Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 450: 450

Qindao city.

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Huayuan community, Li Hui's home.

Li Hui became the acting group leader of the second group. It can be said that he was in a good mood at happy events. It was very rare for him to take the initiative to invite everyone to dinner.

Considering the reason of Yi Qing, I'll remember this meal for a while and wait for a while.

However, Li Hui still invited Han Bin to have dinner at home. The two of them were together every day. They also took the same car to and from work, and they didn't worry about any problems.

If there's a problem, it's too late. I'm sure it's a brother in need.

We also had dinner with Li Hui's girlfriend Zhou Weina.

Zhou Weina, a junior high school teacher, has returned to normal teaching. She is 26 years old, the same age as Han Bin.

Han Bin is the first time to see Zhou Weina. He is about 1.6 meters tall and wears a pair of glasses. He belongs to the type of Jasper in a small family. He is not a beauty, but he is very good-looking. He matches Li Hui.

Maybe it's because of her career. Zhou Weina is very talkative. I can talk with Li Hui about it.

Zhou Weina gave Han Bin a cup of tea. "Leader Han, when Li Hui was with me, I didn't mention you less."

"Don't mention it, sister-in-law. Just call me Han Bin." Han Bin laughed and lifted the cup. "He didn't say anything nice about me."

Li Hui rolled his eyes and said, "Hey, sister-in-law, who's going to celebrate our birthday first? You don't count in your heart."

"I'm not looking at my sister-in-law's youth. It's easy to say." Han Bin said with a smile.

Li Hui's lips are curled. He looks like a ghost believes you.

"You two are talking. I'll cook." With that, Zhou Weina got up and went to the kitchen.

Han Bin smiles and throws a cigarette to Li Hui. "You're a good boy. You've found a beautiful and virtuous girlfriend."

"That's what I've been waiting for for for so many years." Li Hui takes a lighter and lights a cigarette for Han Bin.

Han Bin smoked a cigarette, "I remember, don't you have other tenants?"

"The other two tenants are going home for the new year. I'll probably not come back for a while. I'm just quiet." Li Hui flicked his ashes and said, "when the lease is over, I'm going to change my house."

"What do you want?"

"Let's change to one or two bedroom. It's too inconvenient to rent with others."

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Han Bin glanced at the kitchen and said with a smile, "come on, I don't know what your kid's idea is."

With a smile, Li Hui took a guilty look at the kitchen and said, "when are you going to the market?"

"Take a day off tomorrow and report early the day after tomorrow."

"How are you going to get there? It's not easy to take a taxi at this time. It's estimated that there's no direct bus service." Li huidao.

"That's true. I won't be able to get a ride with you in the future." Han Bin said.

"Or I'll give you a detour."

Han Bin shook his head, "forget it, it's not a day or two."

"So it is." Li Hui nodded and had another idea. "You've been promoted. Take advantage of this opportunity to let your parents add some money and pay a down payment to buy a car."

Han Bin thought, "not suitable."

Han Bin doesn't want to drive a car that's too cheap. He just got promoted and bought a new car. It's too eye-catching. When the car stops at the Municipal Bureau, if it's better than Ma Jingbo's car, what do you think about the embarrassment.

"Think for yourself. I'll go to the kitchen." Li Hui took a few puffs, snuffed out his cigarette and went to the kitchen to give his girlfriend a hand.

After a while, there was a laugh in the kitchen, "Oh, what are you doing in here?"

"I'm not afraid you're tired. Come in and help."

"Where do you put your hands..."

This pair of young lovers are in love and haven't seen each other for some time. Naturally, they are very sweet and greasy.

Han Bin sighed. As a bachelor, his heart is inevitably empty.

"Congratulations to police officer 577533 for cracking down on a case of illegal sale of weapons."

"Merit is worth 38 points."

"Micro expression analysis: proficiency + 6"

observation, proficiency + 3

"get an extra gift package."

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"Skills: lip language"

level, advanced

Han Bin felt more comfortable, which was also a comfort.

Half an hour later, the steaming food was on the table. There were two hot dishes, two cold dishes and one soup. Zhou Weina's craftsmanship was not bad. She didn't put too many seasonings. They were all home cooked.

During the meal, Li Hui and Zhou Weina are also looking at each other. They give each other food, which makes Han Bin feel like a light bulb.

Not long after dinner, Han Bin left. He still has this kind of consciousness.

Back home, Han Bin put the bath water, got a bottle of beer and found a foreign blockbuster. He relaxed and relieved himself.

The next morning, Han Bin had breakfast, went to the supermarket to buy something, and went to Guang'an police station.Han Bin hasn't seen Han Weidong for a month.

During this period of time, Han Weidong has been living in the dormitory of the police station, and the field isolation personnel in the area under his jurisdiction have been gradually removed. Han Weidong will be able to go home in two days.

Han Bin is no stranger to Guang'an police station. When he arrives at the police station, he just sees the police chief Cui Hao and says, "brother Cui."

Cui Hao waved, "bin Zi is here. How can he bring so many things?"

Han Bin took two bags, one big and the other small, and handed them to Cui Hao. "Brother Cui, this is what I bought for you. Please send it to Cui Hao."

"If you come here, why are you so polite?" Cui Hao took the bag and opened it to have a look. "Oh, I bought a lot of delicious food. I have a good mouth at noon."

"I also bought your favorite pig's head and face. I'll mix it later." Han Bin said with a smile.

