Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 415: 415

"What happened to Zhao Xiaoshan last time?"

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"He was beaten. I said to call the police, but he refused." Ning Yuerong choked.

"Why was he beaten?"

"It's about his work."

"What does he do?"

"Xiaoshan is an Internet writer."

"Is it the kind of writing novels on the Internet?"

"Yes, Xiaoshan works very hard. He can code every day. He is really diligent."

Chen Xia curled his lips: "Oh, that's a serious job."

"Mom, there is no distinction between high and low jobs. Xiaoshan likes to write novels very much. This is his dream. I believe he will succeed and write a work recognized by everyone." Ning Yuerong showed a firm look in her eyes.

"Cough." Han Bin light cough, interrupted two people's words: "since he is writing at home, why will be beaten."

Ning Yuerong said helplessly: "network writers have to update every day. Some time ago, Xiaoshan kawen sat at his computer desk for a day and couldn't think of it. He could only write one watch every day. A reader thought he didn't update enough, so he beat him up."


Zhao Ming can't help laughing. This reason is too bloody. He doesn't know whether others believe it or not. Anyway, he doesn't believe it.

Han Bin glared at him and continued, "I read novels, too, but the author's renewal is suck." in this chapter, it is normal to despise it. Beating people is not enough.

"I didn't believe it at first, so I asked Xiaoshan if there were other reasons. Xiaoshan said He's broken. "

Han Bin "..."

Zhao Ming "..."

Well, Han Bin is not sure about the latter reason.

Maybe About Maybe it's a motive.

"What's the name of his book friend?"

"I don't know. He won't say."

Zhao Ming asked: "since he was beaten, why didn't he call the police?"

Ning Yuerong sighed: "he said that readers are so impulsive, they really like his works, they are the iron powder of novels, and they also recognize him."

Chen Xia some speechless: "Oh, you say these network writers, is not to write a novel to write silly, was beaten, but also steal music."

Ning Yuerong's eyes turned red: "Mom, how can you say that? I know you don't like him and think his work is unstable, but he and I are true love. He is very kind to me and I don't care about his work."

"Mom is from your age, for your own good. I don't expect you to find a rich one, at least one with a serious job." Chen Xia is sincere and sincere.

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Ma Jingbo interrupted them: "OK, go to Zhao Xiaoshan's house."

Room 702, unit 2, building 1.

"Click." Ning Yuerong opened the door: "Xiaoshan, are you at home?"

There was no response in the room.

Wearing a mask, Han Bin was the first one to enter the room. As soon as he entered the room, there was no one in the kitchen. When he entered the living room, he didn't see anyone.

This is a two bedroom, Zhao Ming and Tian Li check the room and toilet, did not find Zhao Xiaoshan trace.

"Xiaoshan, where are you going?" Ning Yuerong began to cry.

Han Bin looked around. There was not much furniture in the living room. On the right side was the master bedroom. There was only one bed, one wardrobe and two bedside cabinets. The quilt on the bed was in a mess. He didn't clean it up after he got up.

There is a desk and chair lying on the side. There are computers, snacks and a bucket of instant noodles on the desk.

Han Bin checked, instant noodles still left a small half: "Zhao Xiaoshan big appetite?"

"Big, he code word with brain, hungry can't concentrate, so generally eat more." Ning Yuerong road.

"Does he usually have the habit of leftovers?"

"No, he's very economical. We'll go out for dinner together. He'll take the rest of my noodles." Ning Yuerong said, and could not help crying.

"It seems that he left in a hurry." Ma Jingbo glanced at the instant noodles bucket:

"does he often eat instant noodles?"

"Yes, he doesn't often cook, and the speed of cooking is relatively slow. He's afraid of wasting the time of coding. He usually orders takeout. Now it's a special period, and he often eats instant noodles during this period."

Ma Jingbo felt on the keyboard wearing gloves: "isn't his parents' home in the city? Why not go home? "

"Creation needs space, where there are many people, there is no way to concentrate, which will affect the efficiency of codewords."

"So, Zhao Xiaoshan has a strong sense of enterprise."

"Yes, Xiaoshan really likes writing."

Han Bin checked the windows, the window sashes are intact, are closed: "this house is his code, specially rent?"

"No, he bought it." Ning Yuerong said.

"Did his parents pay for it, or did he earn it?"

Ning Yuerong some proud said: "Xiaoshan family's condition is general, and two brothers, his parents can't afford to buy him a house, he earned money to buy.""How do you make money?" Zhao Ming was surprised that the house price in Qindao is not cheap. There are several young people in their twenties who can buy houses on their own.

"Code word, this is what he code word earns money to buy."

"I day, true false, write a novel so earn money." Zhao Ming was even more surprised.

Ning Yuerong glanced at her mother: "although most of the authors don't make money, Xiaoshan is different. He really works hard, loves this industry and has great talent. He can support himself in this industry."

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Zhao Ming still doesn't believe: "how much does he earn every month?"

Ning Yuerong glanced at her mother again: "thirty or forty thousand."

"Tut Tut, I want to change my career." Han Bin said with a smile.

"Bingo, if you change your career, you must take me with you." Zhao Ming joked.

"While you play, you don't need a house."

Zhao Ming "..."

Han Bin took out his mobile phone: "what's the name of Zhao Xiaoshan's novel?"

"The king of real estate."

Han Bin searched: "his pen name is Ning Xiaoshan."


Han Bin also reads novels. He is an old bookworm and knows something about the novel industry. He has never heard of the pseudonym Ning Xiaoshan, which proves that he is not a famous author.

He opened the book "king of real estate". He felt that the results of this book were average. Can he really earn so much money?

Han Bin has some doubts.

He called Tian Li over and whispered a few words.

Then they went to the living room and made a record for Ning Yuerong.

