Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 437: 437

Sun YAOBO's wife was invited into the house.

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Eric himself was still sitting on the sofa in the living room, surrounded by a circle of police.

Han Bin combed the train of thought and started the second stage of culture, "Mr. Sun YAOBO, are you familiar with the staff of the physical examination center?"

"I'm familiar with it. There are not many people in our physical examination center. I know all of them."

Han Bin took out two physical examination reports, "like this kind of physical examination report, how many people can generally contact with it."

When sun YAOBO glanced at it, he found that it was really his own physical examination center, but he was a little lucky. "Our business is roughly divided into two kinds, one is personal physical examination. Another is the physical examination organized by the company. These two physical examination reports belong to the latter. Generally, the physical examination organized by the company is arranged by special people in our physical examination center. "

"According to my estimation, there are about seven or eight people who can see these two medical reports."

Han Bin continued to ask, "have these seven or eight people ever lived in Qingguang Town, Qindao suburb?"

Sun YAOBO nodded slightly, then shook his head again, "No."

"Among the seven or eight people, has anyone ever driven a white Toyota?"

Sun YAOBO hesitated for a moment, and his forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat. "It seems that he didn't have them."

Han Bin wrote it down in his notebook and asked, "has anyone asked for leave or vacation on January 11, January 18 and January 31?"

Sun YAOBO stroked his forehead with his right hand, then wiped the sweat on his forehead, "I can't remember clearly."

Han Bin has been staring at each other, through micro expression analysis, found that the other is suspected of lying.

When many people lie, they will show some characteristics or body movements.

Some people say that I lie and come with my mouth open, without any small action, and micro expression analysis is useless.

In Han Bin's opinion, it's because you haven't met anything.

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When two friends met, a asked B if he had eaten.

B didn't eat.

But he replied casually, I ate it.

During this period, B did not show any abnormality.

Is that a lie?

At first, Han Bin was unable to answer.

With his in-depth study of micro expression analysis, he found it meaningless to judge micro expression with this kind of question.

The reason is very simple. Whether you eat or don't eat, it's a small matter. You come with your mouth open, and it won't have any influence on the speaker's life, even your brain.

To put it bluntly, whether it is a matter of lying or not, it has nothing to do with vital interests, and the cost of lying is minimal.

Without the cost of lying, there is no psychological burden.

To take a very simple example, there is a board on the pool, and there is shallow water below. People can walk over the board easily.

Suppose you put a dozen crocodiles in the pool and still let people walk on the board. Don't say how many people can pass, just ask how many people dare to try?

These two things are actually the same truth. When there is no crocodile, it doesn't matter if you fall into the pool. It's not related to your own safety, so it's very natural and relaxed.

When there is a crocodile in the pool, it will die if it falls down. At this time, every step is heavy, and even most people dare not take the first step.

It's the same with lying. It doesn't matter if you open your mouth when there's no cost.

However, it is not easy to lie in front of the police because it is related to personal interests.

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A lot of people usually talk about lotus flowers. When something happens, they can't say anything in front of the police.

Of course, there are also a few people with excellent psychological quality, or they have done a lot of preparation and practice in advance, so they can be fearless in the face of danger.

But sun YAOBO is obviously not such a person.

Han Bin's face is getting colder. Using micro expression analysis, he can clearly feel that sun YAOBO is lying.

"Handcuff it and take it away!"

Li Hui and Zhao Ming, one on the left and one on the right, directly pushed sun YAOBO down on the tea table and handcuffed him.

"Officer Han, why did you catch me? You let me go..." he yelled

Hearing the voice, sun YAOBO's wife also ran out and pointed to Han Bin and others, "why do you catch my husband? Let him go, or I will go to the police station to sue you. We are not easy to bully. We also have acquaintances."

"If you want to find acquaintances, I'll give you a ride. Let's go together." Han Bin laughs, looks gradually cold, "handcuffed up!"

It's about serial homicide. Who knows?

Han Bin is not worried about the fact that Qianlong doesn't press down on local leaders.

Without saying a word, Tian Li directly held down sun YAOBO's wife.

When sun YAOBO's wife wants to struggle, how can she be Tian Li's opponent? She is directly handcuffed.

