Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 399: 399

I've been tossing about all afternoon for the accident.

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Han Bin and others returned to the second group, it was already more than five in the afternoon.

Zhao Ming sighed: "ah, brother bin, can you live this year?"

"What do you say?"

Zhao Ming shrugged.

After the two groups returned one after another, Han Bin began to summarize the case.

Han Bin looked around and said, "let's talk about the situation."

Tian Li said: "I checked the missing person in the public security system, but no suspect has been found, and there is no result of fingerprint and DNA comparison for the time being."

"I contacted the traffic police team and the insurance company, checked the accident near the body throwing scene, and found no suspected vehicle." Li huidao.

Han Bin nodded, in fact, the suspect after the collision, the possibility of insurance is very small, Han Bin just don't want to miss any clues, hold a try attitude, no clues is very normal.

Du Qi also said: "I searched along Qingbin Road, but I didn't find a lot of bloodstains. There were fragments of the vehicle, but I can't be sure whether it was the suspected vehicle or other accident vehicles."

After thinking for a moment, Han Bin said, "in this way, Tian Li will continue to stay in the police station tomorrow to see if anyone has reported missing. Other people's main work is to check and monitor."

"Dong Dong." Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

"Creak..." When the door rang, Wu Xia pushed the door and came in.

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Han Bin got up and said, "sister Wu is here. Please sit down."

"No, I'll send you a report." Wu Xia gives Han Bin a copy of the information.

"The autopsy report came out?"

"Not yet. It's a poison test report."

"You mean the victim was poisoned?"

"To be exact, the victim was poisoned, not killed by a car. After further autopsy, the bruise should have been left after death."

"Poisoned." Han Bin some accident: "what poison?"

"Succinylcholine and sodium cyanide, two ingredients, one is a powerful anesthetic, the other is a highly toxic drug. As long as they are injected into the body, people will soon die."

"So professional." Li Hui muttered.

"According to my estimation, the victim should have injected the poison on the back of his hand. However, because he was hit by a car, the back of his hand was already bloody, and the injection wound could not be found at the first time. After further autopsy, the poison component was found."

This clue changed the nature of the case. Han Bin thought for a moment and asked, "what about the time of death? Is there any change? "

"From the current situation, the time of death is not affected."

After explaining the situation, Wu Xia left, and her work was no easier than that of the criminal investigation team.

Han Bin and others continued the meeting.

Li Hui ate a piece of chewing gum: "binzi, the nature of this case has changed. Should we adjust the investigation direction?"

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Han Bin nodded: "not only to adjust the direction of the investigation, the time of the car accident will also change."

"Before, we thought that the suspect was killed by collision, so the time of the accident should be the time of the victim's death, but now it is proved that the victim was poisoned, so the time of his collision becomes uncertain."

"Bingge is right, that is to say, the time of the car accident should be from 4 pm yesterday to the morning of the crime." Zhao Ming analyzes the situation.

Tian Li asked: "since the deceased has been poisoned, why was he hit by a car?"

"Could it be that the murderer poisoned the victim and deliberately disguised himself as a traffic accident in order to escape responsibility?" Sun Xiaopeng has a big brain hole.

"If that's the case, then the killer is definitely an old hand. Could it be a professional killer?" Li huidao.

Han Bin shook his head: "professional killers will not leave such obvious clues of poisoning."

"If the body is not found in time, the poison will be lost over time, and even if the body is found, the toxin cannot be detected from the body," duchy said, touching his chin

"At present, the most important thing is to find out the identity of the dead."

Han Bin set the tone and took a look at his watch: "OK, there is no important clue at present. Let's go home early today. It will be new year's Eve tomorrow."

Speaking of this, the mood of the public is a little low. The nature of the case has become more complicated. It is impossible to close the case tomorrow. The day after tomorrow, it will be Chinese New Year.

"Pa pa." Han Bin slapped: "OK, when this case is solved, we will have a good rest for a few days."


When Han Bin came home, there were only three people, grandfather, mother and uncle.

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Wang Qingsheng lives in a place where people are quite miscellaneous. Many of them come back from other places and simply move to Han Bin's home.

As for Han Weidong, the superior leaders have arranged the task. He won't go home for the time being. He will live in the dormitory of the police station at night.

This year's situation is quite special. Many companies and departments that did not rest during the Spring Festival have closed down recently.According to the decision of Qindao Municipal Bureau, the police of the police station have been mobilized, and they can't take a vacation without special circumstances.

In fact, even if the two groups did not take the case, the possibility of vacation is not big.

At that time, it's likely that you won't be able to go home at night.

So it's not clear that misfortune and fortune depend on each other.

Today, Wang Huifang and Wang Qingsheng went out shopping and bought a lot of things. There is nothing else. They won't go out for the time being.


The next morning.

New year's Eve seems a little lonely, few people can be seen on the street, occasionally see a person wearing a mask.

The atmosphere in the police station is also a little depressing.

Han Bin poured a cup of tea, called the people together, and simply arranged the task.

"Li Hui, you will take people to continue to investigate the vehicles involved in the accident; I will take people to investigate the identity of the dead."

As soon as Li Hui heard this, he suddenly felt that his burden was a little heavier. However, he agreed happily, which was also an opportunity for him to perform.

Later, Li Hui, Du Qi and Xiaopeng were in a group.

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Han Bin, Tian Li and Zhao Ming are in a group.

The reason why Han Bin made such an arrangement is that from the perspective of the poisoning of the dead, the driver may not be the real killer.

However, the driver who caused the accident still belongs to the person involved in the case. He may also know something related to the circumstances of the case, and even the act of throwing a corpse is likely to be the act of the perpetrator. Let Li Hui take someone to investigate.

Han Bin is another way to investigate the murderer of the victim.

An hour later, Tian Li found out from the system that someone was reported missing at Qingguang town police station. The situation of the missing person was similar to that of the dead.

Name: Tan Guyou

date of birth: November 7, 1995

height: 174

time of disappearance: afternoon of January 22

clothing: black down jacket and gray sweater on the upper body; dark blue jeans on the lower body, black warm pants and a pair of white sneakers on the lower body.

Contact mobile phone: 1383514xxxx

address: No. 153, Linyi village

after reading the information, Han Bin felt that the situation was very similar to that of the dead, so he immediately took people to Qingguang town police station for investigation!

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