Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 475: 475

Qindao Institute of foreign languages.

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The dormitory of foreign teachers' building has been cordoned off.

Outside the cordon stood a lot of busy students, several police station police in police uniforms are maintaining order.

It is the so-called "one thing down, one thing brine point tofu", these students are not afraid of the police, but listen to the teacher's words.

Chen Haijing and several school leaders also stood by the cordon to maintain order.

A teacher yelled, "what are you watching? No class. Step back."

"Which class are you in? I didn't say that you are not allowed to get close to the cordon within three meters."

One of the students padded his feet and looked in, "teacher, I have no class this morning."

"No class, no excitement. Stay away."

"Get out of the way. Get out of the way."

Several people pushed away the crowd and came in. They were from the second squadron of the municipal criminal investigation team.

After a few words of communication with the person in charge of the police station, Ma Jingbo took over the scene of the crime.

The leader of Qindao Foreign Language Institute stopped Ma Jingbo and began to communicate with him in a low voice.

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Han Bin directly brought people into the scene.

In the back of the foreign teacher's dormitory building, a man was lying in a pool of blood. The man's yellow hair, his neck had been broken, and half of his face had been destroyed. The rest of his face could recognize the foreign teacher David.

David was wearing pajamas, a pair of slippers and a 500ml beer can were scattered beside the body, and the traces of spilled beer could be seen around him.

After Han Bin finished checking, he handed over the scene to the technical department and legal medicine department.

Ma Jingbo also came over, looked at the scene, and asked Han Bin, "what do you think?"

"From the scene alone, there are no more than three situations: accidental fall, suicide, homicide, and probably having drunk before the grand sanitation." Han Bin said.

Ma Jingbo nodded, "let's go upstairs and have a look."

Generally speaking, there are two scenes in the case of jumping off a building, one is the scene of falling off a building, and the other is the scene of landing. The two scenes need to be compared comprehensively. It is not meaningful to look at one scene alone.

Out of the scene, Ma Jingbo called Chen Haijing over, "director Chen, tell us about this building."

"No problem." Chen Haijing pushed her glasses and said,

"there are four people living in this building now. The first floor is the office of several foreign teachers, the second floor is Elizabeth's residence, the third floor is Salman and Zelai's residence, the fourth floor used to be Mike's residence, but now it's out of time and space, and the fifth floor is David's residence."

"Tut Tut, there are only four people living in this small building. It's luxurious enough." Ma Jingbo hit it. Hit it.

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Chen Haijing explained, "the school leaders mainly consider that the living environment abroad is more relaxed, foreigners pay more attention to privacy, and they are international friends after all, and the accommodation treatment is higher than ordinary teachers."

Han Bin smiles. His mother is also a teacher. She knows more about ordinary teachers. "It's not just higher."

Chen Haijing squeezed out an awkward smile.

When she got to the second floor, Li Qin stopped and looked at the corner at the top of the house. "Monitoring, I remember there should be monitoring around here."

Chen Haijing said, "it's removed."

Ma Jingbo also stopped, "when?"

"Just after the city criminal investigation team took away the surveillance video, several foreigners asked the school to remove the camera."


Chen Haijing spread his hand, "they think the camera will invade their privacy."

"Your school agreed?"

"After all, they come from different countries. The school always respects the customs and habits of foreign teachers." Chen Haijing said.

Han Bin asked, "who has proposed to dismantle the monitoring."

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"Elizabeth was the first one to put forward. Salman and Zelai also agreed. David also agreed when he knew about it. It can be said that it was the unanimous decision of several foreign teachers."

Han Bin snorted, "really good."

When foreigners arrive, they should take the initiative to adapt to and integrate into local life. Qindao foreign language college is good. It treats these foreigners as Buddhists and pays much more than ordinary teachers. This is not a good phenomenon.

When they got to the fifth floor, the door of David's house was closed, and there was no sign of damage from the outside.

The police station has found a professional lock master, less than a minute to open the lock.

Masters like this have been put on record in the police station.

After the door opened, Han Bin and others did not go in immediately, but observed at the door. From the inside, there was no sign of damage in the lock. Then, the second team entered David's house.

It's a big three bedroom with a large living room and few furniture.

A door is the kitchen, toilet is located on the right side of the living room, there is also a large bathtub.

The master bedroom is the place to live, the side bedroom is the study, and another room is the cloakroom and sports room.

Inside is an independent balcony. On the balcony, there is a small table with several beer cans, a round plate, some meat scraps and two pieces of ham.Han Bin looked down from the balcony, just where the body fell. This is probably the scene where David fell.

Li Qin also looked at the balcony, "this balcony is open-air, the concrete wall is only one meter high, David should have drunk at that time, could it be accidental fall."

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Han Bin shook his head, "comprehensive two scene situation, David should not fall accidentally."

"Chief, how can you tell?"

"David's height is more than 1.8 meters. If he falls accidentally, his body should fall vertically, and it should not be more than 3.5 meters away from the building. However, David's body is more than 4 meters away from the building, which shows that he fell in a parabola. There is a force pushing him forward, either he jumped from the building himself or he was pushed down."

Jiang Yang asked, "can we infer whether David committed suicide by jumping off a building or being pushed down according to the distance between the body and the building?"

Han Bin hesitated slightly, and said, "this situation is relatively complicated, involving the height and weight of people, as well as the height of falling buildings, the height of guardrails, and the posture of falling. A large number of simulation experiments need to be carried out, and it is difficult to judge by speculation alone."

"To judge suicide and homicide, in addition to direct evidence, we can also see whether the state of the deceased before his death has a tendency to commit suicide." Ma Jingbo said and went to the kitchen.

Ma Jingbo observed the kitchen and pointed to the pan on the gas stove. There were many oil stains on it. "It seems that he should have made his own dinner."

Ma Jingbo rummaged in the kitchen garbage can and found some packaging bags, such as salmon, filet mignon, Jinhua ham and onion. After checking the prices above, he smashed his mouth.

"this meal is quite expensive. How can it be as small as 300 yuan? It's not like a person who would commit suicide when eating such a fuss."

Jiang Yang shrugged his shoulders. "Could it be that he wanted to have a good meal before he died?"

Ma Jingbo "..."

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