Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 434: 434

Han Bin observed for a while, can see someone in the office, did not find obvious abnormalities.

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Han Bin winks at Zhao Ming and Tian Li, then pushes the door and goes in.


A sound door rings, the person in the company all coincidentally looked over.

There are not many people at work, only one third of them are sitting at their desks, and everyone is far away.

A male employee stood up and asked, "Hello, what can I do for you?"

Han Bin looked around the staff, there are men and women, look different, did not find anything unusual, "we are the police, looking for the person in charge of your company something."

The man was a little surprised. "What's your name? What can I do for the person in charge of our company?"

"My family name is Han. It's not convenient for me to disclose the details. I don't want to talk to him."

"Just a moment. I'll report to the leader." With that, the man got up and went to the office.

Taking advantage of this Kung Fu, Han Bin three people in the room around, each desk with magazines and information, although the company's employees were surprised, but did not overreact.

A moment later, the man came out, followed by a woman, wearing a mask and unable to see clearly.

The man said, "officer Han, this is general manager Feng of our company."

Before Hanbin spoke, the woman, who was called President Feng, came to meet him quickly. "Hello, officer Han, I'm the person in charge here. What can I do for you?"

"I'd like to consult your company about something."

"Can I have a look at the identification?"

Han Bin shows his police certificate.

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Mr. Feng took a look and frowned, "are you a criminal policeman?"


Mr. Feng opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something. However, seeing the curious eyes of the staff around him, he stopped the conversation and made a gesture of please, "let's go to the meeting room. It's still quiet there."

Han Bin orders to Tian Li, and then takes Zhao Ming into the meeting room.

Even if the company really has problems, it can cope with Tian Li's force.

Tian Li is a woman, but also reduce the staff's vigilance.

In the conference room.

When the three sat down, Mr. Feng couldn't help asking, "officer Han, what can I do for you? Just say it."

Han Bin looked at the meeting room for a while, his eyes fell on Mr. Feng, "who is generally responsible for the personnel of your company."

"I'm in charge." Feng Zongdao.

"It's a coincidence." Han Bin said with a smile.

"Our company is small in scale. In order to reduce expenses and reduce leadership positions, many people have multiple roles." Mr. Feng said with a smile.

Han Bin took out Ren Jianhua's picture, "do you know this person?"

Mr. Feng took the photo and observed it carefully. "It seems that I have some impression, but I can't remember where I have seen it. But I can be sure that it's not an employee of our company."

Han Bin has been staring at each other, "think again, his name is Ren Jianhua."

Mr. Feng looked again and shook his head. "I can't remember."

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Han Bin changed a way, "did your company recruit new employees recently?"

"Yes." Mr. Feng said without hesitation: "many employees like to resign at the end of the year, so at the end of the year and the beginning of the year, we are appropriate to recruit some new employees."

"For those who come to apply, if they don't succeed, will you keep the information?"

"Yes, their resumes will be kept for a while." Speaking of this, Mr. Feng patted his forehead, "I remember, this Ren Jianhua came to our company for an interview."

"When did he come for the interview?"

"I can't remember the exact time. It should be early January. At that time, I interviewed with another colleague in the human affairs department. I vaguely remember that he seemed to be a college student. "

"Think about it. We came to your company just to know more about him." Han Bin said.

Mr. Feng was in a bit of a dilemma. "Comrade police, he didn't succeed in the interview in our company, and he is not an employee of our company. Moreover, I have a lot of things, and I don't have a lot of impression on him."

One side of Zhao Ming interjected, "you don't mean that there was another person who interviewed with you at that time and called him to ask."

"Yes, she happened to be here today." Mr. Feng got up and opened the door of the conference room. "Wang Zhihui, come here for a while."

"Well A woman answered and walked into the conference room from the office hall, "Mr. Feng, what can I do for you?"

"Comrades of the police want to know something about you."

Wang Zhihui was a little surprised, "what can you learn from me?"

Han Bin sees Ren Jianhua's photo and hands it over, "do you know him?"

Wang wisdom took the photo, "he came to our company for an interview."

"Sit down and talk about his interview with your company." Han Bin said.Wang Zhihui turned and looked at Mr. Feng.

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Mr. Feng nodded, "police comrades will say whatever they ask you."

Wang Zhihui recalled, "I remember that he seemed to come for an interview in January. He was a student of Qindao University and was about to graduate. He wanted to come to our company for an internship. I remember this young man's surname is Ren. He's very outgoing and he's a good person. "

"Did he come to the interview alone or with others?"

"It's like a person."

"When he came to the interview that day, did he have any unusual performance?"

"I can't remember. After all, time is a little far away."

"What time did he come to your company for an interview that day?"

"Our company has a fixed time, usually 10 a.m. or 3 p.m. interview, special circumstances will be notified." Mr. Feng then asked, "officer Han, what happened to Ren Jianhua?"

"We're still investigating."

Han Bin perfunctory a, the front of the words a change, "I see next to a Baichuan investment management company, this company has not officially go to work?"

Mr. Feng shook his head. "I'm not sure about that. We just started work yesterday, and we didn't care about other companies."

"Do you have anything to do with that Baichuan investment management company?"

"It doesn't matter. Everyone is busy. There is no intersection in business. They don't know each other very well."

Han Bin again turns the topic to Ren Jianhua, "what position did Ren Jianhua apply for in your company?"

"Advertising planning assistant."

"Why didn't he succeed in the interview?"

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Wang Zhihui said, "his conditions are OK. He successfully passed the first test of our company. However, he is not the only one who took part in the second test. After a comprehensive consideration, we still want to find someone with work experience who can start directly. After all, we are a small company and don't have much energy to cultivate new people."

"How many times has Ren Jianhua been to your company?"

"Twice." Wang wisdom said, and quickly changed his words, "Oh no, once."

Han Bin eyes sharp, again asked, "how many times in the end?"

Wang Zhihui organized the language, "he came to our company once, but I met him twice."

"The second time, where did you meet?"

"After he passed the first examination, he still needed a physical examination report. At that time, I took them to have a physical examination, so I had a deeper impression on him." Wang said.

Han Bin seems to think of something, confirmed: "entrance examination?"


"Don't you go to the entrance examination by yourself?"

Mr. Feng took over the conversation, and she knew more about the situation. "Companies without clear requirements can go to the hospital for physical examination; some companies will also organize interviews for employees to have physical examination."

"Before, our company had no clear requirements in this aspect. Many interviewers fooled around, and the place for physical examination was not qualified at all. Later, it was simply organized by the company to go to a specific physical examination center. "

Han Bin showed a thoughtful look. In the morning, when he checked Zhao Xiaoshan's articles, he also found a physical examination report, which attracted his attention. He asked:

"where does your company usually organize a physical examination?"

"Yamada medical center."

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