Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 508: 508

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Ma Jingbo came to a group of offices to hold a case summary meeting.

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Ma Jingbo put down his cell phone and said to the people around him, "we are all here. Let's have a meeting."

"This morning, I took someone to the place where Li Yuan rented. Only her own belongings were found at home. There is a laptop in the bedroom with a power on password, which has been sent to the technology department."

"We got the monitoring of Liyuan community, which can be compared with the monitoring of the stadium. Maybe we can find some new clues."

Finish saying a circumstance, Ma Jingbo looks to one side of Han Bin, "how did you go to tovia company to investigate?"

Han Bin cleared his throat and introduced the situation of tovia.

After that, Han Bin concluded, "at present, there are mainly two doubtful points. Is Chen Lianhai's account true? Who is calling Zhang Tianyang? "

"I suggest that Chen Lianhai check his alibi. Zhang Tianyang's recording has been sent to the technology department for processing, and I believe there will be results soon. "

Ma Jingbo nodded, "Li Qin, have you contacted Li Yuan's parents?"

Li Qin said, "I contacted them. I asked them to meet at three o'clock."

Ma Jingbo finish understanding the situation, began to arrange the task, "Wang Xiao and Bao Xing check Chen Lianhai's alibi."

"Other people are monitoring the stadium and Li Yuan's house."

"Han Bin, you are responsible for taking notes for Li Yuan's parents."

"I see."

Ma Jingbo then left the office of group one and went to group two.

Han Bin poured a cup of green tea and sat in front of the computer to compare the surveillance video.

Half an hour later, Feng Qianqian came in from the outside and yelled, "team leader, the technology department has already dealt with the mobile phone recording."

Han Bin stopped his work and said, "play the recording."

The rest of the people came together.

Huang Qianqian turns on her tablet and finds out the processed recording file. After she clicks it on, a man's voice rings out.

"Zhang Tianyang, you rotten son still want to go abroad for further study. Do you deserve it? I don't look at myself in the mirror... "

Half way through the recording, Han Bin recognized the identity of the other party.

Li Qin frowned, "it's Li Weiyi's voice."

Han Bin smiles. The couple are hiding deep enough. It seems that they can dig deep enough.

Half an hour later, Li Yuan's parents came to the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

Han Bin wants to ask the couple alone, so Huang Qianqian takes Li Yuan's mother to the meeting room.

Li Weiyi looked forward to it. "Officer Han, did you call us to find new information?"

Han Bin said, "we have found Lei Siyuan. He claims to be Li Yuan's boyfriend, or ex boyfriend. Li Yuan just broke up with him a few days ago."

"Ex boyfriend?" Li Weiyi frowned, "I've never heard Xiao Yuan say that he has a boyfriend?"

"Li Yuan, who is pursued by Lei Siyuan in his junior year, your wife met Lei Siyuan once. At that time, she didn't agree to associate with Lei Siyuan. However, Li Yuan didn't listen to your wife's advice and stayed with Lei Siyuan in private." Han Bin explained.

"This How could that be? " Li Weiyi looks complex and asks, "officer Han, did Lei Siyuan kill my daughter?"

"Although leisiyuan has been to the scene, he does not admit that he is the murderer."

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Li Weiyi stares at his eyes and shouts, "who will admit that he is the murderer? He must have done it. He must have wanted to get back together with my daughter. My daughter didn't agree and killed my daughter."

"Conviction requires evidence. At present, there is a lack of key evidence, and the police are still working hard to investigate."

"Officer Han, how can we find the evidence? Is there anything I can do for you? "

"Leisiyuan has reflected some information to us. I want to check with you."

"You said

Han Bin looked at his notebook. "According to Lei Siyuan, Li Yuan often has nightmares and talks in his sleep at night. Is there such a thing?"

Li Weiyi's face changed slightly. "How does he know my daughter talks in her sleep? Why does he say that? What is he?"

Li Qin comforted, "Mr. Li, don't be angry. Everything is over. Now the most important thing is to find the murderer who killed Li Yuan."

"Well, women are useless. We don't even know about her love. He lives with people." Li Weiyi looks a little complicated.

Han Bin continued the question just now, "Mr. Li, does your daughter have the habit of talking in her sleep at night?"

Li Weiyi lowered his head and touched his chin. "I don't think so. I'm not very clear. My daughter is old and has her own room and privacy. She sleeps alone. Her mother and I have to knock on the door when we enter the room. Anyway, when she sleeps at home, she never hears her talking in her sleep."

Han Bin wrote it down in his notebook and continued, "do you know Zhang Tianyang?"

Li Weiyi replied, "I've met you, but I don't know you.""Did you call Zhang Tianyang?"

Levi touched his chin and said, "No."

"Are you sure?"

Li Weiyi repeated, "sure not."

Han Bin took out his tablet computer and played the phone recording he had just dealt with.

When Li Weiyi heard the content and voice in his mobile phone, his face immediately became very ugly.

Han Bin cold voice way, "is this voice familiar?"

Li Wei pursed his mouth and looked embarrassed.

