Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 501: 501

Back to the Municipal Bureau, it's more than five o'clock in the morning.

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Sun Jianzhong was temporarily detained, and his DNA was sent to the technology department for comparison.

The investigation of the case has come to an end.

Ma Jingbo asked everyone to go to the dormitory to have a rest for a few hours, and then continue to investigate the case at 10 a.m.

Ma Jingbo's proposal was unanimously agreed by the public. The dormitory of the Municipal Public Security Bureau is very close, so it's just a few steps away.

Rao is poured a night of tea and coffee, Han Bin's brain is also a bit heavy, sleep is still necessary, brain is not smart, rely on what to investigate.

Naturally, the conditions of the dormitory are not as good as that of the family. There are two people in one room, Han Bin and Bao Xing in one room, Wang Xiao and Jiang Yang in one room.

Han Bin didn't even bother to take off his clothes, so he fell asleep in bed.

At 9:45, Han Bin's mobile phone alarm clock rang.

After washing up, they arrived at the office at ten o'clock sharp.

Huang Qianqian has already bought breakfast for everyone, with two rougamo, one tea egg and a bag of milk.

Ma Jingbo yawned, peeled tea eggs and said, "let's discuss the case while we're eating."

"Just now the technology department has sent a report that the DNA of truck driver sun Jianzhong does not match the DNA in the victim's body. He is not the killer we are looking for."

"As for why the mobile phone of the deceased was in his car, I have two kinds of conjectures. The first one is that he is also a person involved in the case, deliberately covering for the murderer. Second, he has nothing to do with the case. In order to interfere with the police's sight, the killer deliberately threw his mobile phone into his car. "

"I personally prefer the second one."

Li Qin asked, "team, do you have fingerprints on your mobile phone?"

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"In addition to some sand, the mobile phone is very clean, no one's fingerprints were found."

Bao Xing eating breakfast, with paste not clear way, "that is not to say that the murderer is playing us, deliberately throwing the mobile phone to the car carrying sand, let the police follow blindly."

Ma Jingbo concluded, "this suspect has a certain anti reconnaissance consciousness, we should pay enough attention to it, so as not to be led by his nose again."

Han Bin wiped his mouth, "if the suspect has a certain anti reconnaissance consciousness, why should he leave genetic material in the body of the dead?"

Ma Jingbo said, "ah, that's a good question. What do you think?"

Li Qin said, "I think there are two situations. The first is that the suspect is an outlaw. He doesn't care at all. He enjoys the primitive possession. The second suspect is very confident, even if left genetic material, the police can not compare success

Wang Xiao said, "in fact, even if the DNA can't be compared successfully, it can also provide us with some useful information. For example, there were men and women among the suspicious people who appeared at the time of the crime last night. Obviously, the male surname is more suspected, so we can start to investigate from the male surname first."

"It could be a gang." Lin Qindao.

"Even if it's a gang, it's more likely to be a man's surname. Otherwise, it's impossible to leave genetic material. Whether there's a woman's surname or not is still a question." Wang Xiao said.

After two bites of a tea egg, Han Bin's brain is also very energy consuming. He straightened out the case again, went to the whiteboard and wrote down a few words,

"the dead, the murderer, the reporter and the police."

"The victim was first corona, and then killed by the murderer, and then the surname was invaded. After the killer left, the police found the dead and called the police. In other words, before the police arrived, it was known that two people had been to the scene, the murderer and the reporter. "

"During this period, the victim suffered three kinds of injuries. We instinctively linked the three kinds of injuries together and thought that they were done by the same person, but if not the same person."

"It can be simpler. Corona injury can be ignored for the time being. Only the latter two kinds of injury, homicide and healthy corpse, should be considered."

"Suppose that after the murder, the murderer did not invade the deceased, but left the swimming pool directly. At this time, a man went into the swimming pool and saw a woman in swimsuit lying beside the swimming pool. Could he not help thinking evil thoughts

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Although Han Bin is more euphemistic, people present understand that if the murderer did not leave genetic material, then only the security guard has the chance to commit the crime.

Ma Jingbo made a quick decision and said, "Qianqian, check the security guard to see if there is any information about buying a ticket or an air ticket."


Huang Qianqian directly opened the police system, entered her account number and password, and easily found the ticket information of the security guard.

"Yes, he bought a ticket to Quincy at noon today."

If it was only Hanbin's speculation before, then now there is a certain basis.

Bao Xing smashed his mouth and said, "tut Tut, this guy has found a place with beautiful scenery and spring like seasons."

Ma Jingbo got up, "don't be poor, hurry to catch people."

If you really want him to fly out of town and take other means of transportation, how many cities can you find?Ten minutes later, Han Bin led a team to the airport to arrest Liu Yongshan.

