Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 427: 427

Zhao Ming's idea is very interesting, network writers do not need to go to work, as long as there is a computer can work.

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This job is relatively hidden. Anyone can take a part-time job.

Of course, the premise can insist on coding every day.

Seeing that neither of them raised any objection, Zhao Ming continued, "Ren Chongyuan said just now that Ren Jianhua has a laptop, and he is fully qualified to become an Internet writer."

"Network writers don't have to go to the company, so there should be no intersection." Tian Li Road.

"Network writers also have an annual meeting every day. Many network writers will attend it. Maybe they met at that time." Zhao Mingdao.

"There are more than ten million Internet writers. As long as you register a pseudonym and publish a novel on the Internet, you can be called an Internet writer. It's impossible for everyone to attend the annual meeting, and the novel website can't afford it. I think the invited authors should have a threshold, and the authors of Ren Jianhua's level may not be invited." Han Bin said.

Zhao Ming snapped his fingers. "I heard that there will be a group of contracted authors. Many authors will be coquettish in it. There is a great possibility that two people will get to know each other in the same city."

Han Bin some accident: "you boy line, to this profession quite understanding."

Zhao Ming squeezed his eyes and said, "I often read novels. I know something about the author circle."

"I'm not interested in gossip in this circle, but your guess is quite interesting and can be used as a clue for investigation."

"Brother bin, I've already thought about it. It's not difficult to prove it. As long as I give Ren Jianhua's ID card to the novel website for them to check, I'll know if the boy is writing a novel."

"It's not as simple as you think. There are so many Internet novel companies, big and small. We are not people in the Internet circle. It's impossible to check all the Internet novel companies."

Zhao Ming thought about it: "yes, I think it's narrow. First, find Ren Jianhua's lost computer. As long as you check the files on the computer, you will find out."

"This one can have." Han Bin said.

Finding out the whereabouts of Ren Jianhua before his disappearance and finding out the items he lost were originally the direction of the investigation. Checking the computer was just a passing matter.

"I'll arrange the task." Han Bin pointed to Tian Li: "you go to the technical team, let them contact the communication company, check Ren Jianhua's mobile phone number, how to check, don't I teach you."

"I know."

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"Zhao Ming, check the situation of Ren Jianhua's local roommate. Since he doesn't want to come to the police station, let's go to his home to take notes."



Yueyang mountain is a standard otaku.

Don't worry about the ups and downs outside, he's sitting like a mountain.

His daily life is very regular, eating, sleeping, reading novels, playing games and chasing plays.

Basically most of the time is spent in bed.

Yueyangshan's parents are also at home. Basically, they quarrel every day for a small matter.

If you put too much salt in the cooking, if you don't put vinegar before you leave the pot, if the toilet is blocked, if the TV is loud, it will lead to a quarrel between the two people.

Yueyang mountain was tired of listening, so he put on a earphone directly, but it was quiet if he didn't listen.

In yueyangshan's opinion, there are two main reasons why his parents are so irritable. The first reason is menopause, and the second reason is suffocating.

In a room of 100 square meters, many people can't bear not to go out for ten days in a row. They feel uncomfortable physically and psychologically and become very irritable.

His mother often stands in front of the window, looking at the scenery outside in a daze.

Yueyangshan can understand that he tries not to touch his parents' moldy head. After dinner every day, he chats with his parents and goes back to his room. He doesn't feel bored at all.

Every day after dinner, lying in bed watching chasing drama, reading novels, playing games, for him has been very happy.

As for being unable to get out of the door, who are!

"Dong Dong..." There was a knock at the door.

Recently, Yueyang mountain hasn't heard this sound. He throws his mobile phone aside and gets up from his bed like an enemy.

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"Who is it?" This is the voice of Yueyang mountain father.

Yueyang mountain also out of the bedroom, looking to the door of the direction, playing the new year, his family has not been guests.

"We are from a property company. We register as a resident and issue access cards to your home." There was a man's voice outside.

Yueyangshan's father put on a mask, opened the door and saw two men standing outside, both wearing masks.