Seeing that his wife was also arrested, sun YAOBO was completely afraid, "officer Han, if you have something to say, you can't arrest people."

"Arrest people?" Han Bin snorted, "you are full of lies, deliberately hide the case, I do not catch you catch who?"Sun YAOBO turned to one side and said, "my wife is innocent. You let her go first."

Han Bin said, "this serial murder is committed by a gang. As long as you are involved in the crime, your wife is also suspected. In order to prevent her from divulging information to other accomplices, we have to control her first, and when her innocence is proved, we will naturally let her go. "

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"I'm innocent. I didn't kill people at all, and I don't know what serial murders are. You've caught the wrong person." Sun YAOBO choked his neck and cried out.

Han Bin said harshly, "you dare say you didn't lie!"

"I I... " Sun YAOBO was so anxious that he was sweating that he hesitated and hesitated and did not dare to answer directly.

"You lied and deliberately concealed for the suspect, which means that you are also involved in the case and dare to say that you are wronged!" Han Bin waved his hand,

"take it away!"

Sun YAOBO's wife has been staring at her husband with red eyes. They have been married for nearly 20 years. He knows his husband very well. Judging from his husband's performance, he really lied.

"Yao Bo, what's the matter? Tell the police clearly."

"Bang!" With a loud voice, sun YAOBO knelt down and said, "officer Han, I made a slip of tongue just now. Please give me another chance. This time I will speak well."

Li Hui yelled, "stand up and see what you look like. You're still a man."

Some people usually look at the bull, a matter of counseling.

Han Bin said coldly, "what do you want to say?"

"I lied just now. There is a person in the physical examination center who meets the conditions you said."


"His name is Yang Zhichao. He is from Yangma village, Qingguang town. I saw him driving a white Toyota. Moreover, he took a vacation on January 11 and 18, and we didn't go to work on January 31. He had time. He had time for three days. "

Han Binzhi asked, "how can you remember so clearly that he was off on January 11 and January 18?"

"I can't remember the specific date, but our physical examination center is closed. I know he has a rest on Saturday. January 11 and January 18 are both Saturdays," he explained

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"Are you involved in this case?"

Sun YAOBO waved his hand. "I didn't. this has nothing to do with me. I heard it for the first time today."

"Bang!" As soon as Li Hui slapped the table, someone had to sing in his black face and yelled, "since you know that he is a suspect and has nothing to do with you, why should you hide it for him?"

"I I'm not hiding it for him. I don't want to get involved in a lawsuit. Yang Zhichao is an employee of the physical examination center. If it is he who divulges the information, our physical examination center is also responsible. The family members of the suspects will definitely sue us. At that time, they will not only lose money. Once the matter is spread, who dares to come to our physical examination center, my business will be ruined! "

Sun YAOBO sighed and sat down on the ground. He didn't want to lie, but he couldn't help it.

Li Hui harshly scolded, "your business is more important than human life. This Yang Zhichao may be related to three human lives. For the sake of your so-called business, you hide his suspicion. You are shielding and breaking the law. Do you know?"

"I really don't want to cover for him. I just don't want the physical examination center to close down. I have a daughter to support. She is studying abroad. I have a lot of pressure. I can't help it, I can't..." Sun YAOBO had a runny nose and tears.

Tian Li snorted, "parents are children's best teachers. You, a father, actually cover up the suspect. Even if your daughter goes to a good school, what can she learn?"

"I really know I'm wrong, officer Han. Please give me another chance. I will cooperate with the police well..." Sun YAOBO put his hands together and kept saying good things.

Han Bin doesn't believe him at all. Some people remember to eat or beat. Only by giving him a profound lesson can he know fear and realize mistakes.

"Take both of them back." Han Bin waved his hand.

For this kind of people who are full of words and dare to cover up the murder suspects, they must go to the police station and go through a strict interrogation process. Otherwise, the police will not easily accept their confessions.

No one can guarantee that what he is saying now is the truth. In case Mr. Sun YAOBO is also involved in the case, will he let the tiger go back to the mountain.

Han Bin would not make such a low-level mistake.

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