Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 411: 411

Beian village, Wang baoshuan's home. Five blessings descend upon the house. Old fellow pay New Year's call everything is going smoothly. 66 days, eight seasons are safe, five are lucky, the other is the

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, the seven stars are shining, the eight are coming to the financial market, the two are concentric and perfect in every respect. Wang Shuan Zhu waved his arm and finished reading it in one breath.

The barrage in the studio starts.

"666, embolus is great."

"Brother shuanzi's eloquence is a pity not to be the host."

"It's a good new year for brother shuanzi. I'll pay New Year's greetings to my grandfather, uncle and aunt."

"Brother shuanzi is so diligent. It's live on the first day of the lunar new year."

"ha ha, many old fellow are wondering how we celebrate the new year. Actually, let's not talk about one place. A village is different from a village. We usually eat dumplings in the morning, sometimes we eat steamed bowls at noon, and we eat something different this year." Wang Baoshuan said that it sold a bend:

, to be honest, before I opened the live broadcast today, I was not at all aware of it. I thought, "the new year's Eve, the old fellow estimated that they didn't have time to watch my live broadcast." just now, thank you for your support.

"Brother shuanzi, with that, why are you off topic? What do you eat for Chinese new year

"Embolus, let's have a look. What can my aunt do for you?"

"Yes, embolus, you've earned at least several hundred thousand for live broadcast this year. How can the food be improved?"

A look is black powder with rhythm, a few embolus of iron powder, immediately back to a few words, and then pull black powder black.

Wang Baoshuan, in order not to let the black powder influence the live broadcast, went into the house with the live equipment. "Old fellow iron, the hard dish of new year's Day is announced, the hot pot of the meat!"

"My day, it's fragrant meat. Brother shuanzi is good enough to eat fragrant meat."

Fans of "your little bun" asked: "what is fragrant meat?"

"Ha ha, sister baozi, why don't you even know fragrant meat? Fragrant meat is dog meat." Another fan responded.

"The dog is spicy, how can brother Shuan eat the dog?" Your little bun made an angry expression.

Wang baoshuan quickly explained: "sister baozi, don't be angry. This dog is not the same as other dogs. It's very fierce. It's an island dog. I don't know who raised it. That day, I ran to our village and chased a thirteen or fourteen year old girl. She was so scared that she almost bit her. I picked up a brick and hit it directly on the dog's nose. The dog was straight Then half of it was wasted, and I smashed a few bricks and killed the dog. "

"Brother shuanzi is a good player. Such a bad dog should be beaten." Your little bun gave a supportive expression.

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"embolus cow, far from Wu Song, tiger, near embolus, old fellow, support you."

"Embolus, a look is expert, know that the dog's nose is weak, if hit other places, the dog hit more fierce."

After Wang baoshuan's explanation, people who love dogs or don't love dogs are highly praised. No one is pointing to the embolus to eat dog meat.

With a smile, he worships his eloquence.

Soon the hot pot was made. There was a pot in the middle of the table, with stewed fragrant meat in it and some vegetables, tofu, meatballs and other meats around. Wang baoshuan, Wang baoshuan's grandfather, Wang baoshuan's father and Wang baoshuan's mother sat in a circle.

, "old fellow, let's eat!"

Wang Baoshuan's father also greeted the screen: "old fellow iron Festival, good new year, eat."

Subsequently, a family of four, while live, while eating dog hot pot, seems to have been used to, Wang baoshuan family did not adapt.

Wang baoshuan took a large piece of dog meat and put it into his mouth and chewed it: "ah, this fragrant meat is really delicious."

"Brother shuanzi, I've never eaten fragrant meat before. It's so delicious," your little bun asked

"Delicious Wang baoshuan answered without hesitation, and then asked his grandfather, "grandfather, what's the taste like?"

The old man's beard was white, and his voice was quite enough. He had a thumb: "fragrant!"

"What do you think, mom and dad?"

Embolus's parents also pointed a thumb to the mobile phone screen: "incense!"

Seeing that Wang baoshuan's family is eating in full swing, some fans can't help but send a barrage: "I'm so greedy, I want to eat meat hotpot, too!"

"Embolus, take it. You are the best anchor."

"Embolus, where is your home? I can go to your home to play."

Wang Baoshuan patted his chest and wrapped it up: "old fellow iron, my family is in the north shore village, and I must have a good wine and good food, and the meat is enough!"

"Dong Dong..." Just then, there was a knock on the outside door.

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old fellow, old fellow, old fellow, I will not come to the old iron smelt. Wang baoshuan said with a smile.

Fans are also a burst of confusion: "embolus, your dog meat fragrance, neighbors have come to the door."

, "old iron, you guys will wait. I'll go out and see if any fans come to the house. I'll call him to eat the hot pot and eat the old fellow together." Wang baoshuan laughed and went out of the room.In the morning, all the people who should pay a new year's visit came, and few people came at the lunch point, so Wang baoshuan's house closed the door.

