Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 462: 462

"How's the search going?"

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Li Qin shook his head, "no stolen goods found."

Wang Xiao and Jiang Yang also didn't find out.

Feng Xifan had enough courage to say, "Comrade police, what I said is true. I'm really wronged."

"I would like to believe that you are innocent, but the investigation is about evidence. Judging from the current clues and evidence, you still can't be ruled out." Han Bin said.

"How can I be so unlucky." Feng Xifan sighed.

"Don't feel sorry for yourself. If you want to clear up the suspect as soon as possible, you should provide more useful clues to help the police find out the case. Do you understand?"

"I'm really wronged." Cried Feng Xifan.


Feng Xifan's wife also cried, "I won't let you go out to drink, but you won't listen. Who let you drink so much wine, even you don't know where you are and what you have done, how can you just muddle along like that? "

"I'm a jerk. I'm a jerk." Feng Xifan smoked his face, "I will never drink again, never drink again."

Han Bin frowned and said, "send him to the car first."

Wang Xiao and Jiang Yang go over, then put handcuffs on Feng Xifan and put them into the police car.

Feng Xifan's wife grabs Han Bin's arm, "police car comrade, our family old Feng usually does not dare to kill a chicken, he is impossible to kill, you can't wronged a good man."

"When did you find the electric car?"

Feng Xifan's wife recalled, "I It seems to be about eight forty minutes

Han Bin asked, "where was Feng Xifan's dress at that time?"

"I, I have already washed it."

"Where are the shoes?"

Feng Xifan's wife with a cry, "also brush."

One side of Li Qin came over, "Mrs. Feng, you also go to the police station with us."

Feng Xifan's wife waved her hand, "no, I won't go. This matter has nothing to do with me. It has nothing to do with me. I have to go home to take care of my children. My children will go to school soon and cook for them."

"You don't have to be nervous. You entrust your child to your family for the time being. Follow us to the police station to make a record." Li Qin comforted.

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"Oh, hey, since I married Feng Xifan, I haven't had a happy day. I can't do anything, I can't eat enough, and I've lost money raising a chicken. Now I'm still involved in a homicide case. Why am I so unlucky?" Feng Xifan's wife cried.

Hanbin some upset, waved his hand, motioned to Liqin will her to the car.

Han Bin chatted with the police station comrades to thank them for their assistance in the search, and then escorted Feng Xifan back to the city Bureau.

By the time we got to the City Council, it was already seven o'clock in the evening.

Han Bin went to the captain's office and reported his work to Ma Jingbo.

Ma Jingbo handed Han Bin a cigarette, "do you think Feng Xifan is a suspect?"

Han Bin considered for a while, "he said the situation is more consistent with the scene, I did not see any signs of lying, I personally feel that his suspicion is not big."

Ma Jingbo paced around the room and said, "how did he get to the crime scene from Siming street and Hedong road?"

"He said he was drunk, had no impression at all, and was in the green belt when he woke up." Han Bin answered and said,

"if he is telling the truth, then in my estimation, it is likely that the suspect will transport him to the scene of the crime when he sees that he is drunk, and then blame him after the murder."

"Is there any evidence?"

"No, it's just my guess."

Ma Jingbo cautioned, "being a policeman can speculate, but it still depends on the evidence."

"I understand."

"How did you find Feng Xifan?"

"Wang Xiao and Jiang Yang found Feng Xifan's monitoring from the T-junction, which is basically consistent with our previous speculation. From the monitoring at the T-junction, we can see that he got on a taxi. We found his home in the city, found Feng Xifan's wife, and let her lead the way to the chicken farm."

Ma Jingbo nodded, "tomorrow, you'll send someone to check Feng Xifan's network and see if there is any intersection with Mike."


After another chat, Han Bin returns to the office.

I was busy for another hour and drove home at more than 8 p.m.

"Ding Ling Ling..."

As soon as Han Bin drove out of the city gate, the car stereo rang.

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The mobile phone is connected to the Bluetooth of the car. Click the navigation screen of the car and the phone is connected.


"Binzi, it's me." Li Hui's voice came from the mobile phone.

"How did leader Li have time to call me?" Han Bin said.

"Hey, I miss you."

"The sun is coming out in the West." Han Bin said with a smile.

"Are you busy these two days?"

Han Bin slowed down, "how, want to invite me to dinner.""Haha, you really said that. I'm going to invite the group to dinner tomorrow, and you'll come with me." Li huidao.

"What time is tomorrow?"

"Seven thirty in the evening."

"Look, if I can get off work at seven, I'll be there. I just took a case today and I'm busy. "

Li Hui said curiously, "what case?"

"A foreigner died in Binnan district." Hanbin point to stop, did not disclose the details of the case.

"Tut Tut, that's good enough. When it comes to the market, it's just different. They all deal with foreigners."