Yueyangshan's father frowned. Most of their property companies are female employees. Even if there are male employees, they are all elderly. Both of them look very young.

"What are you going to register for?"

"We are from the criminal investigation team. We need to find out something about Yueyang mountain." When Han Bin opened the door, he saw Yueyang mountain standing in the living room. The boy was easy to identify. He looked about 1.8 meters tall and weighed at least 200 Jin. His broad figure was like a half wall.Yueyang mountain's father showed a look of surprise: "do you have any certificates?"

Han Bin showed a police officer card: "don't be nervous, we are a routine inquiry, what do you call it?"

"My name is Yue Dongfeng. I'm the father of Yueyang mountain."

"We need to make a record for Yueyang mountain. If it's not convenient at home, we can go to the police station."

"Convenient. Let's talk about it here." Yue Dongfeng invited Han Bin into the living room.

Han Bin looked at the fat figure: "you are Yueyang mountain."

"It's me, comrade police. What can I do for you? I haven't been to other places in this period of time. I've been staying at home all the time. "

"Yes, my son has been at home. We can testify to him." Yueyang mountain's mother said hastily.

Although Han Bin didn't come for this, I heard that his family hadn't been to other places, so I felt more at ease.

"You misunderstood. We are from the criminal investigation team. We are here to learn about Ren Jianhua, a roommate in Yueyang mountain."

"Ren Jianhua!" Yueyang mountain was stunned: "last time I..."

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"Have you been summoned by the police before?"


"Then why not?"

Yueyang mountain shrugged: "I was I have nothing to do with him. I haven't seen him since the holiday. "

Zhao Ming asked: "you are not only classmates, or roommates, he disappeared, you do not care?"

Yueyang mountain's mother said: "my son is this temperament, does not like to meddle."

"He's not nosy, he's cold." Zhao Ming snorted.

"I I... " Yueyang mountain lowered his head and hesitated: "in fact, I have a bad relationship with him. I don't care about his affairs."

Yue Dongfeng tugged his son's arm and winked.

Han Bin sees everything in his eyes: "what's the contradiction between you?"

After receiving the father's reminder, Yue Dongfeng withered, "it's nothing."

Han Bin said with a straight face: "Mr. Yue Dongfeng, please avoid your husband and wife. We need to talk to Yueyang mountain alone."

"Comrade police, please ask. This is my son, and we are not outsiders."

"In the same way, I won't say it again, otherwise, I'll take him back to the police station now."

"Well, let's avoid it. Let's go to the bedroom." Although Yue Dongfeng is not at ease, he still drags his wife back to the bedroom.

There were only three people left in the living room. Han Bin asked again, "tell me, what's the contradiction between you."

Yueyang mountain lowered his head and bit his lip.

"If you really don't want to talk here, we can change places."

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Yueyang mountain raised his head: "in fact, it's nothing. He usually likes to bully me. Naturally, I don't like to see him, but we don't have a big conflict."

"Everything has a reason. Why does he bully you?"

"Well, because I'm fat, I think I'm a bully. He often teases me in front of girls, just to show himself, and he doesn't tease me in his dorm. The more Yueyang mountain says, the less sound it makes.

"You are so big, why let him bully." Zhao Mingdao.

Yueyang mountain showed a look of embarrassment, "I grow fat, and my body's meat also trembles when I move. I don't like to fight with him, and the more he thinks I'm bullying. And he has many friends, and I don't have any. I can't annoy him. "

"When was the last time you saw him?"

Yueyang mountain recalled: "the day of the holiday, after that I went home, did not go out."

"Since you are his roommate, you should know him well." Han Bin asked.

"Not bad."

"Before the holiday, was there anything unusual about him?"

"I didn't see it."

"Do you know where he went after his holiday?"

Yueyang Shan shrugged his shoulders: "I don't deal with him either. How can I ask him such a question? I'd like to stay away from him."

Han Bin said tentatively, "has Ren Jianhua ever borrowed online loans?"

"Online loan?"

Yueyang mountain muttered and shook his head. "It's impossible. He has a lot of money. What's he doing with that thing?"

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