Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 485: 485

Ding Xifeng patted Han Bin on the shoulder, "I am in charge of the scene, you go to talk to the foreigner who lives here."

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Han Bin should be a, swept a scene, eyes fell on the zerai body.

The girl from a foreign country has become single and is sitting on the steps crying.

Han Bin walked over and handed her two paper towels. "Zelai, please be patient."

Zelai looked up at Han Bin, "why, why are you here again?"

Han Bin "..."

You think brother wants to come?

We can't manage the affairs of the Chinese people. You foreigners are making trouble.

After a while, Zelai shook his head. "I'm sorry, I'm not criticizing you. I just don't want Shalman..."

Scene words who won't say, Han Bin spread his hand, "OK, I can understand, if you need to calm down, we can talk about it later."

"No, tears can't save Salman. I want to find his killer and avenge Salman. Please ask." Zelai wiped his tears. "I'm sorry for my rude behavior

"Can you tell me about today's itinerary?"

Zelai nodded, recalled for a while, and then slowly said, "this morning, I got up at more than seven o'clock. After breakfast, I went to bed. Last night, Salman took part in lying down and drank a lot of wine. I didn't ask him to eat. I wanted him to sleep more."

"After dinner, I went to the teaching building. I had a class at 10 a.m., so I had to prepare the course content in advance. After class, I chatted with some classmates for a while, and then I got a call from Elizabeth. Elizabeth said Something happened to Salman. "

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"Wuwu..." Zelai's voice choked, "when I heard that, I was confused, and my mind was blank. I didn't know how I got back to the dormitory, but I saw Salman collapsed at the door, and he had already..."

"Is there anything unusual about Salman these two days?" Han Bin asked.

"He often has insomnia recently. He can't sleep well at night. He drank a lot of wine last night and slept well."

"Where did you take part in the lie down?"

"It's in the dormitory building of foreign teachers. It's the Bureau of Hal group."

"Who?" Han Bin thinks he heard wrong.

Zelai repeated, "Hal."

"Does Hal live in a foreign teacher's dormitory now?"

"Yes, he lives in the room before Mike now."

"He also wants to be a foreign teacher?"

"I don't know, but I feel that he may stay in Qindao foreign language college."

"Who were the participants that night?"

"There's me, Salman, haruke, Elizabeth, director Sun."

"Who is director Sun?"

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"It's the new deputy director of the English Department, who took over Chen Haijing's job. The man with glasses over there is."

Han Bin turned to see a look, is a tall man, with a rimless glasses, looks quite gentle.

"Who was at the scene when Salman died?"

"Elizabeth, it was she who heard the news and came up to check. She found that Salman fell at the door. According to her, Salman couldn't do it at that time."

"Does Salman have any allergic symptoms?"

"No, I've never heard of him before, and I've never seen him have allergies."

"OK, you have a rest. I'll let you know if there's any problem." Han Bin said, walked to Elizabeth, "Hi, madam, nice to meet you."

"Hi, Mr. policeman, I'd like to see you too, but it's not such an occasion, you know."

"Of course." Han Bin spread his hand, "I want to know something about it with you."

"No problem, but I'm not very clear about the specific situation. I can only tell you what I see and hear."

"OK, I'm all ears."

"At that time, I was preparing lunch. I liked to cook by myself. At first, I didn't care too much when I heard something happening upstairs. Later, the voice became louder and louder, and it sounded very painful. I turned off the fire and was ready to go up to have a look. When I got to the third floor, I saw Salman falling at the door. At that time, his face was very complicated and his body was constantly changing Twist. "

"I've never seen him like that. I was scared and I didn't dare to get close to him, so I called Zelai. It wasn't long before Shalman stopped struggling. I Maybe it wasn't good enough at that time, but I was scared. I didn't know what to do except to call Zelai. "

Han Bin comforted, "OK, I understand. You've done a great job."

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Elizabeth sighed, "well, first Mike, then David, and now Salman I don't know what happened. Although I don't like them and think they are not qualified to be teachers, this is not the reason why they were killed. "

"When Salman had an accident, did you see anyone else?" Han Bin asked."No, I was alone at the time, at least I saw it."

Han Bin asked, "are you still not installing monitoring in your dormitory?"

"Oh, on this point, we have followed your advice and applied to the college, but we don't know why it hasn't been installed yet." Elizabeth sighed.

Han Bin wrote it down in his notebook, "I heard that you were lying down last night."

"Yeah, believe me, you don't want to participate." Elizabeth shrugged her shoulders.

"You're not satisfied with this body?"

Elizabeth looked helpless. "Yes, I didn't want to go. I'm not with Hal at all, but Zelai thinks I should go. Hal is likely to be our new neighbor, and I hope to get along with our neighbors."

"What's your impression of the new director Sun?"

Elizabeth hesitated for a moment and said slowly, "it's not bad at the moment. If he could help us install the monitoring earlier, I would like him more."

Han Bin smile, "I will help you ask."

"Thank you."

After talking with Elizabeth, Hanbin finds director Sun, "Hello, I'm Hanbin from the city criminal investigation team."

"Hello, officer Han."

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"Director Sun, I heard that you are in charge of managing the staff of foreign teachers."

Director Sun pushed his glasses and said helplessly, "I just took over my work. I didn't expect that something would happen so soon."

"Hal, why do you live in foreign teachers' dormitory?"

Sun asked, "do you know Hal?"

"I was involved in Mike and David." Han Bin said.

"Disrespect, disrespect." Director Sun quickly shook hands with Han Bin, and I don't know if he remembered his appointment.

"Hal's situation is more complicated. Since you know about Mike's case, you should know that he and Mike have an unusual relationship. He can even be regarded as half of Mike's relatives, and he is responsible for his affairs."

"Er, the college is not responsible for Mike's death. However, Hal and Mike's family have different views. They hope to get compensation from the college, but they have never reached an agreement. Later, Hal proposed to replace Mike as a foreign teacher of the college. The college leaders didn't agree at the beginning, but Hal said that as long as he was allowed to be a foreign teacher of the college, he could help make peace Let Mike's family give up the responsibility of the college. "

"However, the leaders of the college also have their own worries. Let Hal live in the college first, and wait for the result of Mike's case."

After hearing this, Han Bin couldn't help laughing, "Mike didn't die in the college, and it's not a work-related injury. Does the college need to be so afraid of them?"

Director Sun shook his head, "I think so too, but school leaders may have other considerations."

Han Bin asked, "what about monitoring? Why didn't the college learn from David's death? "

"The foreign teacher told me about the installation of surveillance, and I also truthfully reported it to the leaders of the college. The leaders also agreed with the decision, and are ready to add a number of cameras in other parts of the college, and then purchase and install them in a unified way." Speaking of this, director Sun also had some helplessness,

"who knows, before we can install it, something happened again."

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