Li Qin took a glass of water and put it in front of Li Weiyi. "Mr. Li, we are doing our best to investigate the case of Li Yuan. In order to ensure that we can catch the murderer, we will investigate everything about her. If you also hope that the police can solve the case as soon as possible, do not conceal anything, otherwise it may affect the police investigation. "

Li Weiyi hesitated, "sorry, I lied."

"I made a threatening call to Zhang Tianyang, but I fought back passively to protect my daughter. Zhang Tianyang first used improper means to make a threatening call to my daughter, but the police station couldn't find any evidence. That's why I wanted to give him a tooth for a tooth and let him not feel that my daughter is easy to bully. "

Han Bin asked, "who told you that Zhang Tianyang made a threatening call?"

"There are only my daughter and Zhang Tianyang in the third round of competition. Who else can there be besides him?" Li Weiyi said.

Han Bin said with a smile, "it's your real idea this time. It doesn't matter who makes a threatening call. Li Yuan's only competitor is Zhang Tianyang, as long as he can be hit

Li Weiyi said with emotion, "officer Han, I know it's wrong for me to do this, but I'm trying to protect my daughter."

"I can understand your mood, but it's the wrong way. It's not the reason you hurt other people." Han Bin smiles and looks serious.

"Jiang Yang, take Li Wei to the detention room."


Li Weiyi quickly stood up and said nervously, "officer Han, are you making a mountain out of a molehill? If you arrest me before the case of my daughter's murder is solved, isn't it too chilling."

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Han Bin did not answer the rhetorical question, "the suspect who made a threatening phone call to your daughter was also arrested by us in the detention room. If you think it's a big deal, let him go, too. "

Li Weiyi cried, "don't let him go! He's probably the one who killed my daughter. No way

"At present, there is no evidence to prove that he is related to the death of your daughter, and I feel that I am making a fuss." Han Bin said.

"No, no, you're right. I'm wrong. I don't obey the rules. I call to intimidate others and do something illegal. I think I should be punished. I think I do." Li Weiyi stretched out his hands and said with a sincere face,

"police comrades, please handcuff me up and deal with it according to law. You can do whatever you want."

That's how many people like double labels.

Be strict with others and lenient with yourself.

If others commit something, they want to be locked up for a year and a half. I hope the police can get away with it when I commit a crime.

To put it bluntly, the bottom decides the head.

As soon as Li Weiyi was taken away, Li Yuan's mother ran to the office and asked, "officer Han, how did you handle the case and why did you arrest my husband?"

Han Bin light said, "your husband lied, deliberately deceived the police."

"I don't believe it. Why does my husband lie?" Li Yuan's mother cried.

Li Qin advised, "Mrs. Li, don't get excited. Mr. Li doesn't matter much. He realizes his mistake and is willing to cooperate with the police and obey the police."

"My daughter is dead and my husband is arrested. Can I not be excited?" Li Yuan's mother cried.

"Bang bang!" Han Bin knocked on the table, "has your husband ever done anything illegal? You should know better than us. If you want to cry, go home and cry."

"When my daughter is killed, you can't catch the murderer, but you catch my husband instead. Is it natural?"

"We found out your husband's problem just because we investigated your daughter's case. We also hope to find out your daughter's case, but now it's you who don't cooperate in the investigation. What do you look like crying here, and who do you show it to? " Han Bin sternly scolded, pointing to the direction of the door,

"if you want to cooperate with the police investigation, stay here. If you don't want to cooperate, go out for me."

"We didn't cooperate with the investigation. That's my daughter. I don't want to catch the murderer!" Li Yuan's mother looked aggrieved.

"Then answer the police's questions honestly and don't lie!" Han Bin warned.

"I just want to find out why my husband was arrested?" Li Yuan's mother is waiting for Han Bin.

Li Qin took her by the arm, let her sit on the chair, comfort way, "Mrs. Li, you don't angry, please come here, is to tell a good news, we caught the suspect who threatened Li Yuan.""Where is it? Where's that man? Did he kill my daughter? " Li Yuan's mother looks very excited.

Li Qin said helplessly, "at present, there is no evidence to prove that he is related to Li Yuan's death."

Li Yuan's mother stood up fiercely and scolded, "then you have to arrest him too. He made a threatening phone call to my daughter, which seriously affected my daughter's physical and mental health. It's illegal and a crime. Why don't you arrest him when you are a policeman?"

Li Qin continued, "we have arrested the person who made threatening phone calls to Li Yuan. At present, we still need further investigation."

"Well, we should catch this kind of person!" Li Yuan's mother nodded busily.

Li Qin's words changed, "we not only arrested the suspects who made threatening calls to Li Yuan, but also found some new situations. Zhang Tianyang also encountered threatening calls, and the one who made the threatening call was your husband. "

"This I... " Li Yuan's mother opened her mouth and swallowed the rest of her words. It was obvious that she knew about it.

"It's not my husband's fault. Zhang Tianyang made a threatening call to my daughter first. My husband just wanted to protect my daughter."

"But according to our investigation, the other person who made the threatening call was not Zhang Tianyang." Li Qindao.

