Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 468: 468

"Brother Liao."

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Han Bin muttered.

Han Bin is impressed by this name.

At that time, Han Bin was still working in the Yuhua Branch, and took advantage of the break time to return to Baohua Road police station to see his old colleagues.

Baohua Road police station is also the place where he worked before.

At that time, a little boy rowed in the community and scratched many neighbors' cars. It also caused conflicts between the father of the little boy and his neighbors. The father of the little boy was injured, and the man who guided the little boy rowing was a man named Liao Ge.

Han Bin felt at that time that brother Liao was a man with an idea, but whether the idea was good or bad was unknown.

Han Bin will Liao brother's name to the notebook, "know his full name?"

"No, I'm just a little character." Hal road.

Han Bin looked at Hal and asked, "how do you know that Mike is dead? I didn't say that."

"I I listen to Ma Jiajia Hal shrugged his shoulders.

"Now that you know that Mike is dead, why don't you help him with his affairs, instead, you rush back to America."

"I'm afraid. This is a Chinese territory. He can kill Mike as well as me. I'll be safe when I get back to America."

"Why did that brother Liao Kill Tony?"

"OK, I don't want to cheat the police, even if you Chinese police, Tony went to the Chinese restaurant to rob, and was killed by Liao Ge, the owner of the Chinese restaurant."

"Which university did Tony graduate from?"

Hal laughed. "Tony didn't go to college. Like many black people, he chose gangs. Face, women, guns, big guns. Yeah, as long as you do well, you have everything."

"Where's Mike?"

"Mike is Tony's role model."

"You mean Mike didn't go to college, either."

"Mike didn't go to a regular university. Last year he asked Tony to help him get a diploma from pheasant university in America."

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"Why apply for a diploma from pheasant university?"

"He said it's useful to find a job in Qindao, but I don't know the details."

"April 15, 9:00 to 12:00 p.m., where are you?"

"I can't remember. Maybe I had a bar somewhere."

"It doesn't matter. I have plenty of time. Think about it."

Hal grinned and said, "Mr. policeman, you don't suspect that I killed Mike. We are good brothers. How can I do such a thing?"

"I ask to prove your innocence."

Hal was a little helpless. "OK, I should drink in the golden Cube Bar."

"What time did you go?"

"After eight."

"What time do you leave the bar?"

"It should be more than eleven, near twelve."

"Where did you go after that?"

"I had too much to drink and stayed in a nearby hotel."

"Which hotel?"

"Lexy hotel."

Han Bin recorded these important information in his notebook.

"Mr. policeman, you don't have to waste your time on me. I'm a good man and I can't kill Mike. You should check the Chinese named brother Liao. It must be his black hand. He is a cruel man. " Hal road.

"How cruel?"

"How to say..." Hal pondered his words. "I think Tony's death is probably a trap, or the Chinese set up the Bureau."

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"Why did he do that? What's in it for him to Kill Tony? "

"It's a long story. It's not easy for Chinese to live in America." Hal made a gesture with his hand,

"white people are at the top, and we are in the middle. Chinese people are usually at the bottom. Chinese people are often bullied. Tony is not friendly to Chinese people. Those Chinese people may want to set an example to others."

"Do you know more about that Chinese?"

"No, it has nothing to do with me. I have done my duty to be a friend when I can come to Qindao. But Mike didn't want to avenge Tony for his stable life

"If Mike doesn't want revenge, why kill him again?" Han Bin asked.

"Well, good question." Hal shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe Liao thought Mike would get revenge."

Han Bin has a feeling that Hal is hiding something, but the existing evidence can not prove that he is related to Mike's death.

"Hey, Mr. policeman, I've told you all I know. Can I leave now?"

"Of course." Han Bin nodded and warned, "however, you should not leave Qindao until you receive my notice."

"OK, I don't want to come back to the police station."

"Bao Xing, send him away.""Oh." Bao Xing just reflected that the trial was over.

