Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 417: 417

Ma Jingbo's conjecture is bold, but it does exist.

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If Zhao Xiaoshan really died because of his work, finding another industry he was engaged in may be the breakthrough of the case.

"Captain Ma, is there any news from the bank?" Han Bin asked.

Through the exchange of funds, we can find the account for his salary, so as to find the relevant personnel.

"The bank hasn't officially gone to work, only the staff on duty; it still needs application procedures, and the efficiency will not be too high. It is estimated that it will wait until tomorrow." Ma Jingbo shook his head and asked:

"how are the car clues? Can I contact the BMW manufacturer? "

"Cough." Tian Li light cough: "I checked in the system, Zhao Xiaoshan name no car."

Isn't that BMW his? There was a little surprise.

"I checked the license plate number of the BMW. The owner is Ma Mingren, a native of Qindao. I bought the BMW in 2014, and there is no record of sale or ownership transfer."

Ma Jingbo held the table in both hands: "it's interesting. What's the relationship between Ma Mingren and Zhao Xiaoshan? He is willing to lend him a BMW. And from the reaction of Ning Yuerong and Zhao Xiaoshan's parents, Zhao Xiaoshan should have been using the car. "

"Did you contact Ma Mingren?"

Tian Li shrugged her shoulders: "I called, but his mobile phone is off. I can't get in touch for the time being."

"Through other means, continue to contact the owner Ma Mingren."

"I see."

Ma Jingbo seems to think of something, turned to the side of Zeng Ping: "team leader Zeng, how is the suspicious mobile phone location check?"

"The communication company used the base station to determine the general scope of the mobile phone, which is located in the north of Cheng'an village and the south of Jiabai village, which is between the two villages. It is relatively open, and there is no witness or monitoring." Zeng Ping took out his mobile phone and took a look at it:

"I suspect that the murderer's home may be nearby. According to my guess, it may be a factory in a remote location. We drove around and most of the factories were locked. We wrote down the address and took photos. At the same time, we also collected the surrounding surveillance cameras. "

"We have basically found out the situation nearby. If necessary, we can mobilize the police force to search all the factories."

Ma Jingbo shook his head: "at this moment, if there is no evidence, I don't think the leaders will agree to a large-scale search, so as not to cause unnecessary panic."

"I think so, too." Zeng Ping also felt that there was no need for a large-scale search for the time being.

If it can be found out, it will certainly be a meritorious service. But this is a special period. If it cannot be found out, who will carry the pot?

Will it cause local panic?

All of this has to be taken into account.

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Of course, not checking now does not mean not checking in the future. They already know the situation around there. As long as there are clues pointing to the two villages again, they can apply for a search warrant.


After work, Han Bin went home in Li Hui's car as usual.

Li Hui glanced at the pedestrians on the road, basically wearing masks: "binzi, this year's life is really tasteless."

"It's not just you, it's the same across the country." Han Bin holds the top of his head with his nails, which can relieve the fatigue of his body.

"When do you say this thing will be over? Now even the investigation is very awkward. We went to the village today. When the villagers saw us, they ran away from us."

Han Bin shook his head: "the devil knows."

Li Hui sighed, feeling a little down.

Han Bin glanced at him: "your girlfriend hasn't come back yet?"

"She didn't go home for the Spring Festival this year."

"Then you sigh."

Li Hui showed a wry smile: "I'm at work now. She usually doesn't come out of her rented house and doesn't contact with outsiders. Although she doesn't say anything, we have to be aware that she is not."

"You're right."

After returning to the community, Han Bin did not go to his parents' home, but directly went back to his house.

Han Bin's health is good, immunity is strong, but his grandfather is old, in order to be safe, he decided to less contact with his family.

Back home, Hanbin said to his mother, the mother sighed, to give Hanbin some food, but Hanbin refused.

He also has instant noodles, ham, canned fish, beer, apples and a good dinner.

Han Bin cooked two bags of instant noodles, a ham, a can of fish, opened a bottle of beer, while eating, while watching the news broadcast.

After dinner, Han Bin simply wash, also lazy to clean up, directly lying in bed to sleep.

The next morning, Han Bin's mother hung breakfast at the door. Han Bin said two words across the door, took the breakfast hanging on the doorknob and went to work. The

sub Bureau canteen is now only having lunch and dinner, and it is still not allowed to eat in the dining hall. Now serving of individual dishes.Many people mention the serving of individual dishes, but they think it's a way for foreigners to eat.

ancient China was serving of individual dishes until the Song Dynasty began to eat around the table. Whether serving of individual dishes is not to be said, but at least for the time being, it is safer to divide the serving of individual dishes into

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After arriving at the conference room, Han Bin found that half of the team members were eating instant noodles. He couldn't help but feel lucky that he had a good mother.

