Street Park.

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When Han Bin arrived at the scene, a cordon had been set up around him.

There are many morning exercisers outside.

Zeng Ping, Li Hui and Zhao Ming have arrived at the scene.

Han Bin observed around: "team Zeng, what's the situation at the scene?"

"The victim, Zheng Wen, 31, is a teacher. At about 8:30 last night, she ran in the street park at night. She was dazed by people from behind and violated the law."

"Is that the position?" Han Bin compared the position of the mark.

Zeng Ping nodded: "after being dazed, he dragged him to the path next to the bushes and violated him. He woke up at more than four in the morning and called the police."

"How is the victim?"

"It doesn't matter. I asked Tian Li to take her back to the Bureau."

"Did she see the suspect?"

"At that time, the suspect should have been hiding by the bush. After she ran over, she controlled from the back and fainted. She didn't see the appearance of the suspect."

Han Bin thought for a moment: "didn't you hear anything unusual?"

"When she runs at night, she listens to music with headphones on."

"Did the suspect leave any evidence?"

"White genetic material and two unknown hairs were found on the victim's thigh and have been sent for identification." Zeng Ping Road.

"That's all for life." Li Hui showed his hand.

"It's the best DNA database that can be compared. If it can't be compared, we have to find other clues." Zeng Ping said, "Li Hui, ask about the workers and the morning exercise people in the park."

"Zhao Ming, you look for the surveillance nearby. Is there any suspicious person?"

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"Han Bin, check the scene to see if there are any new clues."

"Yes." All agreed.


They all split up and were busy all morning.

2 p.m. back to the police office for a meeting.

Zeng Ping sat on the table and said, "tell me what you have found."

"On the victim's side, I asked about all the questions, but her mood was still a little unstable. I asked her to have a rest in the reception room." Tian Li Road.

"There are no obvious footprints at the scene of the crime, and there are no obvious climbing marks around the park." Han Bin found no clue.

"What about monitoring?"

"The front and rear doors of the park are monitored. There are many people coming in and out. It's very difficult to check their identities one by one. I have copied the monitoring and can check it at any time." Zhao Ming shakes his hard disk.

"Li Hui, how are you doing over there?"

"Team Zeng, in the evening, most of the workers in the park are off work. There are only two gatekeepers. They don't find anything unusual." Li Hui said.

"Morning exercise crowd, do you have any clues?"

"Morning exercisers and night runners are not a group of people at all." Li Hui showed a wry smile.

"That is to say, there is no new clue to the case." Zeng Ping frowned, took out a box of Yuxi and distributed it to the public.

Han Bin lit a cigarette and took a puff: "is there any news over there? If there is a result of the DNA comparison, there is no need to fool around. "

"Tian Li, go to the trace examination room and ask."


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Before long, Tian Li came back, followed by a man wearing glasses and a white coat.

"Oh, glasses, it's rare. I'm finally willing to leave the laboratory." Zeng Ping said with a smile.

With his fingers, the man held up his glasses: "team Zeng, I specially reported the progress of the case to you. If you want to say so, I'll leave."

"Come back, I'm kidding you."

The man nicknamed glasses, Lu Wen, is a technician in the trace examination room and one of the few nearsighted people in the police station.

"There is not much evidence left by the suspect at the scene, only white genetic material and two hairs were collected, among which the samples of genetic material have been extracted and sent to the DNA database for comparison."

Han Bin flicked the ash: "how was the suspect dazed?"


Zeng Ping frowned: "ether is regulated. Where did he get it?"

"That's your job." Reuven shrugged his shoulders.

With a look that had nothing to do with me.

"No valid fingerprints of the suspect?" Han Bin asked.


"I asked the victim that when she was dazed, she felt that the suspect should be wearing gloves. As for what happened later, she didn't know." Tian Li said.

Zeng Ping handed Lu Wen a cigarette: "DNA comparison results, how long can it come out?"

"It's hard to say. It depends on luck, and it may not match success." Lu Wen declined the cigarette: "thank you, I will not."

"Let me know as soon as you have news." Zeng Ping Road.

"All right." Lu Wen answered and left the second group office.

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Zeng Ping snuffed out the cigarette end: "we all know the progress and clues of the case. We can say what we think.""Ether belongs to contraband, which can't be bought in general drugstores. We can take the source of ether as the direction of investigation." Tian Li made suggestions.

Zhao Ming went on to say: "we can continue to investigate and monitor. People who appear during the time of the crime and who meet the conditions of the crime are all suspected."

"Visit the people who exercise at night to see if there are any witnesses and new clues." Li added.

Zeng Ping nodded: "it's a good summary. The current direction of investigation really starts from these three points. If there are no other problems, we will start to assign tasks."

"Well, you are waiting for us here." Li Hui smiles bitterly.

"I'll investigate the source of ether myself." Zeng Ping glanced at the crowd: "you four check the monitoring during the day, and go to the street park at night to investigate and visit the masses."

Li Hui frowned: "this task volume is big, how to find out a method?"

"The time of the crime was around 8:30 last night. After this time, all the men who left the park were suspected of committing crimes and should be listed as the objects of investigation." Zeng Ping said.

"Team Zeng, I want to talk to the victim and see if there are any other clues." Han Bin said.


Zeng Ping exhorted: "the victim's mood has not recovered, let Tian Li accompany."



Qindao branch, reception room.

"Creak..." There was a glottis.

Tian Li and Han Bin enter the reception room.

On the sofa sat an intellectual woman with a dignified face, a well proportioned figure, and tears on her face.

"Mr. Zheng."

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Zheng Wen raised her head, looked like Tian Li and Han Bin, nodded slightly.

"Mr. Zheng, this is officer Han from the criminal investigation team. He wants to ask you some questions." Tian Li made an introduction.

"What's the problem?"

Han Bin sat opposite the sofa: "Mr. Zheng, do you often go to the street park to exercise?"


"Do you usually go alone or with friends?"

"I'm not sure."

"Have you ever been followed or peeped at when you used to run at night?"


Han Bin continued to ask: "if you think about it carefully, are there any other clues?"

"No, there's no other clue." Zheng Wen shook her head.

According to micro expression analysis, blunt repetition is a typical lie.

Han Bin frowned, if the victim conceals clues, it is very unfavorable for the investigation.

"Mr. Zheng, do you still have a new clue and didn't tell the police?"

"I told the police what I knew." Zheng Wen leaned back, holding her chest in her hands.

This is a typical defense resistance psychology, Han Bin is more sure, Zheng Wen conceals the clue.

"I know it hurts you a lot. Maybe you don't want to recall it, but if you hide the clues, you can't catch the suspect, and he will hurt others."

Zheng Wen closed her eyes, her face changed again and again: "he robbed me of my underwear."

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