Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 498: 498

One in the morning, Avanti barbecue.

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Most of the restaurants are closed at this time, only the barbecue shop has been in operation for a long time.

The area of the barbecue shop is small, about 50-60 square meters, with eight tables, including two guests.

Outside the barbecue shop, two tables were put together. There were six people sitting at the table, who were from the second squadron of the city criminal investigation team.

At this time, Han Bin and others just finished ordering kebabs, Bao Xing yelled, "boss, a pot of tea, thick."

Not long after the case happened, it is the golden age to solve the case. In addition, the case has not been sorted out clearly, and many evidences and clues have not been investigated. It is estimated that we will not want to sleep tonight.

Ma Jingbo took out a box of cigarettes to distribute to the public, and he also lit one. "After a while, everyone will eat more. There is still a lot of money in the team this month. If you can eat, you can do it. You don't have to save money for the Bureau."

Voice falls, Bao Xing shouts, "boss, come again ten big waist son."

Ma Jingbo can't laugh or cry, "are you just waiting for me?"

A woman in her thirties came over with a pot of tea and a plate of peanuts in her hand. "You'll eat first, and the kidney will come soon."

"Don't forget the pepper."

"I can't forget. You've put pepper in your kebabs." With that, the landlady put down the teapot and peanuts and went into the shop.

Although the store is not big, the serving speed is very fast. There are 30 meat tendons, 10 chicken gizzards, 10 plate tendons, 10 oysters, 10 kidney, and finally six bowls of ramen.

At this time, it was midnight, and we had just come out of the scene. We were hungry and ate up immediately.

Everyone sat outside the store, no one else, in order to save time, while eating, while discussing the case.

Not only does it not delay the case handling, but also it can fill the stomach.

Ma Jingbo ate a bunch of meat tendons and took a sip of tea. "Everyone has seen the scene. Let's talk about your opinions."

Han Bin said, "there are only two obvious scars on the suspect's body, one is a fatal injury to the neck, and the other is an electric injury to the back of the waist. There are no defensive injuries and resistance injuries."

"I think the suspect may first use an electric stick to corona the victim and strangle his neck to death in a coma."

Ma Jingbo pondered for a moment, "your speculation is more in line with the injury of the dead."

"If based on this speculation, the swimming pool should not be the first scene, the victim is likely to be killed near the swimming pool, and then dumped into the swimming pool."

Ma Jingbo's remarks are not just speculation, but based on his own experience in criminal investigation.

In the impression of many people, the water in the swimming pool is shallow, which is just over one meter, and they don't feel dangerous.

However, people can still drown in the water of more than one meter, and the resistance of water is great. There are many uncertain factors in killing people in the water.

If according to Han Bin's conjecture, the victim was first corona, and then strangled, Ma Jingbo transposition thinking, he will never kill in the pool, because it is very difficult.

First of all, if the suspect disguises as a swimmer, he will not wear too many clothes, and it is not easy to hide the electric stick and murder weapon.

Another, if you kill someone in the swimming pool, you must go into the water. It will be inconvenient to move after going into the water, and it will be difficult to get close to the victim.

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The electric stick is easy to leak electricity in the water. If you are not careful, it is likely to electrify yourself.

Finally, if the victim is really corona in the water, it's better to drown directly, which is easier than strangulation.

To sum up, Ma Jingbo felt that the victim should have been killed at the side of the swimming pool and then dumped into the swimming pool.

Ma Jingbo continued, "the killer threw the body into the swimming pool, probably to cover up some clues and evidence."

Han Bin ate a piece of roast lamb waist, should way, "tomorrow Qianqian go to work, let her go to law medicine and Technology Department to see, there is no new clue."

Li Qin wiped her hands, opened her notebook and said, "I found the identity of the victim from the information of the members of the swimming pool."

name, mobile phone

age, 23 year old

mobile phone number, 157325XXXXX

ID number, 370216XXXXXX

emergency contact, 15326XXXXX

, "the victim used 7 storage cabinets, I have told the technology department, let them make a thorough test of the seven cabinet, and collect the fingerprints of the seven cabinet." Speaking of this, Li Qin's tone is a little low,

"in addition, I have contacted the emergency contact person of the dead, who is the mother of the dead. She will rush to the Municipal Bureau to recognize the body as soon as possible."

Ma Jingbo glanced at the crowd, "are there any other clues?"