It's good to eat this instant noodles once in a while, but I can't stand it every day.

Ma Jingbo came to the meeting room and talked with Zeng Ping for a while. Then Zeng Ping took people to the traffic police monitoring center to use Skynet to monitor and investigate the trace of Zhao Xiaoshan, his car and the suspect.

Han Bin and others are to stay in the bureau investigation.

For the police, it is not difficult to find a person who knows his identity.

Although the mobile phone number that the owner Ma Mingren registered in the vehicle management office is turned off, it does not mean that he has no other mobile phone number.

To say the least, even if the mobile phone is turned off, it can also be positioned.

After contacting the communication company again, he found another mobile phone card under Ma Mingren's name.

Tian Li contacted Ma Mingren and asked him to come to the Yuhua Branch. However, the other side said that the community was sealed, so she only needed to go out and was not allowed to enter. She couldn't come to the police station for the time being.

In fact, at this juncture, no one is willing to go out, let alone come to the police station.

In order not to delay the progress of the investigation, Han Bin takes Zhao Ming to Ma Mingren's home to take notes, while Ma Jingbo and Tian Li stay in the branch.

Ma Mingren's family lives in Qianda community. There is a security check and temperature measurement at the gate of the community. It's not the owners of the community who won't let them in.

Even if you rent a house in the community, as long as you leave the community, you will not be allowed to enter.

Hanbin showed police card, community security is naturally dare not stop, but, Hanbin or cooperate with each other to detect the temperature, this just and Zhao Ming together into the community.

Knowing that Han Bin and others have arrived at Qianda community, Ma Mingren is surprised. However, he agrees to meet Han Bin and others.

Room 1203, unit 2, building 3.

After Hanbin knocked on the door, a middle-aged man opened the door. The man was wearing two layers of masks, eyes, scarves and wrapped himself tightly.

"Are you Ma Mingren?"

"I am." The middle-aged man made a gesture of please and let Han Bin and others into the room: "police comrade, what do you call him?"

"My name is Han."

"Are you from the criminal investigation team of Yuhua Branch?"

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"Years ago, I had dinner with you, director Song, and we had a good relationship." Ma Mingren said with a smile.

"Director song seems to be in charge of economic investigation."

"Yes, we've known each other for many years." Ma Mingren asked Han Bin to sit on the sofa: "officer Han, everyone is wearing masks, so I won't invite you to smoke."

Han Bin smiles. We are members of the criminal investigation team. Is it useful for you to talk about an acquaintance of the economic investigation team?

Besides, Ma Jingbo is a member of the city criminal investigation team. Even if you have a good relationship with the deputy director of the Bureau, can you manage him?

Han Bin sat on the sofa and observed the room. The furniture was very simple. There was thick dust on the tea table: "do you usually live here?"

"Yes, I have another house in this community. If you have friends, please come here." Ma Mingren perfunctorily asked:

"officer Han, what can I do for you?"

Han Bin doesn't believe Ma Mingren's words. The room doesn't seem to be used for hospitality, but he doesn't expose each other:

"I want to know something about you."

"Whatever you say, I will cooperate with you."

"Mr. Ma, do you have a BMW in your name?"


"Where's the car?"

"It's in the garage."

"What's the license plate number?"

"Lu b886xx"

Han Bin frowned, the license plate number is not Zhao Xiaoshan's car, the white BMW license plate is Lu b516xx.

"Mr. Ma, how many cars do you have?"

"I calculate Three, no, four. It should be four. "

Zhao Ming was surprised and said, "how many cars do you have that you don't know?"

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"Some in my name, some in my wife's name, and my son's name, you fiercely ask, I'm a little confused."

"A white BMW Lu b516xx, is it your car?"

"Yes, it's mine. It was my wife's birthday a few years ago. I gave it to her."

"Where's the car?"

"I don't know. I haven't even driven that car. I have to ask my wife."

"A BMW, you should not be such a thing?" Zhao Ming felt that the other side's reaction was somewhat abnormal.

"I usually drive my own car. Although that car is in my name, it has been given to my wife for a long time. I never asked about it.""What kind of car do you usually drive?"

"A MABAT, a horse herder, a 740, change."

Well, after listening to these three cars, Zhao Ming's doubts were dispelled.

The white BMW lub516xx is just a five series.

There's no comparison.

"Where's your wife? Call her over?" Han Bin said.

"I don't know where she is, either."

"Whether she's at home or not, you don't know."

"We don't live together."

Han Bin wrinkled: "where does your wife live?"

"She should be rongjingyuan."

"What do you mean, how many houses in your family?"

"Qindao has four sets."

"Call your wife and call her over."

Ma Mingren scratched his head and sighed: "officer Han, you have been asking for a long time. What's the matter?"

Han Bin closed his notebook: "do you know a man named Zhao Xiaoshan?"

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