Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 488: 488

Hal said weakly, "OK, if you want to ask anything else, just say it. If I know, I will say it."

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"What's your relationship with Salman?" Han Bin asked.

"Before Mike brought me to the college, I knew Salman. Now we are colleagues, at least I think so."

"Did you invite him to the party?"

"Of course, we all live on the same floor, and then we are all neighbors. It's just a lot of people that make it fun, isn't it?"

"Have you ever given Salman a unique product?"

Hal showed his hand. "No, I told you, I won't give it to others. I don't want to get into trouble."

"When did you know that Salman was dead?"

"Well, it's more than eleven o'clock. When I heard the noise downstairs, I went out to have a look. I found that Salman was lying on the ground. At that time, Zelai and Elizabeth were also present. Then I knew that Salman was dead."

"And then?"

"I didn't want to get into trouble, and then I went home."

Han Bin asked, "what do you mean you don't want to get into trouble?"

"I had a look at him at that time, and it seemed that he had been alone. When I was in America, I had a friend who died like this. I was afraid that the police would suspect me, so I left ahead of time."

"What do you have to do with Salman's death?"

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"No, I was afraid that you would ask, so I left the scene. I bought it. I shouldn't stay in Qindao foreign language college. How can this ghost place be dead all the time?"

"Between ten and thirty in the morning, where are you?"

"I'm at home."

"Who can prove it?"

Hal shrugged. "I'm single now, so I'm alone."

"Have you ever been to the salmans?"

"No, Salman's death has nothing to do with me. Really, you shouldn't doubt me. There's no reason for that."

"You suck alone, and there is no alibi, and Salman just died alone, we want to doubt you are difficult."

"Oh, there are too many kinds of unique products. Salman died of excessive consumption of unique products, but it doesn't mean we use the same unique product." Hal quipped.

"After the identification of the technical department, the only product that led to Salman's death is exactly the same as the one hidden in your toilet, with the same composition and proportion."

"Oh no, I've never given Salman a unique product. I don't know how he died of this unique product. He also knows Mike. He asked Mike for it before."

"Last night, you invited Salman to join the lie down and didn't offer him a unique product?"

"No, absolutely not. I don't know them very well. I'm not stupid."

"Where was it last night?"

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"It's in the cistern of the toilet."

"Who went to your toilet last night?"

"Salman, haruk and director Sun have been there." Speaking of this, Hal seems to think of something, "by the way, all three of them can touch the unique product, which is likely to be stolen by them."

"The three of them know about you hiding in the toilet?"

"Er, I don't know. Yesterday, I made an agreement with Qindao foreign language college. They promised to let me be a foreign teacher in the college as long as I had passed the bail waiting period. I was very happy to get the job. Yeah, that's why I had a lie down. I drank a lot of wine and went to the toilet to take drugs. Maybe I was more hi at that time. They must have seen it." Hal said.

"Do you have any evidence?"


Hal carefully recalled, "by the way, at more than nine o'clock this morning, I saw haruk go to Salman's house. Could he have poisoned Salman?"

"What did you do then?"

"When I went out to dinner in the morning, I happened to meet haruk who went to Salman's house. He was carrying a black bag. He must have done it." Hal's tone was firm.

"Don't deliberately distract the police. Why did haruk kill his sister's boyfriend?" Han Bin asked.

Hal showed his hand. "I don't know. Maybe there's a conflict between them."

"What time do you go out for breakfast and come back after breakfast?"

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"It's probably more than nine o'clock. I can't remember the exact time. After I got up, I felt very hungry, washed my face and went out. It's about ten o'clock in the morning. "

"Did you hear anything unusual at that time?"

Hal shook his head. "No."

Han Bin asked several questions, but did not ask valuable clues, ended the trial.

Han Bin, while packing up the information, said, "Bao Xing, take Hal to the seventh interrogation room."

"Team leader, do you want to change to another place?"

Han Bin smiles, "the prohibition brigade is very interested in him. It is said that this is likely to be a new type of independent product.""Tut Tut, I can't see that this black egg is still in hot demand." Bao Xing said with a smile.

After returning to a group of offices, Han Bin makes a phone call to haruke and summons him to the police station to assist in the investigation.

Haruke was very cooperative and did not shirk.

As soon as he hung up, Bao Xing walked into the office and said with a smile, "team leader, this haruke is just out of the tiger's mouth and like a wolf's nest. You don't see him crying like that. He's almost scared to cry, just like a counsellor."

Han Bin smiles and says, "sit down. Let's have a little meeting."

In addition to Bao Xing, Li Qin was also present. Han Bin gave a brief account of the trial.

Li Qin snorted, "Hal is obviously avoiding the heavy and taking the light. He first put the sole product on Mike, and then put Salman's death on haruke, making him as innocent as a man."

"We don't have to worry about the source of independent products. The independent prohibition brigade is more professional than us in this respect." Han Bin lit a cigarette and took a puff. "Who do you think is more suspect, Hal or haruke?"

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Li Qin said subconsciously, "I think it's the case of Hal and Mike. He is the first suspect. As soon as he was released on bail, Salman died, or was poisoned by his only product. What's more, he was on the scene in both cases, and there was no alibi. He had the ability and opportunity to kill. "

"What's missing now is direct evidence and motivation. I think we can look into his relationship with Salman and find out the common ground between Salman and Mike."

Bao Xing touched his chin and said, "if you have to talk about motivation, is it a motivation? Hal wanted to get it from Mike, so he killed him. After that, Hal took possession of the independent product. He was so happy and sad when he opened his body last night that he accidentally let Salman know about the independent product. Hal poisoned Salman in order not to let out the news. "

Li Qin questioned, "there are many ways to poison a person. Why does Hal use the unique product? This is not a rational decision."

Bao Xing said with a smile, "maybe it's to save trouble. After all, black egg's brain doesn't work very well. What's more, Lao Hei doesn't know the language in China, so it's difficult to buy poison. I think it's quite appropriate to poison the other party with a unique product, which can create the illusion of accidental death. "

Han Bin nodded, although the above is only three people's conjecture, but it can also make sense, the only deficiency is the lack of key evidence.

"What about haruke? Do you think he's a suspect? "

Li Qin thought for a moment, "haruk is Zelai's brother, and Salman is Zelai's boyfriend. If there is no great hatred, haruk doesn't have to kill his brother-in-law to be."

Bao Xing doesn't think so. "Sister Li, you don't understand. The situation in the three Arab countries is different from that in China. Haruke's surname is high school, and Salman's surname is low middle. Maybe haruke doesn't want his sister to marry Salman, but he can't change Zelai's decision, so he just killed Salman. So, I think haruke killed someone It's motivated. "

Hanbin and haruke have communication, the other side really don't like Shalman this prospective brother-in-law.

However, it is far fetched to say that it is a motive for killing.

Everyone has people they don't like, but it doesn't mean they have the idea of killing people.

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