting me?" Xue Lipeng is very clear that even if his body recovers, the trauma in his heart can't be recovered, and he can't be competent for the previous work.

"I'm not only going to report you, I'm going to report those bad women. I'm going to remove them all." Lin Yuejiao gritted her teeth.

Xue Lipeng said feebly, "your daughters are all dead. Is it still interesting for you to fight for these?"

"Do you know how my daughter died? He was killed by Zhu Jianhui! "

"Who is Zhu Jianhui?" Xue Lipeng was at a loss.

Lin Yuejiao cried: "it's ridiculous that you don't know LV Xinxue's husband!"

"No, it's impossible, it's impossible!" Xue Lipeng looked miserable.

He doesn't want to believe the result, not that he has deep feelings for LV Xinxue, but that he can't accept that his daughter was killed by himself.

"Don't you understand? It's you that Zhu Jianhui wants to revenge. That's why he sent you the video! " Lin Yuejiao is also a face of madness: "you killed her daughter, you!"

"Video, video It's not me. It's all fake in the video. Mengjiao didn't die. I'm dreaming. It's a dream God, please, wake me up Xue Lipeng held his head in his hands and uttered a kind of despair in his voice.

"Xue Lipeng, I really regret meeting you in my life." Lin Yuejiao said, turned and left the ward.

"Ah Xue Lipeng cried out in pain, rolled off the bed with his head in his arms and fell on the ground.

Hearing the news, the nurse rushed into the ward, checked Xue Lipeng's condition, and called out in an anxious tone: "call the doctor quickly, the patient in bed 14 has a recurrence of cerebral congestion!"


The next morning.

Yuhua Branch, the third criminal investigation team, the office of the second group.

Han Bin stood by the window, enjoying a rare quiet, nearly half of the police station are under the grass-roots rotation exercise.

In two days, when the impact of the fraud case is eliminated, it is estimated that they will be able to return.

At this time, scattered raindrops fell from the sky.

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In the past two days, the temperature of Qindao has returned to zero, and it should not snow again this year.

"Dada..." A burst of footwork sounds, Tian Li and Zhao Ming come in from the outside.

Li Hui put down his work and said curiously:

"how is LV Xinxue?"

Tian Li took off her scarf and coat: "I'm not optimistic. Her poisoning symptoms have been very serious, and many organs of her body have failed to varying degrees. The specific situation still needs expert consultation."Li Hui said with emotion: "this Zhu Jianhui is really a cruel man."

Sun Xiaopeng was puzzled: "Zhu Jianhui had no criminal record before, otherwise, we would have caught him long ago."

"Zhu Jianhui is a man who is very prosperous. He only wants to live a happy life. This kind of happiness is a kind of fetter. Once his happiness is destroyed, without the fetter, he will become a hungry wolf biting people." Han Bin analysis.

"His criminal purpose and methods are different from the suspects we met before." If Li Huiruo thinks about it.

"Of course, it's not the same. In the past, we investigated ordinary homicide cases. This time, we investigated serial homicide cases. Most serial killers have mental illness, so we can't treat them as ordinary people." Tian Li said.

Han Bin continued: "in a strict sense, Zhu Jianhui is not a serial killer. He should be between ordinary killers and serial killers. He has his own way of killing, but mainly revenge."

"If we don't catch him, will Zhu Jianhui become a serial killer in the future?" Zhao Ming asked.

Han Bin thought for a moment: "it's crucial for us to catch him. He killed Xue Mengjiao and poisoned LV Xinxue for revenge. He retaliated after LV Xinxue and Xue Lipeng. If he can put it down, he should not kill again. "

"But if he kills again, he will become a real serial killer. It's hard to stop in the future."

"Dong Dong..."

"Bang Bang..."

Just then, there was a loud noise outside.

Zhao Ming shivered: "my God, I thought it was cheating again."

"You're nervous. It's gongs and drums." Tian Li rolled her eyes.

"Sister Tian, if you've ever felt the blackmail up close, maybe you'll feel better than me." Zhao Ming showed a wry smile.

Duchy stood by the window and cried, "come and see, a group of people have entered the branch yard."

Han Bin went to the window and looked downstairs. Sure enough, he saw a group of people coming in with banners and drums.

Han Bin found a familiar figure in the crowd.

Li Hui yelled: "well, isn't that maseidon, the husband of the first victim of the snowman case?"

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