"Who is that? Who made a threatening call to my daughter? " Li Yuan's mother asked.

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"We just want you to understand that we have to arrest Mr. Li Weiyi." Li Qindao.

"Ah..." Li Yuan's mother shook her head

Li Qin handed her a tissue. "Mrs. Li, in fact, our purpose is the same, that is to catch the murderer of Li Yuan, so I hope you can understand each other and not hide anything."

Li Yuan's mother took a deep breath and sighed, "sorry, I was too excited just now."

Han Bin also can understand her present mood, naturally will not dispute with her, "Mrs. Li, we want to make a record with you."

"OK, no problem. As long as I can catch the murderer, I will cooperate with the police."

Han Bin asked routinely, "name, gender, native place..."

"Cao linyue, female, from Gaocheng City..."

"As far as we know, your daughter has a boyfriend who just broke up some time ago. This man's name is Lei Siyuan, the man who chased Li Yuan in his junior year." Han Bin said.

Cao linyue looks surprised, "impossible, I have let Xiaoyuan break up with him."

"Obviously Li Yuan didn't listen to you." Han Bin changed the subject and continued, "according to Lei Siyuan, Li Yuan often has nightmares. Is there such a thing?"

Cao linyue swallowed, "this I'm not sure

Han Bin asked, "has your daughter ever been rescued from drowning before? Tell me when you think about it."

Cao linyue asked subconsciously, "what did my husband say?"

"I'm asking you now."

Cao linyue hesitated for a long time, "yes, my daughter had been rescued from drowning before."

"When did it happen?"

Cao linyue recalled, "in the summer when she was 11 years old, she went to the river with her classmates and fell into the water. At that time, the water was very urgent, and she was almost drowned. This matter had a great impact on her, so we always avoided mentioning it."

"What's the name of that classmate?"

"For many years, I can't remember clearly. I only remember the boy who was in her class."

"Which school does she go to?"

"Class 3, grade 5, Gaocheng experimental primary school was about to be upgraded to grade 6."

Han Bin wrote in the book, "who saved her?"

Cao linyue replied, "it's a man."

"What's your name?"

Cao linyue shook her head, "I don't know."

Hanbin some accident, continue to ask, "where to live?"

"I don't know."

"How old is it?"

"I don't know."

"Do you have a picture of him?"

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Li Qin also felt a little inconceivable, "that man saved your daughter, didn't your husband and wife thank others?"

"At that time, the man first saved my daughter, and then went to save my daughter's classmate. After he pushed my daughter's classmate ashore, he was physically exhausted and washed away by the water. Later People can't do it. " The more Cao linyue said, the smaller her voice was.

Han Bin touched his nose, "have you seen the family members of the man who saved people?"

Cao linyue shook her head and said, "No."

"Did you go to the scene at that time?"

Cao linyue recalled, "I went. Li Yuan's father and I immediately put down our work and rushed to the river. I remember very clearly that the child had been rescued, so we sat on the bank and cried. She was wearing an orange dress and was wet all over, which scared me."

"Have you seen the body of the man who saved people?""Yes, it's been fished up. It's not far from the river. It's pale and frightening."

Han Bin asked, "later."

Cao linyue lowered her head and said in a low voice, "we are afraid that Li Yuan will be frightened again, so we hurry to take her home."

Hearing this, all the people present were silent.

Cao linyue showed a look of guilt, "I know, know what you are thinking, is, we did wrong at that time, we just want to avoid responsibility, afraid that the family members of the dead will blackmail us, I now regret it."

"The man who saved people was not very old. He seemed to be in his twenties. He was about the same age as Li Yuan is now."

"After Li Yuan died, I really realized the pain of white hair people sending black hair people, and I realized how wrong I was."

"If God could give me another chance, I would never leave like that. I would take the responsibility and not let the man who saved people die in vain." Cao linyue burst into tears,

"we are too selfish. This is retribution. It's God's retribution. Wuwu..."

This time, no one advised her.

Even Li Qin didn't know how to speak.

Cao linyue cried for a long time to stop the tears, "police comrades, you tell me, is this retribution?"

"I'm sorry, Ms. Cao." Han Bin said.

"It's over, it's all over. Since my daughter died, I've lost hope of living. I don't know what to do or what to do in the future? I'm just waiting to die. " Cao linyue slowly closed her eyes.

"Don't think so. You can do a lot to help the police catch the murderer of Li Yuan. We can find the relatives of the man who is brave enough to do just deeds to replace Li Yuanjin Li Qin advised, "as far as we know, Li Yuan is also very guilty about it, so he often has nightmares."

Cao linyue gritted her teeth and said, "yes, you are right. I must catch the murderer who killed my daughter!"

Seeing that he regained his spirit, Han Bin continued to ask, "which river did your daughter fall into?"

"Moon River in Gaocheng City."

"Is that man from Gaocheng, too?"

"I don't know." Cao linyue shook her head and recalled,

"not long after it happened, I discussed with Li Yuan's father, and we moved into Qindao city. We seldom had contact with relatives and friends in Gaocheng City these years."

"It's sad to say."

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