Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 496: 496

Huayuan community, room 1201.

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Recently, Han Weidong is in a good mood, watching TV and drinking tea.

In the evening, Han Weidong is used to drinking jasmine tea. There are many advantages to drinking tea. Each kind of tea has different effects.

Take jasmine tea as an example. It's not really green tea. Its refreshing effect is not as good as Longjing, Tieguanyin and Biluochun. It's more suitable to drink at night.

Of course, this is Han Weidong's personal habit. If you don't drink much tea, you may lose sleep when you drink jasmine tea.

Han Weidong poured a cup of tea for Han Bin, "there's a new case recently?"


"Without a case, why do you often work overtime?"

"Oh, it's not long since I was transferred to the Municipal Bureau. I have to be diligent." Han Bin said perfunctorily.

He and Wang Ting's relationship is not very stable, do not want to tell others.

"When I was young, I should have worked harder. When I was young, I didn't have any mobile phone positioning, monitoring, real name ticketing. At that time, we were more miserable than you are now. It's common for that guy to go out and watch at night. It's OK in summer, but it's freezing into dogs one by one in winter. "

"Don't laugh. I'm telling you the truth. Dogs have fur. We're not as good as dogs. At that time, when we went to other provinces to arrest suspects, we all went by train, not to mention sleeping tickets. Sometimes we couldn't buy tickets. The suspect didn't wait. He didn't have to choose. He stood for more than ten hours. "

"When I get to the station, I don't care to go to bed, so I directly arrest the suspect. Otherwise, the suspect will run away again. Sometimes, I will stay up for two or three days. Many colleagues feel that they are young. At that time, they should not be the same thing. When they are old, they are all occupational diseases."

"Your mother and your grandmother often tell me to pay more attention to my health. I'm not bad. There's nothing wrong with me."

Han Weidong said earnestly, "you have to pay attention, no matter how busy you are, you have to take good care of your body. Don't worry about the food. You have to eat when you get there. Wear thick clothes on the spot, and you won't lose money. "

Han Bin knows that this is his father's experience. He listens carefully and accepts it with an open mind.

"Eat, eat." Wang Huifang came out of the kitchen with a bowl of noodle soup in her hand. "I told my son about your old tune again."

"I told him that no matter how important work is, you have to pay attention to your health." Han Weidong said.

Wang Huifang put the bowl on the tea table, "this mother also agrees that the body is the capital of revolution, people not only have to work, but also have to have a life, get married, get married, this is complementary."

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Han Bin where can't hear Wang Huifang's implication, said with a smile, "two leaders rest assured, I will work hard, live well, wait for time to find a girlfriend, strive to solve personal problems as soon as possible."

Wang Huifang nodded with satisfaction, "you see, it's worthy of my son. As expected, he has high consciousness."

Han Bin drank all the flower tea and began to have dinner.

A bowl of beef noodles, a plate of cold celery and peanuts, and a can of lobster sauce and mud carp.

The meal was fast and simple. It didn't take ten minutes.

The beef is stewed in the morning. There are frozen noodles in the refrigerator.

After the noodles are cooked, you can eat them with beef.

Peanuts and celery are also prepared in advance. They can be eaten by mixing them on a plate.

Canned fish is more simple and can be eaten directly.

Simple is simple, but Han Bin is very comfortable.

People who have lived outside all know that mom's cooking is the best, which can't be compared with star hotels and Michelin chefs.

It's not just an emotional bias, it's a real feeling.

Because you've been eating since you were a child, and you've been used to your mother's cooking. In other words, your taste is also cultivated by your mother's cooking skills.

Although you can't like every dish your mother cooks, there are always one or two dishes you will never forget.

Han Bin went back to his home at ten o'clock. After washing, he lay in bed and chatted with Wang Ting.

"Is the beauty there?"


"What for?"

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"Watch TV."

"It's so cold, it's so precious."

"I'd like to make a speech. Qianqian is here, too."

Han Bin smiles, "how did you tell her?"

"Perfunctory two, she also didn't think much, but one can't two, next time be met by her, certainly have to reveal." Wang tingdao.

"If you want me to say that, you'd better find a suitable opportunity and tell her directly."

"Well, why should I tell her? You won't tell her."

"That's fine. I'll tell you what." Han Bin doesn't care.

