Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 503: 503

An hour later, Ma Jingbo arrived at Rongjia Garden community.

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After contacting Han Bin, I went directly to the 17th floor of building 3.

After getting off the elevator, Han Bin has been waiting at the entrance of the elevator.

"The horse team."

Ma Jingbo nodded, "I've brought the search warrant. What's the situation with the deployment?"

"I went to the property to check the monitoring. The suspect came home at 10:40 last night. Since then, he hasn't been out of the building. He should still be in his room."

Ma Jingbo asked in a low voice, "how are you going to arrest?"

"According to the response of the building management, the upstairs of room 1702 where the suspect lived was leaking, and once there was a conflict because of the leakage. We just went upstairs to find out that the location of the balcony is indeed leaking. I'm going to use the method of leading the snake out of the hole to catch it. "

"We have already communicated with the residents upstairs. They are willing to cooperate with the police. As long as they pour half a basin of water on the balcony, it will leak to the balcony of 1702."

Ma Jingbo frowned slightly, "will it cause damage to the residents upstairs?"

"The balcony's terrain is relatively low, will not affect the living room furniture. I asked Li Qin to go up and help. I really want to cause losses to the residents. I will take the initiative to compensate the residents upstairs. " Han Bin said.

"Yes, contact Li Qin, you can take action."



Lei Siyuan's home.

A young man is sitting on the sofa drinking beer. There is only a bag of peanuts on the table. There is a variety show on TV.

At this time, Chinese and foreign chefs on TV are competing for cooking skills, one without oil, the other without salt, but the dishes are still full of color and fragrance, which can be regarded as a drinking program.

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A sound of dripping water sounded.

After drinking a lot of beer, Lei Siyuan began to feel dizzy and his ears didn't work well. At first, he didn't hear the sound of dripping water.

After a while, the sound of dripping water is faster and faster, also more and more urgent.

Lei Siyuan heard the movement and looked into the room. His eyes fell on the balcony. There was a lot of shade on the wall, the clothes that had just been dried were wet, and the ground was wet.

Lei Siyuan suddenly became angry, "I @ ¥%..."

Leisiyuan was in a depressed mood. Seeing this behind the scenes, he was furious and scolded upstairs.

Lei Siyuan drank the rest of the beer, stood up and went out. This time, he must give a lesson to the upstairs, let him remember, and never dare to spray water on the balcony.


Lei Siyuan opened the door, just out of the room, he felt something was wrong.

"Police! Don't move A roar scared Lei Siyuan.

On both sides of the door, several men sprang out and directly pressed leisiyuan to the ground.

Lei Siyuan was stunned. This sudden situation made it impossible for him to resist.

"What's your name?"

"I Who are you

"We're police. What's your name?"

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"My name is Lei Siyuan."

Leisiyuan was handcuffed and pulled up from the ground.

Ma Jingbo looked at Lei Siyuan and confirmed his identity. "Do you know why I'm looking for you?"

"No I don't know. "

Han Bin leads the team into leisiyuan's home and searches the room, but he doesn't see anyone else.

However, on the bedside table in Lei Siyuan's bedroom, a photo was found. There was a man and a woman in the photo. It was Lei Siyuan and the dead Li Yuan.

They stood by the sea, hugged each other and laughed happily.

Not only in the bedroom, but also in the living room are photos of the two people, including self portraits of life, photos of scenic spots, photos of winter and summer.

Han Bin feels vaguely that their relationship should be different.

"Do you know Li Yuan?"

"Yes, she's my girlfriend." Leisiyuan showed a touch of self mockery, "no, she should be said to be my ex girlfriend."

Bao Xing said with a smile, "Yo, it's a quick change. When did you divide it?"

"I guess she has long had the idea of breaking up with me, but I don't know. I thought that as long as I spoil her and love her, the two people would not be separated. Who knows, someone suddenly gave me a Wang bomb, and dumped me a few days ago, and the things were taken away."

Lei Siyuan's words contain a lot of things.

Han Bin savored it carefully and asked, "when were you with her?"

