Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 425: 425

The waitress, GE yunyun, is an international student who works in a restaurant in her spare time.

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That is, you can earn some tuition and practice English.

Liao Ge, the owner of the restaurant, takes good care of the staff. Ge yunyun is still happy in the restaurant.

Of course, occasionally there are some difficult guests.

"Sir, the two spent a total of 32 yuan." Ge yunyun reminds a way.

"No, I've already paid for it," said one with a gold chain

Ge Yun was stunned for a moment, "I'm sorry, you remember wrong, I really didn't receive your money."

Another foreigner grinned his thick lips: "ouga, what do you mean? You mean I don't pay for my meals. Are you discriminating against us?"

"No, I didn't mean that. I just said..."

Foreigner with gold chain: "listen, I have something else to do. I don't want to delay any more. You know what I mean."

"I'm sorry, sir. I'm just a part-time worker..."

The foreigner with the gold chain pointed to ge yunyun: "I have a lawyer, you know? I can get him on the phone

"Yes, I know, but you didn't give me any money."

"OK, call your boss over. I'm going to sue this restaurant. I'm going to sue him for discrimination. I'm going to make him lose money..."

Ge yunyun bit his lip: "Sir, we have cameras."

Wearing a gold chain, the foreigner said with a smile: "ouga's, your restaurant has installed a camera. Why don't you tell me in advance? Do you want to invade our privacy?"

Ge yunyun said: "no, some guests have a bad memory and forget to pay for their meals. The camera is just to remind them."

Thick lipped foreigner said: "fuckyou, we've paid for it and put it on the table. Do you want to go back and have a look?"

"Of course, two gentlemen, please come and have a look with me." Ge yunyun made a gesture of please. If these two foreigners run away secretly, she can't catch up with them.

Ge yunyun has met this kind of thing more than once.

Wearing a gold chain, the foreigner swayed his body and stepped on the beat to the table.

Foreigners with thick lips follow.

Ge yunyun went to the table and glanced at the table. Except for plates and leftovers, he didn't see a note at all.

"There is no money on the table, sir."

"Oh, how could it be? Was it taken away by other people? I heard a guy say that there are many thieves in Chinese restaurants who like to steal from us local people." The foreigner wearing the golden chain, while talking, beat, intentionally or unintentionally blocked in front of Ge Yun.

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"Sir, if you can't find your money, we can check the monitoring. Please don't stigmatize our restaurant." Ge yunyun's tone is cold, and he has had enough of the two people's unreasonable making trouble.

After all, it's someone else's territory. Ge yunyun has to bear his anger.

If it is in China, she will never hurt herself, and no one dares to bully her like this.

"I, MAIGA, what is this? What do I see in the plate? A big cockroach!" The thick lipped foreigner's tone is exaggerated.

"Please don't talk nonsense, sir. We can't have Ah... "

Before Ge yunyun finished, the thick lipped foreigner grabbed a cockroach with a napkin and rubbed it against Ge yunyun's face.

Ge yunyun was so scared that he lost his face and sat down on the ground, very embarrassed.

"Ha ha." The thick lipped foreigner sneered: "tell me, what is this?"

"Wuwu..." Ge yunyun finally couldn't help crying. The two foreigners, who are more than 1.9 meters tall, bullied a girl of more than 1.6 meters.

At this moment, she wanted to go home, not the dormitory, but the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

At this time, brother Liao came over with a smile: "Xiao Ge, you go, let me deal with it here."

Xiao Lei waved: "Xiao Ge, come here."

"Who are you?" Asked the foreigner with the gold chain.

Liao Ge looked at the two black people: "my name is George, the head of the restaurant."

The thick lipped foreigner shook the cockroach in his hand: "what's this?"

"Sir, our restaurant is disinfected every day. There can't be cockroaches in the restaurant."

The foreigner with the gold chain exaggerates: "ouga, what do you mean? Do you think we brought this cockroach here?"

Brother Liao spread out his hand: "I didn't mean that."

"Listen, you have to give me an account, you know," said the foreigner with the gold chain

Brother Liao smiles and looks at the two foreigners again: "OK, it's my treat today. I'll give you two free tickets."

