Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 46: 46

There are more than 20 rental companies in Qindao city.

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After lunch.

Han Bin and Yu Wei run all over Qindao taxi company with their photos. They ask the taxi driver to help them identify whether they were pulling Yu Wei in Anyang apartment a few days ago.

The next morning, two taxi companies responded.

Shunhe taxi company, with two taxi drivers, once picked up a young woman suspected of Yu Wei near an Yang apartment.

There is also a taxi company called Beitong. A taxi driver sent the woman suspected of Yu Wei to Anyang apartment.

Han Bin invited the three taxi drivers to Qindao branch.

Han Bin took notes with three people. Two drivers from Shunhe taxi company took notes on the night of August 3.

The driver of Beitong taxi company pulled a taxi on the night of August 4.

In this way, we can be sure that Yu Wei did go to Anyang apartment during the time of the crime.

This is very important to complete the chain of evidence.


More than two in the afternoon, Zhao Ming and Tian Li also came from the Internet bar.

When all the people were together, Zeng Ping held a case analysis meeting.

Zeng Ping leaned back on the table, holding a cigarette in his hand: "search warrant and warrant have been applied for, waiting for you to collect evidence."

"Today, there are three taxi drivers who prove that they picked up Yu Wei near Anyang apartment on the evening of August 3 and 4." Li Hui said.

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"Can you identify Yu Wei?"

"Yes, there are videos in taxis. After comparison, it's Yu Wei." Li Hui took out some photos and distributed them to the public.

"The evidence is crucial." Zeng Ping habitually smoked a cigarette, but the cigarette didn't ignite.

"Team Zeng, we also found it here." Zhao Ming is young and has a lot of momentum. He is not willing to be followed.

Zeng Ping laughed: "well, tell me about it."

"We visited the Internet cafe near Yuwei's home and found that on August 4, Yuwei went to an Internet cafe called Xuanfeng Internet cafe. We transferred the monitoring of that Internet cafe and found that she was suspected of making blackmail letters." Zhao Ming said.

"Can the monitor see clearly?"

"I can't read the letter." Zhao Ming regretted, as like as two peas, and then said, "but the U disk and envelope of copying letters are exactly the same as those found on the spot."

"Good." Zeng Ping praised: "with these two key evidences, we can arrest people."

"Team Zeng, are we in the school or in Wei's house?" Han Bin asked.

"Wait a minute, I'll make a call." Zeng Ping dropped a word and went to the corner of the office.

After dialing a phone call, Zeng Ping chatted a few words and came over: "I received the news that Yu Wei is in the Lahua cafe on Shengli East Road. Let's go there immediately."

"Team Zeng, how do you know?" Zhao Ming was a little surprised.

"As Zeng's team, how can there be no informant? It's a big fuss." Li Hui shrugged his shoulders.

"Informant? Do you have any? " Zhao Ming is a little curious.

"It's none of your business." Li Hui snorted.

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"Bingo, do you have any?"

Han Bin smiles but says nothing.

"Come on, don't ask any questions. Let's go." Once flat face, scolded a.


Five people in a line divided into two groups.

Zeng Ping takes Han Bin and Tian Li to the La Hua cafe on Shengli East Road to arrest Yu Wei.

Li Hui and Zhao Ming, together with the technical team, went to Yu Wei's house for a second search.

Last time, it was mainly aimed at the search of Hefeng. This time, it was aimed at Wei.


In half an hour.

Han Bin three people rushed to the La Hua cafe.

Yu Wei and a young man, sitting by the window, chatting with each other.

Han Bin recognized at a glance that this man was the same person as the one he met last time. He should be Yu Wei's boyfriend.

Although they are casual clothes, their temperament is different from that of ordinary people.

Just came near, Yu Wei raised her head alertly, showing a surprised look: "what are you doing here?"

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"Yu Wei, we suspect that you are involved in a blackmail case. Please go back to the police station to assist in the investigation." Han Bin shows a warrant.

"What are you talking about? I'm a female college student. How can I be related to blackmail?" Yu Wei's face changed slightly.

"Yu Wei, this is a society of equality between men and women. Women are no different from men. Do you understand?" Tian Liyi said.

"Are you investigating wrong? I haven't done anything." Yu Wei shouts injustice.

"Will you come back with us or let me do it?" Tian Li takes out her handcuffs.

"You must be mistaken. I am wronged." Yu Wei shows no weakness.

"Yes, Wei Wei is very kind. You must have made a mistake." Yu Wei's partner is a little confused, but he still chooses to believe in Yu Wei.Han Bin asked, "what's your relationship with Yu Wei?"

"I'm Yu Wei's boyfriend."

"Just in time, we have something to ask you. Come back with us and make a record." Han Bin said.

"It's none of my business. I don't know anything." Yu Wei's boyfriend is busy cleaning himself up.

"Grind what, take it away." Zeng Ping was a little impatient.


Han Bin and others return to the police station with Yu Wei and send Yu Wei's fingerprints, DNA and mobile phones to the technical team.

Yu Wei is taken to the interrogation room.

Han Bin is in charge of the trial, Tian Li is in charge of the record.

"Name, gender, age, native place..."

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"Yu Wei, gender, age 18, native place earth..."

"Bang!" Tian Li slapped the table and angrily scolded, "is it interesting? You think it's your home. You've put your attitude right. "

"I have studied law. Suspects also have human rights. What are you doing?" Yu Wei rolled her eyes.

Han Bin smile, so arrogant suspects, is really rare, "since you have studied the law, why should you know the law, blackmail others."

"Uncle, do you have any evidence?" Yu Wei's tone, with a trace of provocation.

"Before arresting you, we have made it clear that giving up your luck and accepting the trial honestly is the right choice." Han Bin is full of confidence.

"Hum." Yu Wei snorts coldly.

"Think I'm cheating you?"

"If you have evidence, you can take it out. If you don't have evidence, you can let me go. Is that interesting?"

"OK, if you don't tell me, don't blame me for not giving you a chance to commute." Han Bin got up and went to the interrogation table:

"on the evening of August 3, you took a taxi to Anyang apartment and put the first blackmail letter into the suspect's home. The next day, the suspect called the police and we caught your father."

"In order to help your father get rid of the suspicion of blackmail, on August 4, you went to Xuanfeng Internet cafe to make a second blackmail letter. In the evening, you took a taxi to Anyang apartment and put in the second blackmail letter to help your father get rid of the suspicion."

Han Bin looked at each other and asked, "am I right?"

Yu Wei didn't have the calmness before. Her hands were twisted together. Her heart was like 15 buckets of water.

Han Bin's description just now is exactly the same as her crime process.

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