"When she was a junior, we had a formal relationship three months after we met. I liked her very much. I thought she liked me very much at that time. Now it seems that I am a fool."

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"Who knows about your relationship?"

Leisiyuan pursed his lips. "Comrade police, what's the matter with you? It's against the law to break up these days?"

"I'll tell you when it's time to let you know. Answer my question firstLeisiyuan sighed, "it's hard to say. Her mother doesn't agree with us, so our relationship is low-key and not many people know."

"How can you prove that you two dated each other, not that you are in love with each other?"

"A lot of people in this community know that we often go out together. The neighbors upstairs and downstairs thought we were a couple. I was thinking of proposing to her, and then I went to see her parents. Who knows, she broke up with me some time ago. It's very simple, without any procrastination. Now I know how ruthless a woman is."

Han Bin asked, "why did she break up with you?"

"Some time ago, she was very busy and tired. I cooked in the morning and evening, and I cleaned up the housework. Sometimes she didn't think I did well. At that time, we seldom do bed exercise. I can bear it once or twice. I can't bear it after a long time. I just want to do bed sports with her. She said that she was tired from work and didn't have the heart to do it when she had time. "

"Later, we had a quarrel about it. The more we quarreled, the worse she would not come to me. It's ridiculous to think about it now. It's just for a small matter. I can't bear it. I didn't expect to break up. "

Han Bin looked at each other, looking like a lie, "have you seen her recently?"

Lei Siyuan has some helplessness. "Yes, I want to get back together with her. I really like her and can't leave her. I regret it. I apologize to her and try to win her forgiveness. But it doesn't seem to work. No matter what I say, she's determined to break up with me. "

Bao Xing looks at Lei Siyuan with sympathetic eyes. He says in secret that the little brother is stupid. No, people dump you. You don't know why. Do you really think it's a quarrel?

Han Bin wrote in his notebook, "where were you between 9:30 and 10:00 last night?"

Leisiyuan lowered his head and became silent.

Han Bin reminded, "look up and answer my question."

"I went to the stadium." Lei Siyuan only responded and did not speak.

"Why go to the stadium?"

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Lei Siyuan said perfunctorily, "I want to have a good talk with her."

Ma Jingbo snorted, "don't jump out one by one like squeezing toothpaste. Describe the purpose of going to the stadium, how, when and how you left. I'll tell you that if you dare to lie about our video, you'll have to bear the legal responsibility and think about the consequences. "

Leisiyuan rubbed his face, a bit drunk had been scared to wake up, "I talked to her before, she was very impatient, said a few words and left. Once I went downstairs to wait for her company. She lost her temper and warned me not to affect her work because of emotional issues. He also said that if he went to the company to find her again, he would completely blackmail me in the future. "

"She lost a lot of temper that day. To tell you the truth, I had a cold snack. I went back home and thought about it carefully for a day, but I still couldn't let her go, so I went to find her again. This time, I didn't dare to go to her company, and I didn't dare to go to her parents' home. Later, I found out that she didn't live in her parents' home."

"I just want to follow her and go to her place to have a good talk. As an old saying goes, husband and wife fight at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed. As long as I can get into her house, I will make love with her. As long as I conquer her, maybe she will change her mind."

"Last night, I followed her to the stadium. I wanted to follow her home. I was waiting by the swimming pool. Before ten o'clock, I heard someone call the police, saying that there were dead people in the swimming pool. I see that man in security clothes. I left without any trouble. "

"Then I went home and never went out again."

Han Bin has been observing each other, did not see obvious signs of lying, "why do you suddenly leave, do not want to know who died in the swimming pool?"

Leisiyuan showed a helpless look, "it doesn't matter to me who died. Besides, I was tracking Liyuan, and I was afraid that the police would investigate me. It's like now, I'm innocent, you still want to investigate me."

"You mean it's our police problem."

"No, I didn't mean that."

Han Bin asked, "then you didn't think that the person who died might be Li Yuan?"

Lei Siyuan showed a complicated look, "Li Yuan is dead. Is it Li Yuan who died?"

Han Bin observed each other's look, not too much surprise, "you already know."

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