Han Bin's doubts about Liu Yongshan are accumulated little by little.

Last night, when Han Bin took notes for Liu Yongshan, he found that the other party was a little nervous. At that time, Han Bin thought that the other party saw a dead person for the first time, so it was natural for him to be nervous.

After that, when the autopsy results come out, the victim's family name is invaded after his death, which makes Han Bin feel that something is wrong.

The victim has been corona obviously. The killer really wants to have a bad idea. He can attack the victim at this time. There's no need to kill the victim before starting.

The third doubt is that the murderer threw his mobile phone on the truck carrying sand, which diverted the police's investigation attention. It shows that the murderer has a certain anti reconnaissance consciousness and is unlikely to leave genetic material.

Huang Qianqian checked Liu Yongshan's ticket records and found that the other party bought a ticket to Kunxi, and her intention to escape was obvious.

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With Liu Yongshan's ticket information, it's not difficult to arrest him. In the car, Han Bin thought of a good way to arrest him.

In fact, Han Bin has a more bold guess, whether Liu Yongshan will be the real murderer, although this possibility is not big, but also can not completely rule out, arrest also need to have full assurance, between safe, Han Bin will arrest the location in the security office.

The arrest process is very smooth, after the security inspector did the security inspection for Liu Yongshan, Han Bin and others surrounded Liu Yongshan.

After seeing Han Bin and others, Liu Yongshan was already stunned and didn't speak quickly.

Looking at this, Han Bin knew that he must have something to do. He was directly handcuffed. When he was escorted to the car, Liu Yongshan's legs were weak and he had some difficulty walking. He was helped into the car by Bao Xing and Jiang Yang.

After returning to the Municipal Bureau, people from the Technology Department collected Liu Yongshan's fingerprints.

Then Han Bin strike while the iron is hot and take him to the interrogation room.

Han Bin, Jiang Yang and Bao Xing were responsible for the trial.

When Liu Yongshan entered the interrogation room, he lowered his head and couldn't see his expression clearly.

"Bang bang." Han Bin knocked on the table, "raise your head."

After the escort all the way, Liu Yongshan seems to have regained some courage and forced out a smile, "officer Han, how did you bring me to the police station? I bought a ticket to other places. You didn't delay me."

"Now that I know what's holding you up, why don't you tell me about the airport?" Han Bin asked.

"I didn't think that much then." Liu Yongshan lowered his head.

"It's not that you didn't think so much, you were scared." Han Bin said coldly.

"Yes, I'm flying for the first time. I'm afraid."

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"OK, still pretend to me here." Han Bin went to the front of the desk, eyes sharp staring at him, "Liu Yongshan, we catch you, is to have enough evidence, even if you refuse to recruit, you can be convicted."

Liu Yongshan took a deep breath, "I I don't know what you're talking about

When Han Bin was at the airport, he saw that Liu Yongshan was not brave enough. He said tentatively, "Liu Yongshan, don't pretend. You are the murderer who killed Li Yuan."

"I didn't." Cried Liu Yongshan.

"When you went to the swimming pool that night, you found Li Yuan swimming alone. Seeing her beautiful and wearing few clothes, you had a bad idea. You corona her with an electric stick, and then you invade her surname. In order to avoid her calling the police, you kill her without doing anything."

"You're planting. I didn't do that at all. I didn't have an electric stick, and I didn't kill Li Yuan. When I went, Li Yuan was already dead." Liu Yongshan apologized loudly for fear that Han Bin would blame him for all the crimes,

"you can't do this. You're wrong. I didn't kill anyone."

"Why didn't you kill?" Han Bin asked.

Liu Yongshan showed a tangled look, finally sighed and said, "last night, I saw the light on in the swimming pool, so I went in. When I saw the girl lying by the swimming pool, I checked. She has no breath, but she still has body temperature. I tried to save her."

"I pressed her chest, she was wearing a bikini, very beautiful I think she's dead anyway, and no one knows. As long as I can control it, no one will know. "

"As a result, I was too excited. I didn't control it. I knew I had made a big mistake. I was afraid that the police would catch me based on DNA, so I pushed her into the water. I thought maybe this would destroy the evidence, and the police couldn't find out..."

Bao Xing looked serious and asked, "what do you do?"

Liu Yongshan timidly said, "security, I am the security of the stadium."

"Bah!" Bao Xing spat, "it's very kind of you to be a security guard. Do you understand the meaning of security guard? You are discrediting your colleagues. Look what you have done. It's worse than killing people. "

"I just lost my mind. If that girl was still alive, I would not have been like this at that time. I just couldn't help it for a moment I know it's wrong. I'll change it later! "Bao Xing snorted and said contemptuously, "don't worry. When you are in prison, there is plenty of time for reflection."

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