"And you? How is the team leader? "

"It's OK. My brothers are so familiar. Even if I have something bad to do, no one will tear it down." Speaking of this, Li Hui said with concern,

"what's the matter with you now? You are transferred from below. Do those guys from the Municipal Bureau obey you?"

"If you don't do well, you will come back. Our Yuhua Branch is no worse than the Municipal Bureau, and the position of the leader of the second group will be reserved for you."

Han Bin some moved, "rest assured, I am very good in the city, no one against me."

"Yes, you're very capable. You're different from me." Speaking of this, Li Hui said, "come on, I won't tell you. Nana called me."

"You go to work. I'll go tomorrow when I have time. It's your treat. If you don't eat, you'll get nothing." Han Bin answered with a smile and hung up.

To tell you the truth, Han Bin suddenly thinks about the Yuhua Branch. Li Hui, Zhao Ming, Tian Li, Zeng Dui, sun Xiaopeng, Du Qi, director Dai, and Zheng Dui

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Fortunately, everyone is in Qindao, and there will be opportunities to meet and cooperate in the future.


The next morning.

Criminal Investigation Brigade of Municipal Bureau, No.2 Squadron, No.1 office.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Han Bin called the people together for a meeting.

Huang Qianqian is a very considerate girl. She prepared tea and coffee according to everyone's taste.

Han Bin took a sip of coffee and said with a smile, "Qianqian's coffee tastes good. It's refreshing. Everyone should work hard. Don't let Qianqian down."

Huang Qianqian grinned with her two little tiger teeth.

Bao Xing holds the cup in both hands and takes a sip, but his eyes are staring at Han Bin. He says in secret that the group leader's words are of a high level, which makes Qian Qian happy.

Thinking of this, Bao Xing opened his notebook and wrote it down.

Han Bin glanced at everyone and began to talk about work formally. "Let's summarize the case and determine the main investigation direction today."

"Sister Li, is there any news from Chen Haijing?"

"I contacted her and she said that Elizabeth had classes in the morning and would not take notes until the afternoon."

"You keep talking to me."

"I know."

Han Bin goes to the front and writes down three names on the whiteboard: Elizabeth, David and Hal. Then he hooks Hal with a pen.

"This Hal is Mike's friend. He should know about Mike's situation in America, and this person should take notes."

"Team leader, let me check this person." Li Qindao.

Han Bin answered and wrote down three words of Feng Xifan, "Wang Xiao and Jiang Yang, you two continue to make notes for Feng Xifan, comb his network, and see if you have any intersection with Mike."


Han Bin wrote another four words, "four seasons cuisine."

"The night Mike was killed, he ate in this restaurant. There may be surveillance video of Mike in this restaurant. I want to know the exact time when he left the restaurant and whether someone got on his car when he left the restaurant."

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"Ah, Siji cuisine, is it the Japanese restaurant on Siming street?" Huang Qianqian looked surprised.

"Do you know this restaurant?"

Huang Qianqian replied, "this restaurant is owned by my cousin. I also want to invite you to eat together when I have time."

"Qianqian, why don't you say it earlier? If you say it earlier, I will go and join in." Bao Xingdao.

Huang Qianqian ignored him, showing concern, "team leader, this restaurant has nothing to do with the case."

"It's OK. Just make a note with the person in charge of the restaurant and check the monitoring."

Huang Qianqian breathed a sigh of relief, "team leader, can I go together? The restaurant is opened by my cousin. If I go, I will speak better."

Huang Qianqian is also in a bit of a dilemma. She is an office worker, so she should not go out to investigate the case. But now that she knows about it, she is in charge of the investigation. It's not good for her not to communicate with her cousin, and it's against discipline to communicate with her cousin. The best way is for her to go and talk to her cousin in person.

Han Bin is not unkind temperament, serious way, "originally is not, but, see the face of this cup of coffee, I agreed."

"Yeah, thank you, chief." Huang Qianqian seems very happy.

"Great." Suddenly, Bao Xing has a sense of crisis. When Qianqian is with her, she doesn't always smile.

Open the book and write down another one.……

In half an hour.

Siming street, Siji restaurant.

A black SUV stops at the door, and Han Bin, Bao Xing and Huang Qianqian step down from the car.

The decoration of the restaurant is very elegant and has a petty bourgeois sentiment. The plaque is made of wood, with four characters of "four seasons cuisine", two lanterns hanging on both sides, one of "cuisine" and one of "sushi".

At this time, the restaurant has not officially opened, the door of the restaurant is open.

Huang Qianqian opens the door and leads Han Bin directly into the restaurant. The wooden tables and chairs, Japanese style decoration, have a kind of exotic style.

Bao Xing licked, "ah, this dress is so beautiful!"

Huang Qianqian asked a desk cleaner, "is your boss there?"

"Yes, I'll help you..."

Before the waiter finished, a long legged beauty came down the stairs, "Qianqian, why are you here? Don't you go to work today?"

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