"Who is it?"

"Open the door!"

"old fellow, does he come to eat the meat?" Wang baoshuan said with a smile.

He has a lot of fans, and there are many in the nearby villages.

, "who is your old fellow, I am Zhao Duoyu, open the door."

"Village head, why are you here?" Wang baoshuan quickly opened the door and found a group of people standing outside.

Han Bin looked at each other: "your name is Wang baoshuan."

"It's me. Why?"

"A few days ago, did you pick up a dead dog in the west of the village?"

Wang baoshuan turned his head and looked at the village head. He knew that he couldn't get away with it: "yes, what happened."

"Is that your dog?"

"No, but I didn't kill him. I saw someone who seemed to steal a dog, so I called a few people over. When we arrived, the man who stole the dog ran away and the dog died."

Han Bin couldn't help asking, "where's the dog?"

Wang baoshuan hesitated for a moment: "I inquired at that time. I couldn't find the owner of the dog. I thought I couldn't be blind, so I took it home to stew."

Zhao Ming couldn't help interrupting: "did you eat?"

When Zhao Ming asked this question, people around him all looked at it and made Wang baoshuan a little nervous: "what's the matter? The dog has no owner. Other people are poisoned. I don't want to be blind. I'm..."

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Zhao superfluous pointed to Wang baoshuan: "where do you come from so much nonsense, ask you to eat or not."


"That's great." Zhao was a little speechless.

"When did you eat it?" Zhao Ming asked.

"Just now, my Lord, my parents are still eating." Wang baoshuan's face was muddled: "redundant uncle, what happened."

Zhao took a deep breath, he did not know how to explain: "hurry up, don't let your father, your parents eat, that meat can't eat."

"Redundant uncle, I know the dog is poisoned. It's OK. When the meat was stewed out of the pot on the 29th day, we ate it once." Wang baoshuan didn't think so. He bled the dog before it died and threw away all his internal organs. There would be no problem.

Zhao Yu sighed: "I don't mean this. There's something wrong with the dog."

"What's the problem?"

Zhao Ming listened anxiously, opened the door to the mountain and said: "that dog has eaten human flesh."

Wang baoshuan widened his eyes: "what? What have you had? "

"Embolus, that dog has eaten human flesh. Don't let them eat it." Zhao shouts.

Wang baoshuan turned around, walked back a few steps, and vomited: "wow..."

"Grandpa, mom and Dad, don't eat that meat, you can't eat it!"


In half an hour.

Wang baoshuan's family had just recovered. However, their faces were still a little pale and weak.

Wang baoshuan's mother cried out: "embolus, what evil did you make? Why did you let us eat this..."

"Don't blame the child. You just ate better than anyone else." Wang baoshuan's father scolded.

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Wang baoshuan's face was very ugly: "Comrade police, are you sure that dog ate human flesh?"

Han Bin did not answer directly, asked: "where is the dog's internal organs?"

Wang baoshuan pointed out: "under the persimmon tree in the yard."

Han Bin and others went to the persimmon tree, covered with a layer of new soil.

Zhao Ming took out of order a shovel from the bottom of the wall, and shave the new soil layer, revealing the internal organs, everything in the intestines, stomach and liver.

Han Bin pointed to Tian Li on one side: "call Wu forensic and technical team."

Tian Li turned out of the yard. When she came in again, Wu Xia and Lu Wen came in.

Han Bin said hello to them and pointed to the bottom of the persimmon tree: "sister Wu, the dog's internal organs are under the persimmon tree."

Wu Xia nodded: "I'll do a preliminary dissection to see if there are any human organs left in the dog's intestines and stomach."

The fact that a dog is holding a palm in its mouth is just a one-sided statement of Ma Gaohai. Whether it is true or false still needs to be further confirmed.

Han Bin waved his hand: "everyone get out of the way, don't interfere with the work of the forensic and technical team."

Everyone stepped back a few steps, but their eyes did not leave the persimmon tree, especially the three members of Wang baoshuan's family, trying to find out if the dog had ever eaten human flesh.

Wang baoshuan's grandfather was sent to the house to have a rest because he was older and afraid that he was too emotional and could not bear it.

Forensic doctor Wu spread a layer of transparent plastic cloth on the ground, and then spread a layer of blue isolation cloth on it. Finally, he put the dog's internal organs on it and began to dissect with a scalpel.

After gouging the dog's intestines and stomach, there was a mess of things inside, and a stench came out.

Even if Han Bin is wearing a mask, he can't help frowning.Wu Xia is very professional and has not been affected. She rummaged in her stomach and put some things aside with tweezers. She has a small finger with nails, a small piece of skin with black hair, and a piece of flesh and blood similar to skin tissue.

"Wow..." Seeing this scene, the three members of Wang baoshuan's family vomited again.

This time, it's even more dizzy. The dog ate Ren meat, which means they ate it indirectly.

Han Bin doesn't pay much attention to this. He just wants to find out who's dog

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