Bao Xing said, "I have got the monitoring of the stadium. Maybe I can find the trace of the suspect."

After listening to the report, Ma Jingbo began to arrange the task.

Han Bin, Li Qin and Bao Xing helped the victim's family recognize the body and took notes for the victim's family.

Wang Xiao and Jiang Yang check the monitoring of the stadium to find the trace of the suspect.Ma Jingbo himself went to the technology department to see if he could locate the dead man's mobile phone.

After finishing the kebab, he asked for two steamed dumplings, three bowls of soup noodles and two bowls of mixed noodles, and Han Bin asked for a hand pilaf.

Just as they were about to eat and were about to check out, there was a lot of noise in the shop

Afanti barbecue shop also has two tables of guests, a table near the inside is a man and a woman, looking like a little couple. The table outside is three young men, and two bottles of Baijiu are on the table. One of them,

, who has blond hair, stands up and orders a cigarette. He thinks he has a very natural breath and goes to the little couple.

After drinking a lot of wine, the Yellow haired man shook his body and was already a bit drunk.

"Sister, add a wechat." The Yellow haired man took out his mobile phone and shook it.

The younger sister was pretty good. She glanced at Huang Mao and did not speak. She lowered her head and ate raw oysters.

"Xu..." Huang Mao's two companions booed and gave a middle finger to Huang Mao.

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Huang Mao's face was a little ugly. He threw the cigarette on the ground and stamped it out. "Sister, let's get to know each other and add a wechat. We can make an appointment to play when we have time."

Sister's boyfriend threw chopsticks on the table, stood up and glared at Huang Mao, "play with your sister, he is my girlfriend, go."

"I didn't talk to you. As long as you two are not married, I can chase her." Huang Mao snorted and said with a smile to the girl beside him, "beauty, how much is your micro signal?"

Sister spat, "you're insane. I don't know you at all. Why should I give you your mobile phone number?"

Huang Mao was also a little annoyed. He pointed to his sister and said, "don't know me, what do you want me to do?"

The girl's boyfriend was also angry. He slapped Huang Mao's hand and said, "who do you mean? Don't look for trouble. "

"Damn, you dare to beat me." Huang Mao was angry and waved to the man's face.

"Pa!" The girl's boyfriend was slapped.

"Why are you beating my boyfriend?" My sister was also angry.

Being beaten in front of her girlfriend's face, the girl's boyfriend couldn't hold his face, so he punched Huang Mao's face.

Then, the two men held each other and fought.

My sister is also pulling a side frame.

Huang Mao's two friends also rushed over, and five people formed a group in the restaurant.

The landlady took out her cell phone and called the police.

The owner of the restaurant didn't dare to come near, just stood in the distance.

The sound of fighting in the room is getting louder and louder, which has alarmed Han Bin and others.

Now it's more than one point. Those who are eating out at this point are not fuel-efficient lights.

Han Bin finished hand grab rice, drank a mouthful of tea, got up and said, "go in and have a look."

Hanbin with his men into the restaurant, Ma Jingbo is still sitting outside, leisurely eat peanuts.

Five people are still fighting together, but three men obviously have the upper hand and beat a couple.

Han Bin showed the police officer card, "stop! We are the police

The word "police" has a certain deterrent power. The girl and Huang Mao's two friends stopped fighting.

However, Huang Mao and his sister's boyfriend are still wrestling with each other. It's obvious that they have made a real fire. At this moment, let alone the name of the police, the mayor doesn't advise them when they come.

Jiang Yang walked towards the two men.

He has a baby face, chubby figure, looking at no deterrent, yelled two, still no effect.

Jiang Yang goes to Huang Mao's back, grabs Huang Mao's arm, tugs at it and twists it. Then he controls Huang Mao and presses it on a table.

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Jiang Yang's strength is great, and Huang Mao's struggle is useless.

Sister's boyfriend is also a person who can drill holes, waving his fist to Huang Mao's head.

Wang Xiao also rushed up, directly to the girl's boyfriend down, Bao Xing also rushed over, to the girl's boyfriend put on handcuffs.

Yellow hair was handcuffed, too.

Han Bin glanced at five people and said with great interest, "why fight?"