"Well, I've been thinking about this for a long time." Cui Hao swallowed his saliva. Recently, he has been cooking in the police station. Although there is no lack of meat, no one can make the sauce pig head.

"Thanks, brother."

Han Bin smile, "with me also polite what."

Two people chatting, into the hall of the police station, Han Bin said hello to the public, distributed some snacks.

Then, Han Bin went to the director's office, "Dong Dong."

"Come in." A familiar voice came from the room.


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Han Bin pushes the door into the office and sees Han Weidong sitting at his desk.


"Son." Han Weidong was a little surprised and gave a smile. "I said how busy it is outside. You bought food for them again."

"I have snacks and some cold dishes. I'll give you an extra meal at noon." Han Bin put a bag on the tea table. "This is for you. There are clothes to change and some fruits."

"How's home?" Although daily video chat, Han Weidong is still a little worried.

"It's all very good. It's just that my grandfather wants to go back to his old house."

"Your grandfather is used to living in the village. Even if he doesn't go out, he has a yard. It's strange to let him hold it in the house every day."

"Yes, I think in a few days, I'll send him back to his old house to keep him from getting sick." Han Bin said.

"I'll be home in two days. I'll send it then. You're busy." Han Weidong said that, and concerned about Han Bin's work, "how are you doing recently? Is the criminal investigation team busy

"I'm just about to say that I'll be transferred to another post tomorrow, instead of working in the criminal investigation team of Yuhua Branch."

Han Weidong showed a surprised look, "not in the branch criminal investigation team? Why didn't I hear the news? Where have you been transferred? "

"I was transferred to the head of the first group of the second squadron of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Municipal Bureau."

"You're not kidding, are you? Are you transferred to the Municipal Bureau so soon?" Han Weidong still doesn't believe it. Although he is the leader of the criminal investigation team, there is a big difference between the Branch Bureau and the Municipal Bureau, and his future is not the same.

Han Bin handed his father a cigarette, "I can still joke about it."

Han Weidong took a cigarette and walked around the office. "Who mentioned you?"

"I think it should be Ding Xifeng, the leader of the municipal criminal investigation team. Director Feng should also know that."

Han Weidong looks thoughtful. Ding Xifeng is not very familiar with him, but Feng Baoguo is very familiar with him. "OK, when I have time later, I'll invite them to dinner and thank them face to face."

Han Bin didn't answer, so it's inevitable for him to get along with others.

Han Weidong has his own relationship and contacts. What to do is more experienced than Han Bin.

"By the way, if you go to work in the Municipal Bureau, you can't take Li Hui's free ride. Now it's not convenient to take a taxi, and the subway is not safe. In this way, you can drive back later and drive yourself to work later." Han Wei Dong Dao.

"I'll drive away. What do you do when you go to work?"

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"I live in a dorm now, and I don't need a car. After a few days, I'll pick up a new car. It won't be convenient for me to pick up another one. " Han Weidong laughs.

Han Weidong has long wanted to change cars, but Wang Huifang has always disagreed.

Han Bin also knows his father's mind and says with a smile, "what car do you want to buy?"

"What do you think of the new Volvo?"

"It's OK. You can discuss with my mother. He can agree." Han Bin shows his hand.

"Even if I get through your mother's work and buy a new car, he will definitely let you drive a new car." Han Weidong sighed that he was probably the last time to change at his age.

"As soon as I got promoted, I drove a new car to work. It's nothing to look for." Han Bin smoked a cigarette, "I drive our Passat just right, 78% new, people ask up to say it's your car."

Han Weidong a thumb, "you see is worthy of my son, no wonder progress so fast, this consciousness!"

"After a while, I'll drive away. You can discuss with my mother about buying a new car."

"No, she will listen to you if you say something for me.""In a few days, when you get home, it depends."

"All right." Han Weidong lit his cigarette and took a puff.

Now a car is really inconvenient. Han Bin has to drive to and from work in the future. Han Weidong and Wang Huifang have to drive when they have something to do. The old man has to take a car when he is old. Han Weidong is still 70% or 80% sure of persuading his wife.

Han Weidong said, "binzi, how are you preparing for the transfer?"

"All the work has been handed over. Li Hui has become the acting leader of the second group. Tomorrow I will go directly to the criminal investigation team of the Municipal Bureau."

Han Weidong flicked his ashes. "How long do you have to be? This time, it's different from being transferred to Yuhua Branch. Not only do you want to have a good relationship with your boss, but also your subordinates."

"Team Ding and team leader Ma have a good relationship with me. As for the subordinates..." The main purpose of Han Bin's visit is to learn from his father and see how his subordinates should manage.

Before, Han Bin was transferred from the police station to the Yuhua Branch. He was just an ordinary criminal investigation team member, and it was easier to get along with his colleagues.

But this time, Han Bin was transferred to the city Bureau as the head of the criminal investigation team, not only to do a good job with the leadership, but also to win the recognition of subordinates.

Han Bin's management experience is not much, his age is not big, and his qualifications are not deep. If someone doesn't agree with him, he will have a lot of fun.

Once you become a management, you need not only the ability to investigate cases, but also the ability to manage them. Investigating cases depends on teamwork. If you can't manage them well, no one will listen to you. No matter how strong your ability is, you can't solve a case.

Han Weidong laughed, sat on the sofa and cocked his legs, "go and pour me a cup of tea, and slowly pull it for you..."

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