Huang Qianqian out of the interrogation room, can not help but breathe a sigh of relief, after no longer dare to say that he can speak English.

It's embarrassing.

Han Bin just returned to the office, Li Qin came over, "team leader, I found a new clue here?"

Han Bin put down the information, then a cup of warm water, poured a mouthful, "what clues."

"I checked the monitoring of foreign teachers' dormitory in Qindao foreign language college. On the night of April 15, David didn't go back to the dormitory at all. He lied." Li Qindao.

"Do you know where he went?"

Li Qin analyzed, "I checked the surveillance of Siji cuisine and saw that he left in a taxi. I haven't found out where to go yet. However, the time of Mike's death is between 9:00 and 12:00. He has time to commit a crime."

Han Bin looked thoughtful. "David, Hal, brother liao It's interesting. "

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Bao Xing took over, "David has a motive to commit a crime, and he lies on the alibi. He is very suspicious."

Li Qin suggested, "team leader, I think David should be arrested immediately for trial."

"Qianqian, you go to apply for a warrant; Li Qin and Jiang Yang go to the foreign language college."

"Wang Xiao and Bao Xing will follow me to the Kirton hotel for control."



Forty minutes later, the three arrived at the kilton hotel.

Han Bin shows his police card and checks at the front desk of the hotel. He learns that David has not checked out yet and immediately prepares to arrest him.

David lied on the key evidence, and his suspicion further rose. This time, Han Bin and Wang Xiao both took pistols.

Capture action is very simple, Han Bin first check the corridor monitoring, to determine that David is indeed in the room.

Meanwhile, make sure no one else enters David's room.

Later, I went to the same type of room to check and find out the layout of the room, so as to control David at the first time after entering the room.

Ready to control, a waiter with Han Bin three went to David's door.

Then, Han Bin made a gesture of action, and the waiter brushed the door card.

"Click!" A sound, the door of the room opened, Han Bin three people break into the door.

Han Bin and Bao Xing rushed into the living room, while Wang Xiao rushed into the toilet.

"Police, don't move!"

David was startled and hid in the corner of the room, shouting, "who are you? Why..."

After seeing Han Bin's appearance clearly, David was stunned. "Why are you here again? The police can't break into other people's bedrooms casually. This time, I must sue you. What I said is true. I want to find the best lawyer."

Han Bin did not answer, to the side of the package star said, "put him up."

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"Hey, hey." Bao Xing laughs. He doesn't have a good impression on foreigners and is happy to do this job.

See Hanbin black hole muzzle, David naturally dare not resist, was package star honestly put on handcuffs.

"Why are you doing this? Where did I offend you?" David asked aloud.

Han Bin put away his gun and said tentatively, "David, don't pretend to be innocent any more. We have found your evidence."

"What do you mean?"

"on the night of April 15, you didn't go back to your dorm at all. Instead, you found Mike, pretended to take his car home together, and killed him on the way."

David was worried. "No, I didn't kill anyone. You're framing."

"Then tell me, on the evening of April 15th, where did you go after you left Siji cuisine?" Han Bin asked.

"I..." David wants to stop talking.

"You have motive to kill and forged an alibi. I can take you to the police station just by these two points."

"I have nothing to do with Mike's death. Why do you have to hold on to me?" David put his hands over his cheek.

"Because you lied to the police." Han Bin said coldly.

"OK, I'll tell you, I'll tell you everything that day, but you can't tell anyone else, absolutely not."

"I will never let out the contents of the notes, and they can't understand English."

David took a deep breath. "I didn't go back to my dorm that day. I didn't mean to cheat you. I had nothing to do with Mike's death. My whereabouts that day were related to my privacy, so I didn't want to disclose them to the police."

"Actually, I left Siji restaurant that night and went to the hotel."

"What do you do in the hotel?"

David gritted his teeth. "I went to see a girl student."

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