Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 404: 404

"Do you recognize it now?"

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"Well, it seems to be his." Feng Ruili has a tremor.

Han Bin looked serious and asked, "why do you lie?"

Feng Ruili was a little nervous and quickly explained: "I, I didn't lie. I deleted his mobile phone number long ago. On January 22, when I was packing up, I heard my mobile phone ring, so I answered the phone in a hurry. I didn't look at the mobile phone number carefully. I really thought it was the car salesman."

"What about the voice of the man who called?"

"It's a man."

"Do you remember that voice?"

Feng Ruili lowered her head: "I can't remember."

"Think about it."

Feng Ruili took a deep breath and thought for a moment: "Comrade police, I really can't remember. Both Tan Guyou and I are planning to divorce. I really don't know much about him."

"Then why did he call you before he died?" Zhao Ming asked.

"I don't know."

Han Bin changed a question: "why do you want to divorce Tan Guyou?"

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"It's not the same thing."

"What's wrong with your relationship?"

"It's all a mess."

"There must be a reason for the divorce."

"He is lazy and delicious. He has changed several jobs since he got married. None of them has been working for a long time. In 19 years, he didn't earn 30000 yuan in total. It's not as much as I, a woman, earned." Feng Ruili sighed, showing a touch of sarcasm:

"money is not worth money these days. 30000 yuan a year is enough for anything. As long as a man doesn't lack arms, legs and cheating, who doesn't earn 50000 or 60000 yuan a year, I'm ashamed of him."

"I heard that you have a good relationship with a male colleague. Because of this, he found your company specially?"

"Hum, he has no ability. I feel guilty when I'm with any man. My place of work is a little far away from my mother's home, so I carpool with a male colleague and let others drive me every day. Otherwise, I can't ride an electric car every day."

Feng Ruili was a little sad: "I know, so you may think I'm snobbish, but who thought about my difficulties?"

Feng Ruili's eyes turned red and wiped them with her hand: "in summer, I'm a woman in a corn field more than one meter high. If someone drags me into the corn field, I'll..."

"In winter, I don't know if it's cold. I can carry it even if I wear thick clothes. But once, with my face on and ears covered, I couldn't hear the sound of the flute. I was almost hit by the car behind me. It's not easy for anyone. But now my life is different from what I thought before. I There is no hope.

"What are you doing between four and seven in the afternoon of January 22?"

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Feng Ruili tone some dissatisfaction: "you still doubt me."

"I made a clear investigation to prove your innocence."

"I'm at home."

"For what?"

"Washing clothes."

"Who can prove it?"

"My parents, I don't go out much to avoid being laughed at. A married woman who lives in her mother's house all day long can't help being chewed." Feng Ruili laughed at herself.

"Do you have any suspects for the killing of Tan Guyou?"

Feng Ruili shook her head: "we have been separated for a long time. I don't know about his current situation and I don't care about it. If he doesn't die, we will divorce next year."

After Feng Ruili's trial, Han Bin, Tian Li and Zhao Ming went to one side to discuss the case.

"What do you think of Feng Ruili?" Han Bin asked.

Zhao Ming touched his chin: "at first, she was asked to recite Tan Guyou's mobile phone number, but she couldn't recite it. Later, when she saw the call record, she recognized it again. Would she be lying intentionally?"

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"I don't think it's a problem. I can't remember your mobile phone number by heart, but I can recognize it as yours when I see it." Tian Li shrugged her shoulders.

"Sister Tian, so you believe what Feng Ruili said?"

"I don't believe it. I just said it was possible. As for the phone call on January 22, it was Tan Guyou. I think it needs further investigation. "

Han Bin was silent for a moment and asked, "when did Tan Guyou call Feng Ruili?"

"It's five thirty-four." Tian Li remembers it very clearly.

"In terms of time alone, we can't be sure about that." Zhao Mingdao.

Han Bin said thoughtfully, "if Feng Ruili didn't lie, who do you think is more suspect?"

"Brother bin, do you believe what Feng Ruili said?"

Han Bin nodded, he has been using micro expression analysis to observe each other, there is no sign of lying, Feng Ruili's mood is more consistent."Can it be that Pang Shuhai killed someone, in order to disturb the police's sight, and then called Feng Ruili, the purpose is to let the police turn the investigation direction to Feng Ruili." Tian Li's brain is wide open.

"How did he know that Feng Ruili wanted to buy a car?" Zhao Ming asked.

"Maybe it's blind. Are there few people selling houses and cars these days? As long as you can talk. " Tian Li Road.

Tian Li said that although it was a coincidence, it was not impossible.

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Zhao Ming lit a cigarette and took a puff: "if Feng Ruili didn't lie about the sale, would it be someone else who cheated Feng Ruili?"

"What do you mean?" Tian Li didn't understand.

"For example, someone else answered Tan Guyou's mobile phone, but told Feng Ruili that it was car sales, and then instead of Feng Ruili, they met Tan Guyou and gave him to..." Zhao Ming made a gesture to kill his head.

"If so, why did Feng Ruili lie? She made it clear that no one had used her mobile phone." Han Bin asked.

"If the person who answers the phone has a special identity, Feng Ruili doesn't want us to know." Zhao Ming has a big brain hole.

"You mean Feng Ruili's possible boyfriend!" Tian Li analyzes the situation.

"Not bad."

Zhao Ming nodded, the more he thought about it, the more likely he felt: "you know, you don't need a password to answer a mobile phone. If Feng Ruili was with her boyfriend and her boyfriend answered Tan Guyou's cell phone, what would happen? "

Han Bin frowns. Using micro expression analysis, he can only confirm that Feng Ruili's attitude and emotion in this case are normal. If the other party wants to hide some clues, Han Bin can't guarantee that he can see them completely.

Although Zhao Ming's conjecture is groundless, it still makes sense in terms of reasoning and motivation.

Now the premise is whether Feng Ruili really has a boyfriend. All the reasoning is based on Feng Ruili's having a boyfriend.

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