"Don't talk too hard. Leave me some leeway. She's picky when she's eating overlord food. This time she ordered tuna. If she catches me, she won't be able to bankrupt the restaurant." Wang Ting made a crying face.

Han Bin "..."

Huang Qianqian looked over curiously, "sister, who do you send wechat to? Typing hard. ""Nothing." Wang Ting threw her cell phone aside.

Han Bin lit a cigarette and was about to read a novel when his mobile phone rang, "Ding Ling Ling..."

Han Bin pressed the answer button, "horse team."

"What for?"

"Lying in bed, ready to go to bed, have a task?"

"Yes, pack up and get ready to leave the scene."

"What case?"

, "the Wutong stadium has a murder case, and the Xinhua branch is short of manpower, so the case is reported to the City Council."

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"All right, I'll take someone over." Han Bin took a look at the time, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening.

However, he did not complain at all. What he ate was this bowl of rice.


Wutong stadium.

It's an old stadium with occasional football matches and concerts.

The stadium is in a large courtyard. The center is the stadium, surrounded by rows of parking spaces and a row of shops.

There are temporary training institutions, prenatal and postpartum yoga training, swimming pool, gym, etc.

At this time, a three-story building in the stadium has been cordoned off. The first floor of the building is the hall, there is a swimming pool on the north side of the hall, the second floor is prenatal and postpartum yoga, and the third floor is a training room.

Ma Jingbo, Han Bin and others arrived at the stadium one after another.

Chen Xinchuan, deputy director of Ningjin Road police station, was responsible for the order of the scene.

After they exchanged greetings, Ma Jingbo asked, "director Chen, what's going on at the scene?"

"We received the alarm and arrived at the stadium at 10:12. The scene of the crime was in the swimming pool on the north side of the first floor. There was a woman surnamed floating in the swimming pool. Her head was soaked in the water and she died. In order not to damage the scene, we didn't move the body."

"Who was the first to find the dead?"

"Liu Yongshan, the security guard of the stadium, is also the reporter. The one wearing the security uniform is the one."

"The woman beside Liu Yongshan is Li Cihong, who is in charge of the swimming pool."

Ma Jingbo nodded, "go to see the scene first, Han Bin. You can talk to these two people later."

"All right." Han Bin responded.

Then, a group of people entered the hall. The hall was open and decorated for some years. There was a counter inside.

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There is a corridor on the north side, which takes more than ten steps. On the left side is the toilet, and on the right side is the entrance of the swimming pool. The swimming pool is about 10 meters wide and 20 meters long. There are two plastic reclining chairs at a time in the swimming pool, and a row of cabinets on the other side.

The water in the pool is not very clear. The floating rope is divided into ten lanes. On the third lane, there is a female corpse. She is wearing a blue bikini swimsuit. She is tall, protruding forward and backward, which is very attractive.

Girls who dare to wear bikini are in good shape.

Han Bin observed around the pool, no obvious traces of crime, no obvious footprints, no cameras around, the empty pool is a bit gloomy.

Under the command of the forensic medicine, the body was fished out of the swimming pool. The woman is young, looks like she is in her early twenties, looks pretty, and is a person's best years.

Bao Xing couldn't help muttering, "it's a pity for such a good sister."

One side of Jiang Yang echoed, "yes, another bachelor."

Finish saying, two people coincidentally sighed one breath.

Both of them are single dogs. To see such a young and beautiful girl killed is like starving for two days and seeing the newly released steamed bun fed to the dog.

That's what most bachelors think.

If this beautiful girl followed me, she might not die.

Of course, if there is no "if" in this world, it would be unfair.

The female victim was placed next to the swimming pool with a calm look. There was no change in her skin color and posture. She should have just died. There were obvious strangulation marks on the girl's neck. She was probably strangled from the back.

There is no obvious wound in the front of the girl's body, and an abnormal wound was found on her back waist. According to Han Bin's experience, it is like a bruise caused by electric shock. Judging from the size of the wound, the crime tool is likely to be an electric stick.

This explains why the victim was calm when she died. She was probably killed after corona, and there was not much struggle and pain in this process.

As for whether it was strangled or drowned, it still depends on the forensic identification.

Han Bin is more inclined to the former.

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