The foreigner with the golden chain shook his index finger. "No, you think we are beggars. Even if I agree, my lawyer won't agree. If I eat cockroaches in my plate, you have to compensate me, otherwise, wait for my lawyer's letter."Brother Liao smiles a little more coldly and takes a look at the cockroach in the foreigner's hand. He is not sure if the monitor has captured it. He hesitates: "OK, I'll make it up to you for 50 yuan."

The foreigner with the gold chain grinned and said, "we are two people. Do you understand?"

Brother Liao took out a fifty pen and paper from his wallet and handed the two notes to the foreigner.

The foreigner with the gold chain grabs the money and kisses it on his mouth:

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"in the face of money, I'd like to give you a piece of advice. You'd better quit that chick. She's a fool. If you find a plump black girl, the business of this Chinese restaurant will be better."

The thick lipped foreigner patted brother Liao on the shoulder: "we'll come again. Learn to be smart next time."

Later, the two foreigners left the restaurant talking and laughing.

"Welcome back." Brother Liao took a napkin and wiped his shoulder with a sneer:


Two foreigners make trouble, other guests are also affected, some simply do not eat, directly pay the bill to leave.

Most of the foreigners are very qualified, even if they don't finish eating, they will pay the bill.

Of course, when I leave, I can't help complaining and have a bad impression of the restaurant.

It doesn't matter who is right and who is wrong, whether it is the responsibility of the restaurant or not, it has a great impact on the restaurant.

Several times, the restaurant should close down.

Ge yunyun came over with tears in his eyes: "brother Liao, I'm sorry, I didn't do it well, I..."

Brother Liao smiles: "little things, don't be too sad."

Ge yunyun hesitated for a moment, "brother Liao, I'll settle their list. You can deduct it from my salary."

"The restaurant is short of you." Brother Liao patted Ge yunyun on the shoulder: "it's not too early. Clean up and get off work early. Have a good rest. Remember to come early tomorrow."

Ge yunyun showed a moving look: "brother Liao, thank you."

Brother Liao nodded: "Xiao Ge, there are many such people. I can't always be by your side. You should learn to protect your own interests."

"I understand that I will learn to be strong." Ge yunyun dried his tears, and his steps were firm.

Liao Ge went back to his dining table, stirred it with a fork and continued to eat noodles.

Xiao Lei took an old duck soup and put it on the table: "brother Liao, you can take advantage of the heat."

Liao Ge took a mouthful of soup with a spoon and praised: "today's soup is very good."

Xiaolei smiles: "it's been a day."

Brother Liao put down his spoon: "does this kind of thing happen often?"

"These old black people really don't pay much attention to it. They come every so often. They are all bullies. If other restaurants don't dare to go, they will come to Chinese restaurants to make trouble." Xiaolei is helpless.

Brother Liao asked, "did you call the police?"

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Xiaolei sighed, "it's no use. The police just warn us that more people will come the next day. They can't even do business."

"The king of hell is easy to see, but the kid is hard to deal with." Brother Liao murmured.

For most of the people, killers are far away. Gangsters are the real threat, but there is no means of sanctions.

"Brother Liao, why do you think there are bad people everywhere?"

Brother Liao smiles: "all good people, what's the meaning of this world?"

Xiaolei complains: "ah, I also have a headache for these gangsters. Every time I come, it affects my business."

Brother Liao wiped his mouth. "Next time they come back, call me."


The other side of the Pacific.

Yuhua Branch.

Criminal investigation team 3, group 2 office.

It's six in the afternoon.

The team returned to the office in succession.

Seeing that people were almost coming, Ma Jingbo held a case summary meeting.

Only timely summary of the case, we can find the key evidence from the numerous clues.


Ma Jingbo coughed softly: "before the meeting, I would like to say a few words. During this period, we should not only work, but also rest to keep our body in a good condition, so that our immunity will not be reduced."

"If you have a fever or feel unwell, please let me know immediately."

"Come on, let's get down to business. Let's talk about the case."