The girl seemed to have found the backbone, pointed to Huang Mao and yelled, "Comrade police, this guy is playing a hooligan. I look beautiful. If I don't want my wechat, he will beat me. My boyfriend said that, and he also beat my boyfriend. There are also those two men who have also started. They are with Huang Mao and are Huang Mao's accomplices. "

Han Bin pointed to Huang Mao, "is that the case?"

"No, comrade police, this woman lied. It was her boyfriend who started. I was in self-defense." The yellow hair road.

The younger sister cried, "you talk nonsense. It's you who moved your hand first."

"I didn't." Yellow hair stalked his neck and yelled, "police comrade, don't listen to this woman's nonsense. She caused all the trouble. She recruited me first, or I wouldn't ask her for wechat."

"What did she do to you?""We ordered four garlic oysters. As soon as the boss baked them, the woman came over and ate them. I didn't say anything at that time. I thought she was interested in me, so I asked her for wechat."

"Bah, you don't look in the mirror. Just as ugly as you are, who will be interested in you."

Bao xingle asked his sister, "did you eat his oysters?"

The younger sister snorted, "I didn't eat for nothing, I changed with him."

Huang Mao yelled, "change your sister, take two pieces of steamed bread, it's still cold."

"Ha ha..."

Han Bin laughed.

Just went to the scene of the murder, everyone's mood is a little depressed, this can be good met two groups of tease force.

Han Bin pointed to a partner of Huang Mao and asked, "what's your name?"

"Cui Aohan."

"Come out." Han Bin called each other outside the hotel.

"Comrade police, I didn't fight. I just went to fight. It has nothing to do with me."

Han Bin waved his hand, "you don't have to be in a hurry to get rid of the relationship and describe the course of the matter to me. If you dare to lie, it's the crime of perjury, which is more serious than Huang Mao's crime."

"Yes, I will be honest and cooperate with the police." Cui Aohan took a deep breath, wiped the sweat on his head, and described the course of the matter.

Today is Huang Mao's treat. As soon as the boss brought four steaming roasted oysters, the girl took two steamed bread slices and replaced a plate of roasted oysters. She didn't say anything and asked them whether they agreed or not.

Huang Mao thought that the younger sister was interested in him, and after drinking some wine, he went to ask for wechat for her sister, which happened just now.

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After entering the restaurant again, Han Bin asked the girl, "what's your name?"

"Chen Yu."

Han Bin pointed to Huang Mao again, "what's your name?"

"Huang Chao."

"Do you two know each other?"

Two people coincidentally say, "don't know."

Han Bin asked, "Chen Yu, since you don't know Huang Chao, why do you exchange steamed bread slices for Huang Chao's oysters?"

Chen Yu took out his mobile phone and opened an app, "many people in the short video are like this, which has become a way of communication for young people. I think it's fun, so I want to have a try. Police comrades, if you don't believe me, you can watch my mobile phone. There are 80 short videos in my mobile phone. Who knows, I'm not lucky enough to meet a gang of hooligans. "

Huang Mao retorted, "are you stupid? Is the short video true? That's all cheating on the click traffic. People are just a group. You really think it's a stranger. "

In the face of these two dial tease force, Hanbin some speechless, "boss, the police?"

"Police comrades, you didn't wear police uniform. I didn't know you were police, so I called the police."

"That's just right. The people from the police station came and asked them to deal with it." Han Bin said.

Although there is no difficulty in this kind of fight case, it is difficult to deal with it in a moment and a half.

"Comrade police, you don't care about this?" Asked the landlady.

"We are from the municipal criminal investigation team. We are investigating a criminal case. After dinner, we have to continue to carry out our tasks. It is more appropriate for us to hand over the fight and dispute to the police station." Han Bin said.

Landlady tone eased down, "then you also blame hard, so late still have to deal with the case."

Han Bin said with a smile, "serve the people."

The boss offered, "I'll give you a discount."

Han Bin declined politely and said, "no, it's not easy for you to open a shop as much as you need."

Chen Yu's boyfriend was a little flustered. "Comrade police, you'd better let us go. We know it's wrong. We won't fight in the future."

"Yes, comrade, let us go. It's all small matters. We can mediate by ourselves." Cui Aohan said.

Bao Xing, with a straight face, reprimanded, "now I know I'm afraid. What did I do earlier? After eating honestly, isn't it nice to go home to sleep?"

A few minutes later, the people from the police station came. Han Bin introduced the situation and then left with them.

For the city criminal investigation team, it's just an episode after dinner

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