Han Bin routinely inquired about it and said, "how long have you known Zhao Xiaoshan?"

"More than a year."

"How do you two feel?"

"It's very good. We are both serious and have common interests. We seldom quarrel." Ning Yuerong road.

"What time did you contact him yesterday morning?"

"More than eight."

"The exact time."

Ning Yuerong looked at the phone call record: "8:32."

"When did you realize that his cell phone couldn't get through?"

"At more than five in the afternoon, I sent him a wechat, but he didn't reply. At that time, I thought he was busy. At 8 p.m., I sent him a wechat, but I didn't return it. I called him at 8:30 and found that his mobile phone was down. I realized something was wrong. "

"Why didn't you call the police then?"

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"I'm not sure he had an accident. I wanted to come to his home to have a look, but now it's a special period. My parents won't let me go out during the day, not to mention at night. I also wonder if his mobile phone has run out of power and I've been waiting all night. Who knows..." Ning Yuerong sobbed again in a low voice.

"Is there anything unusual about Zhao Xiaoshan recently?"


"Does he have any close friends?"

Ning Yuerong thought, "no, he's very homely and has no good friends."

"What do you think of his disappearance?"

Ning Yuerong shook her head: "I don't know. I never thought that this kind of thing would happen to him. He is very kind and kind. This kind of thing shouldn't happen to him."

Seeing that Ning Yuerong was about to cry again, Han Bin changed his words: "what's the relationship between your parents and Zhao Xiaoshan?"

"My parents don't really want us to be together. They think Xiaoshan's family is not so good. They also have a younger brother who goes to college and doesn't have a serious job. They are afraid that I will suffer when I get married to Xiaoshan's family. I can understand them and I know they are for my good. But they don't understand me and Xiaoshan. "

Ning Yuerong twisted her hands together and said with a look of longing: "I believe that Xiaoshan and I will cross the better together. Xiaoshan will also have his own career. He will become a successful writer and make my parents look at him with new eyes."

"Have your parents ever had a conflict with Zhao Xiaoshan?" Han Bin tried.

"No, Xiaoshan went to our house. The atmosphere was pretty good at that time. There was no conflict."

"Did Zhao Xiaoshan say who he was going to meet or where he was going?"

"I didn't say that. I recalled it carefully and didn't feel anything unusual." Ning Yuerong wiped her eyes.

"Is there any change in the contents of this room?" Han Bin asked.

"No, Xiaoshan seldom cleans up his house. Generally, I come to help him clean up."

"Does Zhao Xiaoshan have any means of transportation?"

"Xiaoshan has a car. Usually the key is in the bag at the door. I saw it when I came in, but I didn't have it."

"What car?"

"It's a white BMW."

"He bought it himself?"


Asked a few more, did not ask more clues, Hanbin let ningyuerong and Chenxia left.Before leaving, Ning Yuerong still holds Han Bin's arm and asks what happened to Zhao Xiaoshan.

Now the case is not clear, Han Bin can not say too much, can only perfunctory a few words.

Tell her that if the case has progressed or Zhao Xiaoshan is found, she will be contacted as soon as possible.

Ning Yuerong is willing to leave.

After seeing Ning Yuerong and her daughter off, Han Bin returns to the living room and asks Ma Jingbo, who is sitting on the sofa, "Captain Ma, do you want to call someone from the technical team?"

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"Well, I've already informed you." Ma Jingbo is thoughtful.

Seeing that the other party was absent-minded, Han Bin couldn't help asking, "what are you thinking?"

Ma Jingbo touched his chin: "writing a novel is really so profitable?"

Han Bin shakes his head and laughs: "I don't know much about it."

After a while, the technical team arrived and surveyed the room, but no blood was found.

Zhao Xiaoshan's computer was also brought back to the Yuhua Branch.

For a network writer, computer is essential, maybe can find some important clues.

Han Bin also found a real estate certificate from the cabinet. The owner's name is Zhao Xiaoshan.

There are thousands of dollars in cash under the drawer of the tea table in the living room. There is no sign of theft in the room.

After a while, Tian Li and Zhao Ming came back.

Ma Jingbo glanced at them: "does the property management company have any clues?"

"We checked the monitoring of the property. At 9 a.m. yesterday, the man suspected of Zhao Xiaoshan, wearing a mask, got off the garage by elevator and left the community in a white BMW." Zhao Ming said.

Ma Jingbo nodded and said, "send a screenshot of Zhao Xiaoshan's video to Ning Yuerong for her to identify."


Han Bin looked at his watch and asked Tian Li, "is there any news from the novel website?"

"I'm just about to report to you. I contacted Zhao Xiaoshan's website for writing novels. The person in charge of the website checked it. Zhao Xiaoshan is indeed the contracted author of the website. He also wrote the novel called the king of real estate. However, his contribution fee last month was not 30000 or 40000 yuan."

"How much is that?"

"More than 2000 before tax, less than 2000 after tax."

Ma Jingbo was a bit surprised: "RMBs?"


"According to Ning Yuerong, the monthly salary is thirty or forty thousand, but it's nearly twenty times worse." Han Bin takes out his mobile phone and finds the novel "king of real estate" again. He thinks that the income of about 2000 is more suitable.

"I don't think it's necessary for the person in charge of the website to lie." Tian Li Road.

Ma Jingbo nodded: "either Ning Yuerong lied, or Zhao Xiaoshan lied."

"I also think these two people lied." Han Bin agreed. Then he thought of something and continued: "however, the name of Zhao Xiaoshan is written on the house. How did his house and car come from? It's worth a lot of money. "

"I'm thinking about that, too." Ma Jingbo stood up, paced a few steps: "Zhao Xiaoshan will have other work, the so-called network writer is just a cover."

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