"Let me tell you first, Li Hui and Xiaopeng are checking with me in the traffic police monitoring center. I know what they know, so I didn't let them come back and stay there to check the monitoring." Zeng Ping opened his notebook:

"we checked the GPS track of BMW. On the morning of January 31, the car drove away from Zhao Xiaoshan's home and then to Fulong feed factory. It stopped 36 times in the middle of the way. Through the comparison of Skynet monitoring, 33 times were waiting for the red and green lights, and there were three stops where Skynet monitoring could not see."

"For the first time, I stopped at the east side of Tianshan shopping mall for about seven minutes; for the second time, I stopped near the telecommunication building on Huaili road in the suburb; for the third time, I stopped near Sanyuan village on Qingbin road; for the fourth time, I stopped at Fulong feed factory.""We take four parking places as the center, check the surrounding monitoring, looking for suspicious vehicles and people, but we haven't found anything abnormal yet."

After Zeng Ping finished, Ma Jingbo took over the remark: "investigation is a process of accumulation. We didn't find it this time because we don't have enough clues to form cross comparison."

"In addition to Zhao Xiaoshan, there are two other victims. They also need to be investigated near their missing places. By comparing the monitoring near the scene of multiple cases, suspicious people and vehicles can be found."

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Tian Li said, "I contacted the families of the other two victims. Ren Jianhua's family is from other places. When Ren Jianhua just disappeared, his parents came to Qindao to report the case, but the police station didn't find any clues. Nian gen, Ren Jianhua's parents went back to their hometown."

"Yesterday, I contacted Ren Jianhua's family. His father has already rushed here. Maybe he will arrive at the police station tomorrow morning."

"What about Cao Da's family?"

"His situation is more complicated. His family members have had contact with outsiders and are still in isolation for the time being. When the isolation is lifted, I will immediately inform my family members to take notes. "

"Han Bin, how are you doing over there?"

"I have been to Chen Xia's house and made a record for her. According to Chen Xia, the reason why she contacted Zhao Xiaoshan was to persuade him to leave his daughter, but Zhao Xiaoshan didn't want to. Chen Xia also asked someone to teach him a lesson."

Ma Jingbo said: "that is to say, Chen Xia ordered Zhao Xiaoshan to be beaten last time."

"Yes, Chen Xia has a best friend named Wang yanru. This woman has some relations in the society. It's Zhao Xiaoshan, who she helped to find someone to teach her a lesson. From the current situation, the confession of the two people is quite consistent. Chen Xia's suspicion can be ruled out for the time being."

Duchy came over with a cup of hot water: "what's wrong with the society now? Women are so angry."

Zeng Ping yawned: "Duqi, you've come back. Is there anyone staring at you over there?"

"It's OK. The two auxiliary police are watching. Although they are young, they can bear hardships."

Du Qi sat back in his chair and continued: "director Yu summoned Lao liutou from Fulong factory to the police station, and I made a record for him. Lao liutou's fingerprints and DNA have also been sent to the technical team."

"What's the name of this old Liu tou?"

"His name is Liu Yadong, 60 years old. He is from Beizhuang village, not far from Cheng'an village."

Zhao Ming took over the remark: "that BMW can't fly into the factory. It must have been opened through the gate. Besides Zhang brothers, Liu Yadong is the most suspect."

Ma Jingbo pondered for a moment: "hiding keys near the door is not common, but there are many."

"If it's one or two days, it may not be discovered, but after a long time, it will be known sooner or later."

"There must be more people who can get the key than we think. The scope of investigation is not just Zhang brothers and Liu Yadong."

Han Bin changed his pen: "I agree with Captain ma. If you really want to check, other employees of Fulong feed factory should check, not only make notes for them, but also collect their fingerprints and compare them with those on the car."

"The workload will not be small. If it's only local, it's OK to say. If they are employees from other places, it is difficult to summon them to Qindao city. "

"Then I'll check the job myself." Ma Jingbo then glanced at the crowd: "three days have passed since January 31. The victim's situation is very dangerous. We should improve our work efficiency and rescue the victim as soon as possible."

Ma Jingbo's tone is dignified: "I believe we all don't want to find a cold corpse after solving the case."

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