Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 402: 402

"Mr. Tan, do you know these two people?" Han Bin asked.

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"Yes, Ma Gaohai is also from our village. He has a good relationship with my son. They often play together." Speaking of this, Tan Jianguo sighed: "Feng Ruili is my daughter-in-law."

"Is there any connection between your son and his daughter-in-law?"

"I don't know. As an elder, I don't ask much about young people."

"Mr. Tan, do you know Pang Shuhai's contact information?"

"Yes, the grandson made a harassment call to me. I have his number in my mobile phone."

Han Bin turned to Tian Li and said, "call the technical team and let them check Pang Shuhai's number."

"Zhao Ming, call Ma Gaohai and Feng Ruili and summon them to Qingguang town police station to take notes."


Later, Han Bin and his party returned to Qingguang town police station.

Traffic police monitoring center.

Li Hui, Du Qi and sun Xiaopeng are investigating the surveillance.

Li Hui sighed: "you say that the new year's festival is going on. What do these criminals think?"

"When it's not, the more things you have, and if you can't afford it, naturally you have to think of some deviant ways." Hummed Durge.

"These days, as long as you have hands and feet, you can't afford a house. I believe that if you say you can't afford a house, there's only one explanation, laziness." Li huidao.

"People don't have to be rich or poor. Why do you work better than me? Why do you have more money than me? The more you think about it, the less willing you are to work and the more difficult your life is. To a certain extent, hey..." Ducky looks like you know.

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Sun Xiaopeng patted the space bar and pointed to the screen: "Huige, DuGe, I found a car. It took half an hour to drive from Linan street to Pingnan street, nearly 20 minutes more than other cars."

Li Hui came over and said, "what time did you pass by?"

"Between nine thirty and ten in the evening." Sun Xiaopeng pointed to the front of the car: "look, the front bumper of this car has been damaged. The license plate number is Lu b625xx."

With the license plate number, we quickly found out the owner's information.

Owner: Lu xuepo

date of birth: January 18, 1990.

Mobile number: 138264xxx

address: No.25, Lujia village, Lujia Town, Qindao city.

Li Hui stood up and creaked his right hand clutched. "What are the old fellow waiting for?"


Qingguang town police station.

Tan Jianguo sat on the chair with a wooden face, just like a wood carving.

"Ding Ling Ling..." A burst of mobile phone ringing, Tan Jianguo did not respond.

"Mr. Tan, your cell phone rings." One side of Zhao Ming reminded.

Tan Jianguo recovered, took out his mobile phone and pressed the answer button: "hello."

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"Uncle Tan, I'm Gao Hai. Have you heard from Youzi?" There's a man's voice on the phone.

"Wuwu..." Tan Jianguo began to cry again.

"Uncle Tan, what's the matter? Why are you crying?"

"Yoko, he He... " Tan Jianguo hesitated, but he still couldn't say it.

"Uncle Tan, what happened?"

"Youzi It's gone! "

"What, don't scare me. We talked two days ago, but it's gone." The man opposite was surprised.

"Wuwu..." Tan Jianguo sobbed again in a low voice.

"Uncle Tan, where are you? I'll be there now. "

"I'm at the police station."

"Is it Qingguang town police station? They contacted me just now. "


"You wait. I'll be right there." With that, the man hung up his cell phone.

Tan Jianguo knocked hard on his forehead, tears still gushed down.

Twenty minutes later, Ma Gaohai came to Qingguang town police station.

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Wearing a black mask, Ma Gaohai hurried to tan Jianguo: "Uncle Tan, what's the situation?"

Tan Jianguo couldn't speak, so he shook his head there.

Han Bin looked at each other: "you are ma Gaohai."

"Yes, comrade police. What's wrong with Youzi?"

Zhao Ming said: "Ma Gaohai, I just called you."


Ma Gaohai sighed: "if I ask you something, you won't say it. My wife didn't want me to come. I thought it might have something to do with Youzi, so I called Uncle Tan and asked him. Knowing that something had happened, she came quickly. "

"We invited you here to make a note for you." Han Bin said.

"Comrade police, something really happened to Youzi." Ma Gaohai asked.

Han Bin took out a photo: "this is the victim's photo, you see if it is tan Guyou."Ma Gaohai took the photo and looked at it carefully: "yes, he is a friend. How can he do this? Who has done this harm?"

"When was the last time you saw Tan Guyou?"

"A few days ago, I can't remember clearly, but we called the day before yesterday, and it was fine at that time. I didn't expect..." Ma Gaohai's voice was choked.

"What did he contact you for?"

"He said that a batch of national reserve meat had been transported to the town. He asked me if I wanted to buy it. I was afraid that I could not tell by wechat, so I called him and we talked for a while." Ma Gaohai recalled.

"What are you talking about?"

"He said it was cheap to reserve meat and asked me if I wanted to buy it. I don't really want to buy it. Frozen meat is certainly not as good as fresh meat, especially pork. The freshly slaughtered meat has a new year's flavor only when it is cooked. Even if I buy less, the taste is definitely different. "

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"Youzi told me that he would like to buy more this year. In addition to his own food, he would also send some to his wife. If he does not move around, he is afraid that his wife will divorce him next year."

"I said that if you want to go to my father-in-law's house, you should buy fresh meat, which shows that you are sincere. Otherwise, people may not be happy if you give it away."

"You Zi said that he also wanted to buy fresh meat, but this year the price of meat is too expensive. It's not good to buy less meat, but it's too expensive to buy more meat."

"After chatting for a while, he hung up and said that he would go to the town to have a look. If the meat was good, he would buy something else and send it to his father-in-law."

"You mean Tan Guyou wants to make up with his wife?" Han Bin asked.

"That's for sure. Even if her daughter-in-law is no good, she's also the child's mother. Only a woman can live in the family, otherwise the family will become what it looks like." Ma Gaohai sighed.

Han Bin suddenly thought of something: "did he say, how to buy meat in the town?"

Ma Gaohai recalled a moment: "can't remember."

"Mr. Tan, did your son go out by means of transportation?"

"Yes, he went out on a motorcycle."

"What kind of motorcycle?"

"It's a red motorcycle, Tianjiang brand." Tan Jianguo said.

Han Bin took the book and wrote it down, which is also a very important clue. Then the front of the story turned and asked, "Mr. Tan, what's the contradiction between your son and Feng Ruili? Do you think they can get back together?"

Feng Ruili is tan Guyou's last contact. It's very important for the next investigation to find out the relationship between them

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